Mideast peace talks produce hope, frustration MADRID, Spurn (A I*) Arabs and Is raells went homo Monday with mixed feelings of frustration and anticipation after an intense foray into the realm of pencil Israel and Syria went mired In re criminations. but promised to meet again. l ew coni rule ac hievements resulted from last week's three day Middle hast conference and the three sets of direct Israeli Arab talks that ended early Mon day with a bitter Israeli Syrian session But the talks smashed u 4 1-yeur taboo on direct lsraeli-Arab talks, setting in motion a prrxxiss of face-to-face negoti ations to resolve one of the most inlriic table regional conflit ts in the world The brightest hopes are for negoti ations I hi I ween Israel and the 1 7 mil lion Palestinians living under iis mili tary rule in the West Bank and (ia/a Strip The dimmest are for a thaw lx tween Israel and Syria, the region s strongest military powers, and most hit ter foes In .1 reminder of how relentless the conflict Is. hard-line Israelis Inaugurated ,i new Jewish settlement in (tin Golan Heights )tisl hours after the talks ended Syria’s main demand is for the return of the Golan Heights, r aptured fiv Israel In the 1007 Mideast war There were also reports that Israeli troops shelled the positions of radical Muslim guerrillas In l.eiwnon In the Iranian < upltal of Tehran, Shiite Muslim demonstrators burned Ameri can and Israeli lings and an effigy of Uncle Sam outside the former U S Km hussy compound to mark Its takeover 11 years ago by Iranian rudicals The late night talks in Madrid were the first ever direc t discussion Iwtween Israel and Syria und they lasted five hours, into the early hours on Monday Hut till enemies failed to move even an inch from their positions, or even shake hands liven coflee breaks were taken in separate rooms Syria refused an Israeli request to os tabltsh diret 1 conUit ts to arrange the site for tin- next round of talks, scheduled later this month Nonetheless, both agreed to moot again if the United States comes up with an an eptahle Itx ation Officials on both sides said Washington. DU, or other sites in North America were possi ble An Israeli spokesman said Monday that Israel would still prefer that the talks i>e held alternately In Israel and Svria, or along their bonier Hut Syria remained just as adamantly in favor of a neutral site and utilised Israel of being intransigent According to txrlh sides, it was a dia logue of the deaf Israel's'-delegates'"talked about every thing except tiie land that the Israelis occupied and have i>een occupying for the last it-1 years That is the Onlan Heights." said Syrian foreign Minister f'arouk al-Sharaa The Israelis countered that Syria's de mand for Israeli concessions dominated the meeting "If they keep up their demands, there will riot be any pro gress." said Israeli spokesman Yossi Olmert Syria stuck to Its long-held position that Israel must give up lands captured m 1 U(i7 from thi* Syrians, the Jordanians and the h gyp dans, before anything else was discussed Israel repeatedly insisted territorial concessions wore unrelated to its goal — a peace treaty with Syria Syria reiterated its refusal to attend re gional talks that are to begin in about three weeks among the countries of the region to deflate issues such os arms control and water resources Jordan, clearly pleased with its part in the talks, said it would attend the re gional discussions. 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