AuCoin to propose weapons-grade bill 3T5. L - PORTLAND, Or.* (Al>) U S Rep Los AuCoin says hr will Inlrotlu..! a hill this work to hall tJ S proilm lion of tritium, plutonium ami weapon-.-gradi* uranium Undur Ills proposal, the liillioiis of dollars saved would then he used to clean up the Han ford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state, as well as other contaminated nuclear weapons plants around the nation "My hill will prohihll the < (instruction or oper ation ol new or existling la< tlities to produce new nuclear weapons material," said Aufaiin, Oregon's representative from the lsi Dtstrlr i AuCoin, who is i ampaigntng for the U S Sen ale seat held iiy Sen Bob l‘ai kwood, announced his proposal during a news (.(inference on the south (sink of the Columbia River near the Inter state Bridge Referring to dangerous nuclear wastes he said were seeping toward the river, he said. "2l)H miles up this river is a nuclear accident in slow motion An accident that threatens our health Our safety And it threatens the livelihood of all Oregonians "This material ts stuff we don't need, can't al ford and are butler oil without Now that the cold war Is over, we should he reaping the lienefits of tills now era, not shorn hanging cleanup of tins deadly nuclear waste to pay for new plutonium, tritium and uranium we don't need AuColn predicted "substantial support" lor Ins proposal from both Democrats and Republic ans m < (ingress lie said lie exp«< led passage during the next year's session AuOntn, vs ho serves on Iho House Defense Ap propriations subcommittee, estimated that his lull would free up Ix twei-n S.'M) million arid St billion a year for c leanup ol Hanford, plus addi lionaf money to c lean up other sites Most favor suicide option, poll shows BOSTON (AP) A new poll fnumi that nearly two out of thr«-o Americans favor physic lan assisted mu cide and euthanasia for terminally ill patients who re quest it Tin' poll was (font- as Washington slate residents prepare to vote Tuesday on Initiative llfi. a measure that would make it legal for doctors in the state to help certain terminally ill people kill l hem selves "People arc trying to tidl us something, said Dr Marcia Angell. executive editor ol the New Kngland Journal of Medicine "There's a great perception out there that high-tec li medic ine has gotten out of hand The poll was sponsored by The Boston Glolie and the Harvard Si hool of Public Health Results were published in Sunday’s Globe The poll shows that b4 peri ent of those; questioned favored physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill people who ask for it, 711 percent under the age of Pi approve of the idea compared to S3 percent of those over 50 years of age KKG Communications Research randomly surveyed 1.311 adults over the age of IB by telephone Oct 1H 20 in the poll paid for by the Globe The company report ed a margin of error of 3 pert ent While a substantial majority of those (willed favor giving terminally ill patients the option of suicide, 52 percent think they would actually exercise it them selves Overall, alxiiil one in four of all those polled would be prepared themselves to take steps loading to a doctor-aided death "We live in a libertarian culture m which freedom to choose in these personal matters Is very importanl lo us," said Professor Robert Dlendon of the Harvard Scluwil of i’ublii Health, who helped design the poll and analyze the results "People i loarlv want the wid esl latitude possible But others argued that Americans misunderstand the implications of extending personal < hotce to death Philosopher Margaret Baltin of the University of Utah said the poll results are "a protest against the wav that people perceive themselves to In- treated by the mode a! establishment w hen they i time lo die However. Daniel ( dliihan, who directs the Hastings Center. aninstitute of medical ethics, said "People fa vorable to physician assisted death have not thought it through They’re captured by the argument of self-dr termination and have not begun to think about what are the implications for the medical profession'or the potential for abuses " The American Medical As sot lation is against lifting traditional strictures against physii iaii-assistud suicide and euthanasia Washington state's medical asstxia lion has officially come out against Initiative Ilf), al lhough individual members are split on the issue A< t ording to the poll, most Americans think doctors should he involved it a terminally ill patient chooses to end his or her life Thirty-seven percent of Americans think it should be legal for a relative or close friend to assist in ending a terminally ill person’s life, and only 14 percent say thev themselves would help a terminally ill relative or friend commit suicide ■■Church teachings against suicide and intentional killings had little impact on those polled. Among Roman Catholics, 71 percent said tiiev would vote for the Washington initiative if if were on the ballot in their state, fill percent of Jews favored the Initiative Among born-again Christians, 4‘i percent would vote yes The survey also shows that nearly nine out of 10 people favor withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from terminally ill patients if they have requested it in a living will Three out of four support withdrawing life-support systems, Including food and water, from hopelessly ill or irreversibly comatose patients whose families re quesl sm h a slep if Initiulivi 110 passes, Washington slate would be tome the first [dat e in the world to legalize physician assisted suicide and euthanasia ■ MONDAY SPECIAL ONE ITEM SMALL OFFER GOOD ON DELIVERY ALSO: FREE DELIVERY w/Min. $6 PURCHASE TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Bhtl. • Eugene • CALL 484-2799 ET ALS MEKTINCS l niversitv Martin Luther king Celebration Committee will inert today at -1 in tin: KMl! Hoard room Call 3-ib -toot) lor mom information Native Hawaiian Student l mon will moot tonight at 5 in KM U Cedar Room K Call .Ht> H34() for more information. Career Development Intern ship Program orientation meet mg to sign up lor interviews will he today from it 30 to 5 pin. in K,\1C Cum wood Room Call tifi t~">.r> lor more infor mation. I he Soi ietv for Classii al Languages will meet today at 13 .to p m in KMC Cedar Room A Call 14-1 775U MISCCl.I.ANKOCS Jawbone Cndergi aduate lo tion and Poetry Reading will take place tonight at 7:30 in Room lit) Willamette Call t-i t 'i(i77 for more information. Dysfunctional Family Sup port Croup meets Mondays from 30 to t p m Drop by the Cmversity Counseling Centur in Room 310 Student Health, between 1 and .) p m ll you are interested Call 1-tn 3337 fur more information OPPORTUNITIES Bidding for the following companies will lake place to day through Friday in Room 341 Hendrii ks • Xerox (iorp • Krail lieneral Foods • Russ Iterrie Co • enterprise Rent-a-car • Radio Shack • Livingston Security • NationaI Life insurant e Co. • I’rei is it; n (iastparts There will lie a group meet ing for R H Mat y's Co tonight from 7 to H 3(1 in the KMC Ma pie Room