Q: WHAT'S YOUR NUMBER? That is...Your Cholesterol Number? jajuo ) m|NH |uopn|$ 'uiP-iiioJd iiuiuup|d a|X|SO|«i *33H3 Ml uopionpg qi|i?3H u! jal -jcnh aip ftuunp Acpsoni Ajuao puc 'ip/ 'aon 'Appsjnij j_ sup 0£: l l"00*f) J'»uo ) tpp>.)| j ]uop -r% oip ui jno pup umo ) :y I ookimj lot .1 <(d(h1 (Ir.il * ’ Kc.id the Orrqtui |).nl\ t mrr.ikl < l.tssitirds BIKES Continued bom Page 1 months by ()PS, In- said impounding bi( ycies for non registration is not .1 now O! S policy, but luck of storage spat e lias kept it being generally cn fort oil •- lid Don Moonlcv, as sistant tliret tor of OPS Moonley said tin* main intent ol the OPS bike patrol is to warn students about the Uni versity polity "Our intent is to remind peo pie that if they don't register their bike, they are subject to t itiilions and Impoundment." lie said Hikes are usually impounded for s ilt ly reasons, the bike ofli 1 nr salt) We generally impound bikes that are causing problems such as being a hit lia/.ard. blinking wlleelt hair a; 1 ess nr being looked in a building,' he said OPS officers are not going to .impound every unregistered hike till 1 ms the i>|ie i■: said \\ '■ hi not going y aik ,-' a: ,i » ill; a k • to 1 t: ' ; , k ,i mi wait to i in pm; ini VO > i, - JOOli ' s impounded eat h tluv,” he said Nutnlx r ofit-, it s a pain in the Putt n- in oil i‘ii paper v, ■ *, .-.mi two, people ge: nlb-mird when tiles see IIS cutting trated at times dealing with the hike situation "It's just so much easier to register your bike and get the sinker ihatl to tii-ai with the lines he salt! OUR WEDNESDAY SPECIAL: THE SAGA C0TWW3ES Get a medium 12” oik* ingredient I’i/./a for ONLY $5.95. Additional ingredient 75c. Whv settle for less...than the BEST!?! CALL US FOR FAST. FREE DELIVERY: 484>2799 TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • Kiuvno. Oivi^on • 481 2799 .1 PfKMo trf Pasi.iy Notes are being stuck on unregistered bikes to warn owners that the:r bikes will be impounded unless they are registered with OPS. ! In: hike ulli. i f said 111' be iu'Vrs the 1 ‘ni\i I i IV |llill( \ • X (Ms lor two reasons Thi! first, in ! s !. i ii sr f i i : .Vel e. i bikes, stolen or impounded, i .in:: i! Sm'.il iV In- i\i\ '•!•■ b.K k tu the owner unless tin- bike is registered Secondly. In: said the i Diversity :>.■ i ds !u have an approximate count of how many bikes are on campus to kn :v\ bow many bike rai ks to purchase Main students seem to he Uti.iW.ir: ui the I'niveisily Jiole i v and the (act that hike regis tration at OS'S is free ' It sin ks It is unrealistic to assume Inal students an; going to be in .ire of the policy or iht) f.11 I that registering is f11;«;, OSi'iKO stall person lirelcheti Haber said OPS lines publicize the iaet that bikes have to lie registered in the student registration book and in the luwrahl nm e a term, thi; bike officer said Ol'S also fr* i|uent!v lias free bike registrantui uorksltops Wi do v\ et y thing we i an to public i/e hut it never seems to ire enough." hi- said The money received from fining bicyclists goes into the parking fund CIA Continued from Page 1 individuals stability, indicates ,1 personality disorder, (or) could result m exposure to di rts I or indiret t pressure arising irom sust eptibility to undue In fluence or t.ueri ion.'' act ording to tin- statement S veral issues collidt when these protests occur ant! this year was no ext option. Free U : • the I '• ,!•: It , of Or ettet writing and ruitl pe, is the ( tillesponding ,! ill seekers t inters lew glide employers offering IS of interest to them." iid at a press t outer once r.itly Tuesday morning ' The University has an obli gation U> assist students in their efforts to fin.I appropriate em ployment upon the com lusion of their studies here." he said "That is the purpose of the Car reer Planning; and I'lai ement ( a nter. "The University cannot be asked to decide u f h r an-ers Students should I fa l se or have .n a- s to. that is a i hiuce tor ear'll individual student Although Culhaee returns ear h y*-at, end . a d in tile controversy. Las' : i the pro U • is, t- : thronah take . pro .11 ' . . : 1 ; - - , t vv.il . • car point through Our moral is t li ar," he said. \\ i know what v\ 'n doing and vm fee! sin en*!\ ah; tut it ' GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “27 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403