Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 05, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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OCA screens video
to support initiative
By Hope Neason
Ernes a Vt Re pur I us
The dim tor of the Oregon
Citizens Alliam e was in Kti
gene Monday showing .1 video
port raying homosexual activity
that fie hopes will persuade
voters lo support .in initiative
labeling homosexuality as ah
Lon Mahon said the outra
genus homosexual behavior de
picted in tlie videos could pro
vide "a gl 110.p's0 as to wfiat
could happen in (Iregon "
Mahon, along with otlier offi
cials from file OCA, showed tfie
video to Thu Hr^ish-r f.'utm/ ed
itorial writers to gam support
for their petition to change the
Oregon Constitution
In the video, gays and leshi
ans parade in gay pride man h
us in San Francisco and Wash
ington. D C. In many cases the
marchers were nude, and they
participated in what some
might call lewd behavior
The video shows a person
dressed as a transvestite Jesus,
and "hookers from hell" wear
ing habits The video also had a
section on sadomasochism,
showing scenes from an "S tv M
Leather Coalition" man h
T h e v i d 00 periodically
flashed "this is what gay rights
means' txdow different march
Mahon said distributing some
5,000 videos will promote the
statewide initiative that would
amend the state Constitution
outlawing anti discrimination
laws for gays and lesbians
According to their referen
dum statement of legislative m
tent, (XLA's objective is to "dis
tinguish between private fie
havior and publk policy, and
to prevent the establishment of
special rights, taxpayer fund
ing or authorized ac cess to
public, schools foriftdlvtdu,ih.
or groups who promote, en
courage. or fact lit,iti homosex
u.iliiv "■■■■.', : '. i
Three other unat ceptublc ,u
tivities listed oil the (K 's leg
is hit i v e intent w ere- sad i mii .
masochism and pedophilia
Mahon saul the v idea is part
id the (KIA's drive to get sign.!
turns for the initiative lie said
the video is also an attempt to
stop the political agenda of the
gay and lesbian movement.
"They have a goal in mind."
Malum said "They are not go
mg to stop political action until
their "behavior is accepted as
Mahon said he believes ho
mosexuality is wrong and that
gays and lesbians should not
rec eive spec ml rights and pub
In money to promote homosex
The (XiA's state political di
rec tor and the initiative's chief
petitioner, Phillip Knmsdtdl,
said once homosexuals reac h a
minority status, they will he
able to compete with blur ks,
women and hispunir s for jobs
These are groups that have
been discriminated against by
laws m the past, hut homosexu
als have not, Rumsdell said
Kamsdell said although ho
mosexuals claim they are dts
criminated against through hate
c rimes, the cases have not been
investigated thoroughly.
Matron has visited such cities
as Springfield, Portland and
Corvallis in an effort to publi
cize the (XiA's referendum
The (JCA's proposed legisla
tion does not prohibit homo
sexuality, Mutton said, jus! tin
laws that legitimize and protec t
Continued from Page 1
Coulter said lid also tilU.nl to
several administrators, and said
lie sensed that "it is all about
priorities "
Coulter said he was told the
University will know what its
exact budget is in two to three
weeks, and will then dot Ide
what its spending priorities are
We hope to make it c lear
that the library is a priority,"
he said.
Coulter said one reason that
library hours need to be re
stored is that the "modern stu
dent" has many responsibilities
besides school.
"By the time you spend the
early part of the day In classes,
then take cure of other respon
sibilities, like work, then go
home ami have some dinner,
it's about 8 it) p in before you
can get to the library, and that's
just not enough time," he said
Tht: knight Library used to
slay open until 11 pm Now it
(loses ut 10 pm Sundays
through Thursdays, and even
earlier Fridays and Saturdays
Coulter s.itd that although
Measure f> cuts are affecting
many individual programs, the
library is one program ventral
to everyone, and deserves pri
"(The library) is the syntlxd
of acaderniu, and it's inextrie
ably tied to all majors and all
schools," he said "Cutting the
hours sends a message that at a
demies an- not important
Concerned Students tor Li
brary Hours will hold its first
public meeting today at 0 JO
j) in in the KMC Oak Room
Coulter said the meeting will
provide spet iftc; information
atxiut the reduced library hours
and allow people to organize
into specific action groups,
such as petitioning and letter
SUITt 300 LRU MEMORIAL UNION 346-438 1 9 00-5 OOM !
State system funds campus safety
By Gernt Kooppmg
frnarjiil Huportw
Irving tokeep Uuiursilv
stuff <tnit stuili*n1s ou t of
harm's wav is an expensive
In bn t. tlm statu higher edu
'cation system this year has ul
lotted $1 H million .ihout
SUN) ,1 student to fund the
()ffii e of I’uhllc Safety
Unit money rents the ser
inis of six full time l.ugene
poll! e department offuers. IS
OHS officers ,uiii 40 other
publii safety personnel, s.tiil
t la rev 1 fra vton, OI’S if irei tor
That money also pays lor
one t til r if nf t li e eost. or
$18.HH). for Kl’l) officer Ken
Saxon, who patrols ! tth Avi
um* iii the University Hook,
store area Another third of
Saxon's salary is paid by the
city of Hngene and the re
maitung third ti'y i ,mij)us bus
ij ‘ ssi's on ! ill) Avenue
Moreover (lie l’mversltv
i unlt'ii Is with mi additional
si\ Kl’U oCn< ers ,it .1 cos! of
around S ISO.oOO 1 PI) Sgt
M;ke Cline s.iiil These of ft
. ers are ill volunteers because
h i' vs .ml people who .ire
willing lo deal will) the ill
verse communities on the
i nnipus "
Those officers patrol [lie
ram pus area, which siren lies
south from Aul/en Stadium to
tilth Avenue and east from
hmk.etd to Villard streets Hut
the officers wall respond just
outside the area if University
students are causing problems
just beyond the boundaries.
Cline said
Most oi tin' < riminal in.ves
ligation Cline's .officers ban
die involve theft, with sub
stance abuse as the second
biggest problem, he said
Students (mi be it real pain
in the neck," (!l me s,iid
'Musi •'! them am into Mill
stunt;*- abuse til alcohol .uul
other substances
Tin- m\ l.l’l) oft it i'fs work
with ()l1S, which serves to m
sure the health mill safely of
stall ami students at the 1 hit
versllv, Urayton said this m
t-hides, among other things,
lo< king and unlot king doors,
maintaining fire alarm e<|utp
ment, patrolling campus and
raising t rime awareness
To fulfill its mission, OI’S
has If) non police security of
liters and -I'l other employ
ees t hese other employees
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pervtsors. lotksmiths. radi
ation safety personnel and a
hazardous waste specialist
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