?io HELP WANTED j Out %Kl# • f A'.: g-o^r-'-g ■'ig ftrm I •\j ky Oi-'^v -g «*n«r ,;«*? c £**>•;••«» far ;•**-» «>.•»» j a*i • R.-n S V**) i KJY\v..' Ao g i |&'*V> t f'.yt • '"■** pOft‘*Om L* &C'- ’Vrfl___ f *t>«n#rK# ( wgarv* a «>**>•« *. t o o' ” a Art p>< how *o '*■«;: » .i-1 OPPORTUNITY T * »* .ia ■. • !*. ? f>: . v 1 Av Gc* «>• « Mg' j Prod . • - - M ,• t‘»ch up |ot> d«*criplions and .triplication* in th* ASUO, Suit* 4 I MU D**dhn* is S p m f riday Nov#mt)«i 8 An AA I O f mpk)y*f Wom*n. tw saauala. p*Of>i# of : color, qa>». I*if)yin, & disabled |)«tioni ar* all •ncowr.igrd to •pp*v POSITION OPt NINC Youth Mutittry Director f , I fur Youth tnt*rn. Middle School Youth • • ' * hn*>: t>,u k <1 • V1 il-'W ' • *1 Uf * 1!h f I ha Dragon Dairy imtuid is tuxopJ-ng appi*»! •»npodd,<'y. a * >gr «**.s to a • mi App .. ar,J|> musl t>o Un vwv.Jy &: .aJonts Mummi >-ai; Chnvopf*®# 0U*r at 146 VD J to* rno/o •ntorm <# ,*. x' App. ca: on* uo*« Nov 1 H WANTED M/ttpomtm v! aH» J Jo ihar* homa Duo toocn *n oicnang* to/ cfimk;a/» of O''a Cfind Cait 686 1189 A I ARGf Cl t AN OUR T 2 Ddnn '■ D* U 0< O Av& itt&ie 'Hj* 1 u/n, bg m u n*n. DA *2ip. Dg ••-o* v • «* ut-pol o ' •• >■ •. v * p i » /*Q .» .’ -.. »! "g oryry I/, a • ii-.v a*-n'• to s ■■ .•! ■' *> • *.! V>", V l')S 4 t J>*'»J'0»VT' t J-4V;*» Cft AHS ‘44? | Mjml Ot % Oak *?00 4fl*> ! Forest Village APARTM4NTS CKi*«t ooforwty Ju»1 minulM from downtown BUS TO CAMPUS RENTING NOW AND FOR NOVEMBER ❖ v. i CHI R M ♦ • A HA 9 ❖ SWIMMING POOt ? .Hodroom, 1 r Hath |4?S & »4»'> |M>r month 687-1318 Si t 1>Q «H1# [ C«i Nw Few MOVE IN SPECIAL Now & Booutitul 14 2 BEDROOM FROM $M>5 * CO Vi RE D PARKING * WASH* R OHYf R 4400KUPS * l UROPt AN KITCHENS * HTNf S5 ROOM i * CONvt Nit NI TO VAL UE Y RIVER CE NT I R 1811 Klngsloy Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Manogomont Co fimferO i.:.-. j Great l bdrm. i< ' l ’ : ' % \ P*> IMPROVE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING1 If you are stuck paying loo much lor loo Ifltle. come ••• our spectout two bedroom apartments located on the Militate, m« am only 2 block* to U of O Private halco'"** or patio* Aik about auV OUI SPI C lAl 1 Call Don, 144 SbttS MU t RACt APART Ml NTS {Behind Track Ioann Pi//a) 1ft05 Garden Avenue jo ■ y-. i Co t-ai .vn l arge. 2 bdrm duplex uv^oo* ■-g M a. u OUlf l Now I’.t r*\.r. Wei sf or' 4 :*» ,n* I. S ONI II DHOOM i US l 24th O\i>*M pft/kng laundry *340 5J? W T 'np>rti« dr*hwa*-./w *34Q /tie E i uih kK'iuiet jiiii-e* TWO BLONOOM 1150 W*r4! 