Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 04, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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    Oregon West
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Talks progress despite obstacles
( A!’ J 1 s r a it I i s
and Palestinian*
on sunnay nan a goon. hum
nesslske" session in the first
day- of their direct talks, but the
Israelis said similar talks with
arch foe Syria were unproduc
tive and frustrating
A Lebanese delegation also
held separate talks with Israel
on Sunday m the fust day of
the second phase c>f tie Mid
east peace talks
I think it was a gtxxl begin
ning, Set retarv of State James
A Maker 111, who engineered
the peace conference, said after
the talks between Israel and a
joint Palestinian Jordanian del
egjtlon ended
We intend to stay fully en
gaged. as fully engaged as we
can and for as long as we think
tin' parties are serious about
peace And for the moment 1
think they are serious "
The five-hour Israeli Syrian
talks, although contentious,
were a milestone simply by
Syria s agreement to meet
I his is the first direct bl
lateral meeting between Israeli
and Syrian delegates We
have to register tin- fact with
some satisfaction,'' Yossi Men
Aharon, bead of the Israeli
team, told reporters early Mon
The Israelis and the Palestini
an Jordanian delegation dis
played an amiable spirit after
their talks, in contrast to a week
:l confrontational spec* hes and
snubs during last week's (ere
mental opening phase of the
historic Madrid talks
Still to he settled is where the
substantive negotiations will be
held In a joint statement, the
two sides said they would con
sult aljout when and where to
hold substantive lalks, "which
it is hoped will lake place
Palestinian leader Hamm
Ashruwi later said the resump
tion could he in two to three
The Palestinians later said
that during the meeting they
hud demanded a freeze on Is
raeli settlements in the occu
pied West Hank and Gaza strip
Israel has so far refused to
(ree/e the settlement building
This is a welcome day (or
peace,'" said the chief Israeli
delegate. Deputy Foreign Min
ister Benjamin Netanyahu "We
have now an Israel that is
ringed with .1 circle of talks and
we hope it will replace the cir
( In of guns that surrounds us.”
Baker, speaking of the site
and liming of future meetings,
said: "This is an open ques
tion " But he (allied the Isrueli
I'alestinian meeting a "break
He said he had no reason to
r*pec! -i walkout by Syria or
any of the other parlies
"If that were go in# lo lie the
case I think we would have
seen it by now," Baker said
Syria, balking at Israel's in
sistence on shifting the negoti
ations to the Middle Hast, hesi
tated before attending the pro
cedural session with Israel on
In the session, tho Syrians
"kept referring again and again
and again (to) only withdrawal
from territories They said be
fore you withdraw from territo
ries, from the C'.olnn Heights,
we cannot discuss anything,"
said Ben-Ahoron, the Israeli
delegate. Tho Syrian delegation
had no immediate comment.
Baker said the United States
and the Soviet Union might
step in and make the venue de
cision in the event of a long de
lay. U S officials said privately
Washington was a possible
After tho Israeli-l’alestinian
talks, the participants shook
hands for photographers, and
the chief Israeli delegate, HI la -
kiin Rubinstein, referred to his
Arab counterparts as "my
friends here." At one point he
answered a question both in
Arabic, with the w o r d
"Inshallah," and in Hebrew,
with the words "lm yirtzeh
Hashem" both meaning
"taxi willing "
Continued from Page 7
ert !•-(• bin .him’ it showed how wo have token ad
vantage of our n-Miuru’s," l.sanson said "The
w orld Is going lo In- in thrur hands so it gavtt mu a
g.siii (riding to know that thi s know svii.it is go
ing on
l.vansoii said tin- kuis sst'ii' surprisingly noop
rr.ilis.: anil eager lo luurn
■| hurl’ was a bos who was a little slow, she
said \\ ill'll 111' aski-d a (JUustlon Ilf Slutturuii a
httlf bit None ol tin- kids madn fun of him
rhi'S Wftf all srrs supporttvf and triad to ho Ip
him out It didn't wmi that svuy svhfti ! ssas in
si hool
!'i anothur ai tivitv, two (uiinsidors would taku
t'a .i group to a srt.tion id thf woods hath child
would find his or lurr own spot and sit and liston
or write for half an hour
After a hell rang, the teacher would pass the
bell around and talk about what they saw or
The last night at camp the kids have a iiead cer
emony. Kvanxon said The kids get seven white
ones and six colored ones The while ones stand
lor the seven letters, and the colored ones stand
for the resources air, water, sun. plants, animals
and soil
Kvanson said she learned a lot from the experi
ence, and would recommend it to anyone
There s so much to learn about Nothing is man
made out there, she said We have to adapt to
the environment txu auxe nothing is touched out
there Nothing is built, and nothing is cut down
catch the action!
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