BAN Continued from Page * "These students must be guaranteed the same opportum ty to speak and be beard .is anyone else," Brand said The KMl). Isi.ird won bl hat " it nth ertvise Kyan Deckert, the lAlP board member who introduced the motion to bun tlie recruiters, sees the situation differently. "Our (position) is that we re not going to invite (recruiters) into our student union to dis criminate against us " Deckert said Brand's veto of the board's unanimous decision was very distressing to him "Myles is putting himself on an island by overriding a consensus of student leader ship," Deckert said "They give us an illusion of power but what power do we have?" Deckert also criticized Brand for making his statement iti .1 press conference. rather than -> forum mure accessible to stu dents -In'addition to the board s dr cision, the ASt't) Student Sen ate rei entk approved the Res olution on the Department id Defense Discriminatory l‘oh < \ T which strong)y recoin mends the ban ofcampus noli tarv recruiting until defense de pertinent's policy matches the University's policy regarding discrimination The resolution will be pre sented to the University Senate on Nov 13 The board has noofflcial means of challenging brand's veto ixa ause the board receives its authority from the Umversi tv president and udministra lion The house i ommIttee will meet Tuesday* at 2 p m in the KMl1 Hoard Room RACE Cor: nued from Page i l.thm. Studies .1! the Univer s:!\; and Charmame ('oh' 1 .1 in orul grade tear her ,11. i advr* ate rijjjiin! rm ism i 11 < * s re re t v ed (In; 1 'I'll Ihiha 1 Racial Just lee 1w ard C.hartnaine Coleman Mini tin- reason people .ire so wearv of pelting involved is her .111 >e they would rather ignore the problem lieuause it's mistv. an infringement on .their day Individuals ran make a diftereme m rial ly" life bv questioning those who .'make rar 1st statements. Kikhoff said "If we have a friend telling 1 rai 1st |oke, Instead ol sav mg. That offends me. please don’t sav those tilings. 111 stead ask Why Is that tun nv' " he said OILS Continued from Page 1 istry. but also in metaphysical or even mystical terms. Because frankincense is from a tree, she says, it helps people get back to earth, adding that "it's very grounding." Her colleague, Lisa Luke, as serts that when people are grieving, their hearts are affected In such a case, Luke said, rose oil will pass on "love energy" to the suflerer Luke has 50 or (>() oils, some ol which she uses only rarely Both Luke and Merker are licensed massage technicians, and they usually apply the oils in tile course ot a massage Luke also has her clients use the oils m baths, and she also does body wraps These involve swathing clients in sheets where 'you kind id look like a mummy." she said After adding blankets "you just rest for halt an hour, and that brings out all the heal from inside toxins leave the body, the essential oils en ter the body and help you with that healing pro cess," she said Of course. It's not a substitute tor a doctor," Merker said of aromatherapy, "but there are con ditions that are simply and easily helped with this, and It's also a very good preventative " Although Luke is not a doctor, she said the therapy can often tie used effectively in conjum turn with treatment by a naturopathic doctor, acu puncturist or chiropractor At present, anybody who chooses can t all one self an aromatherapist, but Merker and Luke said they hope to m'I up .1 course would grant i rr tification Kssetuial oils have appan-iitlv not been the to (,us of broad attention by the American medical establishment, and several specialists who were contacted were unable to comment on their possi hie merits as a lorm ot treatment However. Ur Mark Christensen at OSl' s tail lego of Pharmacy, said that although the oils probably do have some effect, their magnitude is very difficult to measure Because people on whom the oils are tested ( an recognize them through their smell or a taste in the mouth, they may have a placebo effect an effect which can fie attributed to the subject's ex pectatlons, Christensen said Derivatives of salicylic at id ire indeed present III some oils, Christensen noted, though, fie said. you need to get a big whopping dose to get a good effei ! Likewise, eucalyptus oil. in concentrated amounts, tias an antiviral effect when applied to the skin But it enough oil Is used to fie effective, he said. It is likely to contain more toxins than other available medicines "We don't do that any longer, because we have better substances today." he said We have bet ter alternatives that are less toxic Be this as it may. aromatherapy certainly does have one attractive aspect When was the last time your Hu shot included a massage).7 : SPRWG.HELD, SCCVTFIC SUPPLIES "*N M*-.™ Sir**! *"'«»•« I li> 1 . •-T; r‘ Sim » I S lrnllll« Suppltr* N«« p«H«Utrd m total lnvt*«il rqulpinml < HrmU «li and aupplltra I*h ilu<(«nU and buat nr«««>« VMr off*! a t onwnlrnl It** a lion ( omprllllv*' ptltr* and a dralir to me*rt (Hr »(Mrt lilt nrtrd* ol out « uilmitm llraw « all ot » omr by any tlmr GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “27 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugena, Oregon 97403 ALL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS... 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