11fh Hugo iuetF had W»ry r.-U» *4 VJ ROOMS ?140 \ kV ■>’ In (hr. / -t «* a; *3 .non y,«i Qnfy v/'e room ovd 4 Do •or r a *i v -jOe*! I ’ US 1062 k .-i«5 Very i.iwu .»>■” *' >. ncUidA* ea!i*r ga/ttaSQe and I ' * Nu< •. %rr o«u*r i ©r y No p**ts Shown by appu' SPYGl ASS ASSOCIA Tf S6»h 1130 Prime l oca!tone on Campus I tJnghi ’wij'f i/n.* by f , ■•" > i *4 3‘) . iop .*» by >vi ( ’ ' ' I ? &Qrm. ’ b4 Owpm f . ».itv {ry *'t■ aery upsk 'iu.. % d »J ’ 1 Of r.f-.arrr Nou- -tr5p- •. 3 VS • d«#p O vw by < J 4 I M :>£ Heel f atate Northwest 3414109 Studio one and I arc bedroom apartments Pool leundry facilities weatherued f ivs buildings. 1 Mh A Hifyard location 4tU 9922 Would you like a really race room ail to yoursaM with a private t>eth room close to campus in a new building where yotit meets are pro pared for you? Cali the Collegian. 343-1255 __ Hi APTS DUPLEXES STUDIO APAHTMI NT TOW Ml NT to* *%.*.*!■.■'ao V«» I #nd . -*4» 10 CA/T’P'-^ Ta*« ovttf wtui V UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH R| NT NOW t OR f Ait * * Ct OSl TO CAMPUS * PARKING * ON SIT I l A UN DRY « • bttfroomi SS?5 3 N»tjroomi Nofn ( *h n }w j«nnmg» • Co . 643 4?19 $100.00 MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 124'pw am <« •• V I J«nnmg* * Co Y 4 1 4.1 J 1390 ALDER ? Iwdioom lijmulvK) dark 1 bdrw, furn. a. booh ahafvaa quMM. parting A. '• *» . ; I 1 bdfm fum ..1 , ’ - *>. i, «•«.' - y * 1 tMdfOom •? o . , I*'-- ■ ■ ’ ? bodiDom apartmant for rant tr . ->• *■ * tkib of ' ■ * ■ ' ><*' ‘ • i', $4*jC>mo ♦ ul €ii ' * 240 QUADS AFFORDABLE 1160 Aldar St 146 6949 M* o taw/’ tf’*a5 qoifclS «.C» »L « * \ urmafvad. utd paid * l sundry facility, covsfad parsing a $229month CHI AP! 1 6<»lu,A^M ut.i met PnyiB# 'ua-1 bain, SfKl-artt.' Ouo pel I S'' 4 *1 4«*> Siarj Quad for Mant lac a? on ’*>4 4 A.«!«# St No 4J O a Oixk from campy* No dop*.--. ’ Ho :»%( Faff moniF '**<» A xJ I i? pay yuu Ol yOof ror'ihi rent as an mew*--: .«• >■■* i>t . • ffv> PtHtftt ’4/ VH.I a1 aH*i' 7pm 280 MEETINGS ?«QUADS ••; wt i ks t hi i •• W** 'O ;)■.-» ?■*»»».*» lUm") 'a ' r - , .»•«» ( x •» » * * f < »* «>' ■; lc* rt' ^ %. .’*> |n* ,jtJ«r% l.f* f m * ■ U ■ Mo • * “ l« * y ' i> .«i by ' .‘%0 M > itrtj , n A -*rjf tWwd ' ‘ 4.’ H»v *<«-• •■ t v .-,> »» •• • ?■* > 4.« ;»i S180 lith 4 M*m» -t ■» !'