WEEKLY STUDENT 'savin SAVERS WESTEIL\ FAMILY SALTINE CRACKERS 69$ HAMBURGER HELPER usHnrtwi I'arictir* 995 at the LaVeme Krause Gallery In Room tot Lawrence Hall. Artist creates paintings bit by bit By Karen Engeis EmarakJ Contributor Graphic art is? David Foster speaks with pixel* rather than paintbrushes in his computer landscape paintings, now on display at dm LaVerne Krause Gallery in Room 101 Law tenet) Hall Foster, 07. a University pro lessor emeritus, creates his lands* apes by using a compu ter. a stylus and a computer graphics tablet This wouldn't be unusual except that he doe-, most of his work while sitting in his Volkswagen bus, sliding door open, gazing out and graphically reproducing the Oregon scenery ho loves The colorful results, which he adjusts and prints ujain ar rival at home, resemble wa tercolors, silk screens and col ored sand layered in a jar Many of his works portray small towns such as Sumpter, and landscapes such as Christmas Valley and the Blue Mountains in Eastern Oregon Foster uses ii program which gives turn