SPORTS Measure 5 sinking college athletics FROM THE SIDELINES BY JAKE BERG T he ship of higher educa lion in ihe stain of Oregon is quickly sinking, ami lied to thi! bow of that ship is a dinghy c olInd intercollegiate athletics Measure,5 i an take a bow for Ilia flailing condition of higher education today but only the ignorance of the system is to blame for what is happening to the state's intercollegiate ethic! it s Sports at Portland State, Oregon Stale and Oregon have been almost entirely self-sup porting, getting by without the help ol taxpayers, unlike most other state schools fit the na lion Dick executive di rector of the NCAA, visited the University on Friday and S.itur day, where he expressed his disappointment at the fact that the state's three universities are looking at an accumulated $0 million deficit The pressure on an athletic department to turn a profit is already great enough without having to worry about raising funds to simply survive, said Schultz, who was on campus as part of his plan to visit a dllter ent campus every weekend on what could liti called a goodwill tour. Me said people must first be willing to give it they expect to rw oive "That's really the way it's got to work if vou want athletics to lie an integral part of ihe uni versity," Schultz said "When you really step away from it and look at it, that's the way you have to do it It's something whose time probably hasn't i nine yet, but athletic departments have to do it " In other states, athletic de partmrnts would not be able to iiv; and breathe were they in the same situation as Oregon's three universities. Si bull/ said Most other athletic departments would collapse without the staio lunils they receive. unlike Oregon schools in lac!, proposed legislation presently ponding before the State Board of Higher liducii Inin would funnel taxpayers'' money toward tin- state's colic glate athletic departments "The athletic revenue in 70 peri ent of the cases is not enough to pay the cost of uth let-lev. Schultz said "The li naricial pressure is one of the pressures .that not only athlete s but higher education in bn es right now Athletic programs are really going to have to bite their c hecks 1 think it's just a mat ter of tightening the licit," lie said "At the same time, we have to have good cost control, and I think that athletic depart merits are just learning how to do that right now The Sports Action loiters games were created to help fund the stale's intercollegiate athletics, hut Schultz is not in favor of the lottery He said the NCAA .is a whole was also very much against sports lottery games, hut because of Oregon's spw ial situation, the state is ex ompt from any legislation the NCAA passes against the lot lory He suggested a hypothetical situation where two teams are tied at the end ol the game and a player on the free throw line misses two free throw-. And somebody veils out. How many lottery tickets did you have on the game' Schultz said "You're doing nothing more than betting on the point spread" rather than on the chance of who will win The pressure to will Is great on any team, but to make men ey, winning is almost a must football is easily the most prof liable o! Oregon sports, and t )r egon football coach Kith Brooks has always expressed his concern this pressure lor his football team to w in would eventually trickle down to the players "II your team isn't winning." Schultz said, "people will just stay at home to watch someone else on television ! DIM / ThisWeeks |SUM X Luncheon Specials f very Sun / 1 11 am / (/ Baum; Bauns> Chicken Noodles / ( hi< l jig, W^Hjblcn jnd Prjmil SauK $4.25 Rice w/ Terhaki Chicken $3.65 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT try our dinners, too! 879 E. 13th • Upstairs. Next to UO Bookstore ■ ———^■—— France Photo Fall Has Fallen... FILM SPECIAL Try Kodak’s new Films: Ektachrome 100x-36exp. R Ektar 100-24exp. $075 Hr# M 35. Fall* Uj Buy • Sell • Trade France Photo 1330 Willamette • 343-2816 Unfortumitnly. unless the current legislation to fund state intercollegiate athletics proves successful. Sports As lion and self generated revenue are the only llfesavers keeping Pori land State, Oregon State and Oregon allow the c hoppy wa lers of the NCI A A And the mouth of Nl AA river seems frighteningly close to c apsi/mg Oregon and Ore gon Slate It the’ additional funding is not received soon. Officials from lioth universities have warned that the Dm k-. and He ivers will hefun ed to drop Imm the I '.u if it 10 ( on let cm one of the more presfi glous leagues in I)iv :si in | ath let l( - Should Oregon ind t In ;ori State lose their Division I -.tat us. :hoy wN'ISD.4'i IHt KSDA'l AND IKIIMA I KnMSitlj m tortilla m beginning CVtulver 2frd anil continuing until tho end of I all term t >nlv one trips turn is nei-ded Students S3.50 Faculty and Staff $4.00 Annual tin immunizations AKI Kl t <>M Ml N! >11 > h>r tin- following 1 Healthy [vrsons k ' years or older Persons with long term heart or lung problems t i’ersons with any of the following kitlnes disease I'vstu fibrosis, dialHies, anemia. so sere asthma, and conditions which com pro rinse immune mivhuntstn inlhi.-tu'.i v j . me M At be given t. > [s-rson • vs. .hmg to ice their . tiariv »*s of i a lifting the flu, js-rsou ■ vi t.. * j : v i.In -entul oimintinity serve e .uni stu dents or others m s. tumls or . >Heg.-> 1 or more inf urination, . all the SI II >1 N I I It AI HU I Ml K at VIt, 4441 THE ULTIMATE LUNCH SPECIAL: A.Y.C.E. 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