Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 06, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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LTD proposes additional University transit station
Han draws criticism from workers
concerned about noise, pollution
By Carrie Dennett
• Em«raict Associate Editor
A proposed ir.insil station on the corner of 14th Ave
nun and Kincaid Street is drawing opposition from Uni
versity employees who work in Condon and Pl.t halls
The proposed Lane Transit District transit stop would
put the hus shelter in tire southeast corner of.the I’l.t
parking lot, with buses pulling into the station along
Kincaid Street after turning right from !.ItIs Avenue
A total of 20 parking spue • would he lost on the
wi st side of Kim aid Street
" The biggest concerns we had were inis exhaust and
noise con ling into the ini tiding, said Linda Stiller, Pl.t 1
building manager "I’LC has no ventilation except to
open the window s
‘The street is already terribly
crowded with cars and bikes and
pedestrians. At 5 p.m., it's already
nearly impossible to get your car
out of the PLC lot. I can’t imagine
what it will be like when there are
buses to contend with, too.’
Linda Steller.
PLC building manager
Peter Stark, head of the Condon Mall Map Lihrury.
said that noise is Ins main concern, because the library
w indow s directly f.ic e the proposed station
Steller said she noise is already a problem, especially
in the summer and early fall, w hen windows need to be
left open.
"I dunk it's going to fie pretty unbearable for people
on the west side of the building.” she said
the opposition stems not only from concerns about
noise and pollution, but from the probable increase in
traffic congestion
The Street is already terribly crowded with cars and
The pollution and noise that may be generated by a proposed L TD transit station at the corner of 14th Avenue and
Kincaid Street is a concern to some who work in nearby Condon and PL C halls
bikes and pedestrians ' Mi ller said At ■ p m . it's »il
ready nearly impossible to get vour i ar out of the Pl.t'
lot I can t imagine what it will l*> like when there are
buses to contend with, too
Paul Zvonkovu: . an LTD representative, said that the
proposed station will actually help create a more order
|y traffic flow, bet uusii buses traveling south would
stop at the new station, turn onto 14 th Avenue tire I con
tinue south on Aider Street
This split station would saw two minutes on south
bound routes, giving riders more time to transfer.
Zvonkuvic said, and the new transit stop is needed to
serve c urrent and future increases in University bus rid
ers Since fall tHttfl. when students began paying for
Id) I' serv o e in their int idental fees, rldership at the ex
istirig station has tripled, he said
An original proposal to expand on the existing I .Ith
Avenue and ktni aid Street transit station was dropped
bei ause of conflii ts with short term parking and tin
loading at the (Computing ( a iiter, he said
To measure potential noise and pollution problems, a
demonstration is a heduled !<ir H 1'i .1 it! Fridas .il lr>«
proposed silr Noise .md ■ * \! i.i i. ■! from id ling hi w 111
fin measured inside .ind outside ol I ’I (
LTIis proposal hud Im i ii approved by Ihu I Insist) and
I ranspiiitetion Sulu ommillees of the < Nnipus I’hinning
( ummiltee at ,i Jan H meeting
Nli'lit r did not find out about Ilm proposal until she
rt oived ,i menu) dated (lit 17 regarding an Oil J‘>
!‘l,inning l ommi .- ion meeting to dm in-, the jiroposal
S: i 1111 r '..mi sin- was surprised to find out lh.it the pro
posul had tu'en hi tin works lor so long before l Hover si
tv emplovees were notified, when neighborhood groups
and area business had already been i olltai led
Never did they ask their own employees and I think
that's insulting." she said
A petition Metier distributed to department ofrie.es in
I’l.O and (fnndon hulls yielded too signatures ugulnst
the proposal, and six in favor
Zvonkovii said funds lor the proposed station will
come from 1. I'D and a federal giant He said it Is uni er
lain when the proposal will he finalized
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