> »- U*i 4 » * 245 ROOMS l »*,j* MXMti ir» lcountry* • * H ' ■ : He^ontitw* outgoing-' I«m*l* *1 u » room* la/g* h©u»# «roo *f*1 V laat $ l#p A« «i(«t)(4i now 144 !i4 2S$ ROOMMATES WANTED Don 1 mi»»' ' jo • ' T> V ’ • t 0tn»i» 10 i!ii nut* lo aha'o ■ it# lo *Tu»»* 1 - Vjo V “ - S’ ’ » •» i Moom mat* wanted -.ft -i 1 . ■ ”•• N- • ‘iMAHf l ai:j* * i«r -a: duiwl « / * ’ - i '.h.a»« MK'« houM % ♦ , 2 btdtooflt condominium, >4 i4.' ” FRESHMAN SEMINARS PRE-REGISTRATION WINTER TERM No.**-!** t\. '‘/M through t.> \ rr 0 00 Mm to !> 00 pm Hr4 OttjlV' It*' 26S CLUB SPORTS CYCLING CLUB MEETING I hura .11 /. 8 00 p rn t v4 Straub 260 MEETINGS Oregon Research I ns urn e lhl» H iv 1)0 MHO** VI VI It Vh i v Inv ilc* UO Graduate Students in Keluvioral S» h im cs (Psychology, Health, Education) To a/i (tftrii Holin' Friday, November H, 1991 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. 1 099 Willamette Street 484-2123 MrfuVtlv ^ wSr’iSp IOOM ‘ X' • *> (AN,' •vHis’-MAW* §Ar%rtm**U V Rf#«t SEX, DRUGS/ »RQCK & ROLL. ^ ^ *s ' x « ■ A* MYOIVNPRIVATE IDAHO ^TERMINATOR • ‘Mi •*<<•<«« pmt'»•»•«' • •< JIMI HENDRIX at the ISLE OF WIGHT kursu: JOOF000 4 DRINK • '<4 ' un'v»»'(iy -ont- ■ v * •v* * ' *«*'•' 4"Xl txs»ir |«|M« I OSS , I’Unoet.lParenthood T*®f»ly *>IOf> Hf Kly* BUNGEE JUMP $70-030.1 CROSSWORD By Eugene Stuffier At ROS't 1 N.-a » M : *'y .. pf'/« 8 < ) » ■ * 12 Iff «t i'if 13 M *•» Output 14 H#» - ; - ■.. of H -ov **t hvef IB M.irlfe 19 Pnvato !»,*< horn 21 Mart* ul.if lime 22 A-'outum inland 23 f oollika 26 1 28 Nol»<1 l.tbuknj*. 31 Court !i!*ir 33 Mofiam SyH.lbio 35 I >«p«n i.», rtf 38 Appond 40 >• i » 4 * .mI M ia —p—«— I \ I >u> 47 < . . • 5! M* . 5? M f M .* - ! 54 ■ »■ ' 55 Hot . tfu. < IA 56 » * .<*» 5/ M.»- • f»8 w >**! y 59 ( \ • 1 m iWN l Is 'i I ' • i I , ! 4 A - ly {•«♦!! «iy r> Mw.it 6 A r ) H Hit «m » a i» 9 Mfn i-1A »y nun# .il 10 Wi»xj !***» 1 1 Wl/H mo 1t» < iroup ot Solution Um« 21 mini 'I I .* M.) *0 A. 2 I I 1 i : : «> ‘**«P 2 1 Mfi H i i.*. *y 71 (ltd /rh.lM 29 i * * n «• t? 10 H • lor 32 N«r* «»mpk>y 34 A my 31 W r.» form 39 l .il one •. poor ijKii m«al 42 Wc»H*>ri or 44 1 h»» wIioIh |u»y 45 f .if•* 46 M i t> Bonify 48 l >on • 9 Nor\n }' *1 \Q i .n\< am,lii loam folk i*rof k 1*6 F>' I Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Wattercon IF thm Ban is EnWiNii MONEi I'm w *>« no .... tv a ’ Wj V.IO GAN 1 JLT VHW SUfcUMSi. CALVIN •jOMU&CWS GOT TO Do <_ ' * TVTiN* i _. ^ r utRts A USV ] Of YtwM I M * n D'M< irlo Ew**n Bok«