INJURIES Continued from Page 1 Out of If*G Injury reports filwl since (ho ■.furl of loot), Ol’S categorized 2f) us riijiiilt 11 vi) mol ion injuries Half of these repetitive mo lion injuries wi-ri- caused in un office sotting, while tile olher hull were flic result of t ustodiul or kitchen work Nine of these injuries showed syui|)loms of carpal funnel syndrome A Safely Advisory Cnnunli tre, consisting of faculty, stu dents and union represent;! fives, reviews flic types ami fre ipient y of injuries and disi uss es possible remedies One rernody Included in the employees' union contract deals with work ul a video ills play terminal The contract sug goels (hal employers should Ire fjuentlv assign workers at VOTs to other tasks throughout the shift, thus breaking up ihe te dious keyboard work In addition, (loots tmplc mi nts guidelines suggested by OSHA These guidelines deal with ergonomic*, the adapting of equipment and tasks to pro mote the worker's comfort This includes specific as p!-< ts of office work, including the distance a worker should he from the keyboard and monitor, the correct placement of a worker's wrists in relation to the keyboard and the < urrei I angles a! whir h workers should plat e their bar ks and elbows ‘Our number one goal Is to return injured workers to work.' Bill Solomon / iRD claims coordinator At her joh in Oregon Hall. Park is using the guidelines to he Ip make sure the inju r y doesn't recur The heavy hind ers she onee had to pull from a shelf have been compiled into one (under and. .placed'on her desk Also, Park's keyboard was adjusted to the OSHA guide lines, and she got an r,!«,s tin stapler to replate the manual stapler that hurt her hands (loots said the ness ideas have not Ix.’rti implemented in all campus offices Instead, she at !s upon a supervisor's request or if she sees or hears of a poor ly organized work suiting, she'll investigate At this stage we've dealt with individual t irr umstances as they've come up," said l.ric Buckles, chairman of the Safety Advisory Committee "To say we have u c omprehensive pro gram in place no." Although the OSHA guide lines relate spec ifically to VDTs. (axils said she tries to apply the principles of ergo neihlcs to uny work setting 'VVe try to hack at (all work sites) and make them better." (loots said i'o assist injured emjdoyees and reduc e time lost to injuries, the? Human Depart merit h is developed a relurn-to work program Tin* program finds employ rui'nl for injured workers un able to return to their jobs However, this usually means modifying-the worker's pre-ex isting job, said Hill Solomon, HKD claims coordinator If this fails, the program tries to find work for an employee in another department and will provide nor essery training Our number one goal is to return injured workers to work." Solomon said "In do ing this, we accomplish our other goals of controlling work er 'compensation costs.” Cammack is pleased with the return-to-work program. Alter she developed tendinitis, she was trained for work in the ac counting office in Oregon Hall where she is currently an ac t minting assistant. We're really lucky to be helped out," Oammack said. 'They gave me on-the-job train ing, and I'm really grateful for that " i AIWA IISJ S)5S • Stereo recording • Svnthesi/er tuner • Dolby B • 1 >M . BBE S i/ / $219. 95 SONY ox,« Recording Walkman • AM/IM steivo recording Walkman • l)olt>\ H • Stereo mierophone SAIL $129.95 AIWA IIS I’102 • 3 way auto reverse playbaek • Quick recharge • Anti rolling mechanism • Auto stop SALE $29.95 AIWA 1ISJ470 • 10 station preset • Auto reverse • Dolby • Records! SALE $119.95 PHONE 346-4331 13TH AND KINCAID. MONDAY - FRIDAY. ET ALS MKKTtNCS ( cm'rrnml Mudrnl for I ibtary Ilium *.. ?. .-i it* ftf*t mm- ji Lit %tudent* and faculty interested in increasjng lihrarv hour• tonight at f» to in the KMC Oak Ki rr. Call .144 *460 for more inform*;* in I Ml Hoard of Direr tort H i%« ( omroiiu** meeting will uke pi a* e today at |i m in tha KMW Hoard Room t.all i4t» 3/20 f«>r more In fur mail >.n Marlin luther king ('.elebrafinn (ommiit"* i au. Forte mil trawl tonight at 7 10 jn the KMU Hoard Room Cali 146 4*ttr 4-i 14ft 4Juitt !..r mure in lor mart i. 1‘nlil»< jI Soeme Ij>uII\ s|j|| rimer «h p » b day from i i > f. }. r. “ • o. r. i • >! rl l t ]uii t* » &4\ • ' I hr Win id Order n| Hull a'll 11.111 vi 344 ftbiM J : in-if*; |r.! MUaUor; Mjiiitli i-din and dih'f iuIivi Ed •• ..Ui r. < -til i 4 *i 4 3 51 ! r more W (Kuril ill Pulllltk vs ..I be !':» • }•-. j - forum i \> o n * o * ed by the ( o 1 i e Kri .; an V t day at r> ■ n in the i.M Walnut H --im Ceil 144 U«.» fur more tn formation Military Dim runuutiun v% 111 tar lit*? i 1 .-I a diMuiii. tt fcjMiin-iftiJ by the Lesbian. Cay II: w* Allliilwi tonight fl"” H tn * in t.'.o K.M'. Maple K ■ nn < i »4«> 10.0 for mono i.n formation SPEAKERS I hr Other Side id the Krunlier i h.» .Side l’er»jjw Uvin on PoM Colonial Australia is the inpu of a v^a-wh by David Ht-adon 1 the UniVL-ffcity of Now South W.i.iiv f*> dellvoreti today at 4 tn the EMI Cumw »d H ft-. (-1. J4t> it* »4 f r none OPPUKH MT1KS t N Au hmr intuiting table wtil ini tn the KMU i -t'by t. day from Hi a rn to 30 P rn Bidding (or the following -mfwnu'S vs '.»»r j;bi e today thi g'l Pnday tn K-n.m .44 is'l-ndn!ii • X««r » t . • j. • Kraft <.or.iisai Kami* • V M W . :.;a!J-.* • the in»}«* tar General Open »t#n up begins today he • . J • : ‘ itj. t and < • B 4--% iierr.« t-j • ! • ; t ■< Hr ' .1 . .: • Radio Shi* s • !.mng»ton S« may • Nau- Hal l.tle Inluifliu o t . • Pm is. or. i .is• j -a’t * Sign up for kayak roll Motion* n in day tn laugh ton Pa. . any lime this vo-oi at the • -id i program olfke. KM' Kw m 23. buhtnd the video eft ade ( 1) ROM tutorial KKiC (udu: alts>n) learn to u*« tits library * lOmpuUtfixed (.latabatai to find information on edutation t -day at 2 p tn in the refereru « desk of Knight Library Call «4*» 2 3hS for more tn formation I tee Cholesterol Sueming today fi. m U to 11 3r» Al«.lcr St Call »4i 4tkl4 f r rtdr*y or fture ( ampui Crusade fur Chml * Prune l ime vs:, take }ua tonif^ll at 7:30 in Room 12.1 Paulk ■& Recycle ☆ t. h i s ☆ paper. # EMERALD CL