LETTERS It’s called a banner’ (.ross in;id«]um ws1 !( has i:«m« to our attention through elo.e ohsorvuttion th.it vour masthead has (hanged tor the wurv' Please note i'll" Kivr.ild masthead of \ rrs b vgom proudlv prorliiimcd 'DAIIA IvMKKALl) in whopping oupi fill 11> t tc rs, 111.1 v i rig ' i eegoi i t Is i; insignificant rianii- of the state wiirrr tills jouril.distil tr.iiiiij.fi t . i I O i n ! ■ SS '..ill'' S ' VV I 'll (MT.ildi it tin' / merui t i • tin• jewel it [irooliumifd to hr But off you go in .1 pugilistic ism i I i mi of ui air "go! .ill (I change vour masthead' So now :! i .list's :!s p.iw to tile p.issri tiV iikc ,i soggy, shivering, hmpiii porn husk doll, oust aside by a if iscoiit ertrd i aggauutllin Till' unrit proud gleaming word "DA1I.V" iws been re to rd i miniscule ituln i/ud . iiisi untv !■ ir on v uu! i- \plain 1!. is hi rn.distn impotence An othor oxumplo of tho "otogon DAILY i.MKKAl.D *• in.ionsi livilv In tho i.ssuos whii h shupn our times' Adrian VVall.u r Tom John sons Hugenr Genocide l ■■ . r •' s p o r. \ r i b \! i M k.ih'irr V f {!i’h {)/!!» (( )! H ( )i ! ‘ <; !'h«* ncm:idt* aj{ i;\t1ipMmons Amutu -ins is not " a.l leg«*d ’ but : * t ? ■ • ‘ r v\ eiidoi e merited 'll it • V ha man s.u rilu s ,tnd v\ *irf.ir<* but wi'cn mb's p -.if in cum par i spii tu the iin>i ’ms lb,11 tbiM* p n) j > I * * s u f U * r *1; i a' t In * Hand -* t. d. lb.*.' I \ urnjM > \ 11 it i \ . 11 j ifr s t) u r Kti r <) p r a h a n< t s i m s Wi aid have starved to death rl inti lor thi- ii a t1v« who showed t h e fis In > vv 111 ji r e p ar e n e vv .|oi ds Natlvt n w. re paid ba< k t>V bein^ Itvassa!. i' ed, enslav ed are.i Mjhjeeled to a lift* of p(»v t*r t v and r\p|pj.hit ion. that cnntm lie* to this day Your fac t of 'starvation is. in fact, a li-gai v of the Europe ans destruction of the tndlg enous sm ml structure The Inca empire had a verv allvanced a>; ricuIturaI sy stem and they stockpiled food tor times ot famine Starvation of native North Aii.itii.iw was also i Kurnpean inmnatuin, the whites mten Jton.illv hilled off the liuilalo ilerdsl knowing that tins yvi .! I destiny tile whole-mu h tv ■ d tile trifles that honied on the (.real Plains i’ IS •• id that IS a history mil jof Viia have sj:< al.Ved- only tile i ntonr.a’ C o that y ou w an! !.i know ' :■ i u . i: w as rot paradise here before the lai rupeans u rn al. hut are y. m.u t.rally trying to lustily fh" g . ide yv it ti voter ioiro t i'll!r H y lew point' 11 iiess ys fi.it ’ Phi hot N.ative Atnerii an and 1 w i-ij ho l(inj.;. | a< . ept these in s yoil ale push lltg as hi story' Susan t Is w a Id Kemaru e languages FAST FAST FAST FAST INTRODUCING 1 HR. FILM DEVELOPING AT THE UO BOOKSTORE Kverything is FAST these ciays...fast fixxi, fast cars. So why wait fur your pictures to come back from a slote photo lab? ()ur photo experts will process your film in 1 h<>ur using the K I «« I I 11 I III* < ' f» • ' 1 HOUR LAB COUPON *2; on .xjiiNtir ( |4( (aim lilm. -I" \nu\t. I • «iK » f— M <- J« I wmJI iMf, ti ■ ■ . 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Mo a mats » 1 . > ’ • .1 v • •» Production VV' •« >■ . *; »• < ,»**/• 1. a. <* A - •»- . 1 ur .!•■> J •■*■ O I U * «< 1 ,' .l 1 M*M»] .>1 ‘‘J’ » i- ■ t.V;» . > I iMI t.V • M •« M-' ».t kn i‘ .1 IJ k> „r A «, '.(icfex ,W»' '*»' I «kJ W t.« ' % ('••natal Manager • fylUal l *«* I ntft, •* * > Vm •» Advertising Director H'f,t ta>wr»r oom tUi%m»e» Ottice *4 Mb iiii 146-^1? r. c Production M«n«j«r M •>« H. Advertising 146 371? Advertising 146 4 143 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Suddenly Fish and Wildlife agents burst in on Mark Trail s poaching operation