Women politicians offer advice By Rene DeCatr !f?if.1 ; Aate * ‘.'i* Men and wummi win meant to complement im< Ii Other in .ill areas of life, In i ludinj; pol it u s, ii 1 .ugi'in slati,' representative s.mi Tm-s day Republic .Hi state Ki-p M.u H Boll addressed about .1 do/ u people in tin LM t \V.ill: ut Hoorn ns part of a (ollepe Hi puhlii alls presentation tilled. Women m I’ulitic s " Sir Ml id s he Ill'll e I wnnr><-II llflllf! a unique p' rspei live to politics that differs from the inaie per Spec live Hut: she said she he I ie Ves women should not pnl.iri/e themselves m pumps to mill ate i lumper. rather they should work with others on all Issuers to find politic a I common ground that all people ' hare A total female legislator' would not he better than an all -male or ie, ' shi s.i id Will maybe .1 hull’ heller." she a fldwl Reji l.i/ Van LjTUWi:n, K Hnls i and Washington Re. publican 1 minty f mnmissitm i r, Ilunntt! Hays also nfiend iiilvii e to the .aifllnn.ee nn luivv they think j•• >1 itu 1 an be imjitiiVeii .inti sh.iti i! th' ir own i xpenciK i s Huvs mi id when she uas i ; : ' li li-’.llU 1 • \ e.irs ' iil'n •die had little (Ifdltif .ll e\|let I rill . hut she In I iff I’l l in .1 j;a*, i rmnent " t< >r the jieojih by the |ie«l|)le " llay s fj.es* filled .1 meet mg -'when one tifinifiussioner m * used her id not knowing. any thing iihmit how the w in id really works \. w ilays is tls< i h.i rwfeu .in of tie- Hoard n( tniMiHs sinners Looking h.uk nn.her . xjienrrue she s.iul she got i lei led and achieved' sui t ess li. i .tie i she did f-n 'I fi x us . n hi t weaknesses \V hut I <1 I d n. I k ’ IH : n 1!vi*fl sn Stud you didn't know nhout sh s.sid 'It s am.i/dng .what v< :i i an get done when no t» d\ tells you the rules it' .. said tier y al 'fta i*>'«)*■ politics is to get people to solve problems that everyone htlbeves should lie solved VV< men i an help ,ir he v'e t! s go d, she said hei ause al though they may'disagree on m on things. Women almost alls a V s agree. nil what she ( ailed lie- ' lie | !\ issues e V -a v. - '1 i ! ’ n ’; g' tor a sample, lli.it < Is I Idfen m ril adeijuate dental and health < are, she said I he v Isas e l Is is mother hear instinct.” she said, add III-,: she hi Sieves women, un Id. many men, will trs to hei ;a did ions to the 'Ixslly is sues” even when money is in short supply Refunds disappoint renters By Gem! Koepomg Renters refund i hi‘< ks were quite a hit smaller than «•>|j**< t ■ I !h;s year, (Ini' ill pari to the passage of Mol lot Measure V I In state legislature slashed ih'1 budget of the agency that distributes the (hoiks, till! Homeowner and Renter Relief Program Although Cov Barbara Rob erts would have liked law nmki rs to slop there, legislators ■also voted to eventually elimi nate the program At the same tune stati- lawmaker-, increased, the elderly rental assistance program and i reated a fund for low income housing But not only are renters sur prised !>\ Measure r>. a property tax iuniting measure which ini mli state, revenues, property ow m rs are finding the expect id results id lower property taxes to be less than impres sive In Oregon, property is taxed by a pen eiltage of the value of tin property Measure '> put a htiiii in how high Ih.it fieri ent .ijvVnuM >rt 1. tint l! till) not pul a limit oh how high the ap praisal values could go this ve.ir's property tax limit is ,1! 1 f> peri en! for sc hools anil one peri ent for I in .il government At the end of the five year period the property tax limit will be one-half percent for schools and one percent for lo cal government SI. .ixure 5 dictated that lor the lO'lO-l1)1)! year, property values be appraised over an 18 month period instead of over tfie previous 12 month period because of property values ris ing recently and because the values bad a longer period to rise, property owners found that savings from Measure 5 were less than expected (.enerallv, residential proper ty values rose more than did commercial properties Kent Jennings, the owner ol Jennings lai, a property man agement company that manages many homes in the area, said that lie saw uliout a I1) pun ent increase In appraisal values Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 00€ POLICY Bull 11B<1> I rnlay » Halkmaanar wan th« ba»l' I hank* lor a yr**1 l«m* I IK A . , : • • KAH I i Tha nhutler* warn hung on lh* i hoot* with car* ahowing *ll whjl j an nntomi parly look |*Jar* ! ■ lh*r* Thank* to all Lov#i ►, S \y k\ 4Kt .. « -. . w . * ■' " 1 ‘ l «' *. il ' i\$A ' U--^ V‘ ••’•'41 K \N HlVt you *v*r haan ( 't*d lor jaywaAung or oth*r minor claim* on or n**r campuft by *rth*r the I ugana Poire* Dapartmant or th* O*fit • ol Pubtre Salaty II *o . c all Garni Koappmg. 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Expand Your Resume ...» " lopw'.o' u ’* puT k S and • .iui 'T o u* it! ” « s.i ■* i " -** i'a >a.i| os> iv i u,' J part 1 ' •» fXtffiW «r.! upp v ns >r. Oo» tern* • .1 *u! ' a,W ' :V '«i!n f ?o '*» f ’ t. a- 48"> 1181 NEED EXTRA INCOME i*> FOR 1991? i•-1-a 11ace —av*« »*** *W r QD «■* A-4 w CMH U*«| M« •OHHJ •Jfwrmtti ‘ «.* » L1I * MUSIC** LESSONS ON DRUMS, KEYBOARD & GUITAR CONVENIENTLY LOCATED CLOSE TO CAMPUS music cut 210 E 17th (at Pearl) Eugene, OR Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ya w a ifAJt «' > ii”' ' ' *1 :*<'» *f> " M' *.. a. ;< HA ' J MORON - • t H'/ ’*• V • • *. r . *. »■; t ’ t ’ '(VMPCW •:»'£* >f.» 4'.'A -l< / »■*• 4W Vk/a V v • • • • •'( SICK »M*r • • • " •’ *•' i ;• (5