COMMUNITY International aeronauts Larry Newman of the United States ,left Vla dimir Dzharubekov of the Soviet Union and Richard Branson of the United Kingdom, spoke with students from Sheldon High School in Eugene about their upcoming around-thoworld balloon flight Students at Sheldon High talk to aeronauts on ESPN By Doug Hightower i rpofaid Contributor Twenty four Sheldon High School students participated in i nationally televised KSI’N special documentarv of an ,iround -the- world manned ba 1 oon flight Sheldon was chosen as one d tour si tiools m the nation to take part in the broadcast of Larthwinds A Live Inteiactive Classroom ' The program is part ol KSl’N's continuing cm e r a g a o 1 the Might of Lurthwinds an attempt to Iw come the iirst multinational aeronautical crew, including members from the I SA. Britain and the Soviet Union, to cir mnnavigete the earth non stop in a balloon The program provided Shel don students with tin; opportu nitv to ask juestions ol the darthwinds cl cn assembled at i-.Sl'N s Bristol, t..inn , studio Sin .don's edr Moiter . a. .- M-d it;, hartfiw tut-- :ew : w . .irrv New man of the t hide ! State . ’lie project leader and ■ dot, explained licit the path of the balloon is totally controlled r>v tin' wind " the wind provides the mo engine Richard Branson, co pilot :mm Britain said. " 1 here is no ,Vii\ to steer a i illootl so the Ills W av to (hungi dire* t. ais S to drop the balloon s altitude »ome U),0()U fee! and li t the wind arry you from then The unique design oi the arthwiuds ship ' orisists id all .pper helium and a lower, up side down, air tilled balloon A cressuri/ed goml-du < upside, i-ft.long by 10-ft in diameter s suspended in between ('belle bmwiler a junior, ! .1 till ::. i'..i. ia .li ’ w ,ug<■:; .s with. ■ cti a ill! . m nr ( rail Branson said the auru h ot any baboon is uiwa’.x ■ tie tcjigest riss U'hi'ii a till. - ' a1 ’ 'els a :to ot its owe act am wants to go anywhere he saiii RECYCLE THIS PAPER. !f the Karthwmils t n-w Newman. Branson an.! \ mir l)/.hanibekov • ! •• Sov.. ' Union is sui , i «iss 1 u 1. 1 hi1 ir around-the world manned ' i! loon (light will i i v it 1 (KM) mill’s in 1- to 1 ii-1vs I Ins u ii brimk tliii old rn mil rsl.ib llslli'il 111 I flfl tot !'.-!W :u; six days rhi' show was jiart of tin a blu industry s "t able in t !:■ Ulassrooni" surli’S pr gi an filing designed ' a! • vision as all i'll a. tin . Sheldon High Sihool Assis taut Principal .Scherer said uni: of the reasons Sheldon was chosen was because the si bool already bad (In’ nei us sarv broadi as! tai illties Kids learn environment lessons Outdoor School uses activities, M & M’s to teach B> 11 )po Nea son r ■ C s! s i k, V,;s :j;"> .uni \|>; h-s nut with : ' , ,i . <■■■... a •* • '■ ■■ go ‘i1 : VV.tliir-^i.’lV night to '* .' .\ - . 11 ’' i * \ ; .rugh' ;■ i. 11 w h.i! ' heir s .1 -. u.w'1-r tSi.-in .it - .vmp ; : O ; ir s, t 0j_ a program ■nth a through i.M API-, .il .v , i , u r gr st ud ents In be ■ n:;- ■ 11IIIM-I • ■ till lit. 'ith. .it Mh . graders Dr llv t* thiv •• i fit.' i til! MSI'IT V I i! It til fee i red its in the |>r<« ess !• ,u li l t y i tiv i i f r N .i tl l a Ii'im-v -.aid thf i ounselofs hi i thf ramping week til li... iss thl'IT expel lent t's ami - .ggest ways of linprov ing thf pttM 1't.t "A t' iielieve that in oriitT to giit mure out ot thf expert t'lH.i'. there ts a ri'flt’Ction pro i fts siiti said If you think about tilt- expnrieni :es, you learn from that a whole lot more than il you do the at tlon and move on right awav Ami tin1 i ounstilors said the learned a lot Mefore thtiy taught the this they hud tu learn the material themselves Depending on the camp and age group, different of envi ronmental information was taught Fifth graders tend to get marine biology and mi em es. whereas nth graders get lores Is and the is.iter cviie Telsey said The counselors are split up in groups of sis or seven and i r t> t i u x h l b v a n t-.iMhologtsi.'1 i eertain letter !rmn hi DC'!(' \ inn h letter st.u is for .1 ddfermtl part of hilt in • I example, th« ‘Vs" .«! ‘or '( vi it eoininu nut: trill change ami .1 stiMxj li a i.iaptuti.u he . ,lurtM-lurs aere then cti h assigned a different. trail, ind : .ugh! about their word ‘You had these 12 little sixth graders and they’re all yours for three days. You had to be their mom and dad.’ Christy Evanson. Ot.uiiW Sctxx)/ counsokx nn different (lari', of tint trail The ktils traveled different trails isicli day and learned tui h letter. and thus tint dif ferent aspi'i Is of Haitirn rho kids t.uuld also idioos*' ir.iiii different at tsvilies in eluding workshops on friend ship brat abets, aft hery and drawing But the lounseiors. with nicknames. Ilka Oiler, Dm Lv and Apples, said they i onsidttrnd these lighter aeliv lie's to be their free time University student l d i r i s I v h van son sa: i she vsas nervous iihuut being a counselor .11 Hrsi You hud these 12 little sixth graders and thiiy'ru •(11 v ours for three days, ' she said 'You h.ul lo be ihi'ir mom mi! dad !t ihi'V win1 mi k vuu !uu! to take ihitin n> I!ii) nur«> They asked tor hugs und •wanted vuu to stay up am! la!k lo them at mght fv.jnsori sau! lilt’ klil.s wi n sill j>t In llgly already very knowledgeable am! compas sionate about the om iron mnnl "They wore really aware of tho uriviroiintiinl and what they needed to ilo to improve It." hvunsori said In one activity a plate was put on the ground of the forest with a hig hag of M fi M's on it Tho i lass was split into live generations The toucher then told the kids the candy repre sented resources, and each generation should take as nuiriv as they felt they needed "The first generation went out and took the resources t h o v felt I ti e y n a e d e d . Kvanson said "They were really careful I'ltoy took, like, three each, she salt! "Then the sci und genera tion (iime out and hoarded I'hi-, started taking handfuls i venlually the fifth genera tion yvas left with none, she said It w is a really effective ex ton to OUTDOORS Png® S er . the Calendar By Ken Babbs and Ken Kesey ALL COPIES AUTOGRAPHED, B Y ** KEN KESEY — iHEE fFUR ON th« Calendar t A _ NOW AVAILABLE AT THE UO BOOKSTORE I ’ o d.ii i blurb', ge bom Shu ns^i.r.iT.Or .i , So !'<> psychuclu'io. So Sho ridsr Jous from Hob Wuir to Howdy Ooody1 UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 OINKRAL ROOK DKPT.