EDITORIAL Brand’s veto shows board’s real power University President Myles Brand just passed up a key chance to put his money where his anti-discrim inatory mouth is. The I Ml Board of Directors unanimously voted Wednesday to ban military recruiters from the building !m uuse of their nonconipliom.e with University rules prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination At .. press conference on Friday. Brand announced, lu.s veto of the decision, giving the OK tor the recruiters to return The president has long sup {sorted equal opportutn ty it the University but his recent action clouds a good deal of hope he inav have instilled One can understand the position he w-.as in Should tie h.ive upheld the board's decision. the I niversits would has e txron the first i oilege m the nation to enact a ban on mditarv recruiters Uonsidering he' OE TISSUE. J m m\ LETTERS Missed mark V. iti :-inn >1 : f >1 >/:. ()i l 1 i about Attorney Giin*f4l Dave Sn»?11i:n.1 v<■.' ■ ri-icn! advice to the Oregon Oovernnusnt Lthics I 1 >nn:i!v-.H ;. ■ the mark Ns Irohninaver made very Seat. hr has thi obligation, as tin' stata of Oregon's chief lourtsel, to protect the Lthtcs Commission front tin- posstbil its ul lawsuits tor sanation of ; ivi 1 tights of Stun Long ami other Stair Action Insurance Fund i orporation exei ulives Such an outcome could result from the commission's contin ued at lion oil complaints that the Department of Justice hail .ciliated were without legal merit Your com Inslon that I rofin maver pimped so uic ilv to atif a personal friend is also un founded Frchnill a V e r also made it clear that ins mlervon lion in curreii only after an in vestlgallull or the threat ol one had lingered lor over five m ritlis sn spite o! the Depart ment of (ustli e's early advu e to tile l oinmtssion that there oas no legal basis for the com plaints The Kittles Commission is i■■ ar v vulnerable here for !,!:■■ tging persona' and proles . mu' reputations and tor dam aging SAIF ( i rporatiunA ahili II to i onipete in the market place I'hev and the citizens of Oregon should he grafefu, tor tin- . im- .inti counsel (if the [:.•-( general, who hus an •■vempiurv understanding of the constitutional issues raised by unfounded complaints de signed to chill fret! speech K.ithei ini- Keene -sAll I\i-i utivi* \ ii •• President for I ii I <-1 nal A flail s Future mistakes A response to the letters sub mitted by Brendan K Briggs s 111)1. Oct 2 H I and Mike kokkeler f ()1 H: t )i t go) firs! o' all Mr Briggs these so i a 1 led revisnmists and do-gooders" aren't condemn fng Columbus and ins igno rin'. e. they are objecting to the Siil in is represented .n the history books Briggs, as a history major, you should in* familiar with Co lumbus and Ins exploits Unfor tunately , y ou ris not True, Columbus was looking lor riches However, because he did not find any, he took the nest most valuable commodl t\ the native inhabitants and enslaved them And yes, Mr Briggs, Ini sure you. out ot your /ealousness. would pro i eed to rajie maim and enslave the indigenous cultures ,is Co lumbus did And you would I ertainlv have every right to! Kokkeler. another history hull, ilairns the Europeans brought "diversity' to the Ameru as Nice yy.ird i I..,. e expel Kill V (luril I. 111!.!- win1! "diversity" has ■! positive nit-.inm|4 Htt k \% itti your defi nition we hav .1 reason i UM-' s for committing any atria it v to nnn-Ang.i . aImres, i ■ tk past an i future Alleged" genocide ' 1 sup pose written docunumts in even Spaniards tlieinse 1 ves (Bartolnmu .ie L,is ( as,is. Alva: Nunc/. Hemail ( fortes and evei Columbus) aren't proof enough (.entlemen, v es w e must 1 n • in the present U e should fi : give events of the past Hut VVt stum Id never forget lor the un derstanding id such events can help us Irum 111.iking simile' mistakes in the future lames Mi Nu hulas }<>ti 1 nalism Spanish Fear Kevent 1 v a friend defined homophobia to us tis a fear of one's own sexuality Obviously people vs hu are comfortahh vs ith their own sex ua 111 v whether thev l>e heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual would have no tear ol peoph sharing publicly their sexua, orientation People vsfio fear recruitment should spend more time care tiilly examining 'lieir ovs n sev utility Amy Joslin Spender de Millr CUR iST'AAS Decorations ALRtAtV T'S -vO^SE rHAM VOO THI^H 7^’W jX*