AIDS Con: nued fror” Page 1 risk lor AIDS A Center for Disease Control MV.'AIDS Survcill.tnct’ Krfuirt released in November D1H0 contained n breakdown on the groups most iit risk Of exposure to the HIV virus As ill October HJK9, 5H per cent of .idults and teenagers di ugnosed with AIDS are men who have sex with men. 1H percent are people who input drugs, r> peri ent are heli roses mils, 2 percent are people re ceivmg blood transfusions, blood components or tissue. 1 percent are people with hemo phi!iu coiigulation disorders. and .1 peri ent are people who received the HIV virus limn undetermined sources The number of gas men who are diagnosed as HIV positive has decreased siru the guv community received inform.i tion a bout how the virus as t r a nsmitt e d . said i\ in I ! y Heiihrun, a client servii es emir din.dor lor Shanti in Oregon However, the number of het erosexual men and women with the disease has increased Heiihrun said this increase is mostlv attributable to drug use There is now no longer urn ink to hemophilia! s. she said At i ortling to .1 ''.in ! nine 1st n AIDS Foundation 'i.iirmrni. AIDS js on! nit easily transmit table disease AIDS is no! ton taginus like .1 cold There is no evident e till it AIDS is spread through air. water, foot! or i as ual body contact It) v;et AIDS, one must lirsi bo nine infected with the HIV' v irus The virus is spreatl through tilooil. semen anti vagi nal fluid, which must go direct ly from an Irifrt led person into another person I he HIV virus t an he trails muted through sex, the use of injet tion drugs und from a pregnant woman to her unhorn child ■' W !iit* Bird •( Tin it ('oorthna tor John Shoemaker s.dd pre seminal, anti vaginal fltiul must have the virus in enough t out ion to expose someone lor heterosexual anti homosexual couples. < ondoms are a fairly effective method of -protection during intercourse if used correctly ''('ondoms also are an effec tive method of protect ion dur ing oral sex d the man is the re clpient (lav men und bisexuals are espet i.ilh at risk for tile disease because of the delicate nature ol the ret turn, said Heather Penman, a former nurse and to ordinal nr ft -r she A< .>m ( tub, .1 recreational club lor people tvho an HIV positive It's mm h easier for men to transmit the virus to women than it is for women to transmit the virus to men. Penman said Through repeated anal sex Sou have a hlood supple ready tor entrance.’ Penman said The vagintl ttas a tremendous hlood How It is the per feel on vtronment It's very delicate Penman said college students may be especially at risk lot t ontrai ting the HIV v nils he cause the college years are of ten a time tor experimentation "The largest spread of fietero sexual AIDS cases is among teenagers.” Penman said You just don't think ■■about tic-., things, vou ttunk ah. it : g, I Whoever v oil re So e p I ng with. you’re sleeping with ev I erv one they have ever slept with, he s ul ( lureni e Spigiver, Dni verstty assistant professor of school and c ommunity health, said he believes Penman's 1 ont opt o! the dangers ot sex is a Oil huh h if you kiss someone do you kiss every plate their mouth ha ever IxsenV Spigner asked said he doesn't be I (eve st are tat.lit s are effective tools I (•!•]H OF THE h i :#il >1 *i! L'lVI 10TH ANNIVERSARY! 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Spigner said I think tin v have mote to worry abuul with her pcs. syphilis and i hlamvdia Another yvay the HIV virus a an dm transmitted is through tn)t-> tion drug use People vs ho sham needles also share blood and that blood may contain the HIV virus, s.ntl Hedhnii: Meilbrun said injection drug users can protei t themselves by either no! sharing lft<-1r n«r«>ti!«?*. nr t>\ i leaning their nerd 1 «*s with .1 mixture. .it bleat h .liui Writer last'd needles should hr flushed livin' with h and twin' with w.itrr, ending with tllir water to clean out thr hlom h. The bleat li will kill thr MIX' virus. Hiillbrun said 11st' 11!\' \ trus i .in hr tr.uvs mittni through any of thr drug umt s "used works." shr said These works include needles, syringes. lookers, which thr drugs are prepared in. iind ml ton passed iiround to absorb blood 4 OFF COI1VERSE It s wfut s inside u units * FREE CONVERSE LAZAR’S BAZAR V shoelaces with every s; w. § pair of shoes Downturn Mali 4 >j tWU o^-005, • » ;q\H ^ * t r i i if ft h / f c ' Graphics • TTPf SITTING • PAST! UP • IATOUT • Of SIGN • CONSULTATION • CAMIRA • • TTPtSH TINC • PAST! UP • IATOUT • DISIGN • CONSUL TA1ION • CAMfRA • • TTPIStTTINC • PASH UP • IATOUT • OISIGN • CONSUtTATION • CANIRA • 11 : / fll ‘.It M >u-M i IN'I -N j-!ii t ‘ M * THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON L^lI Hey1 I got news for you sweetheart! I am !he lowest form of life on earth'