Oregon rugby players warmed up tsilh a w-'fi in a pn- icagu>' game against lit• Oregon Rugby Sports union Rugby team beats veteran squad By Steve Mims ErrvxakJ O •> '’ to/ ■ CLUB SPORTS Saturday wHs .1 reunion ot sorts lor Oregon rugby t oat h Bob Snyder, and ins te.im responded with a V i-Tit s ii lory over the ()re g in Hughs Spurts l riion I !,i win. was extra spe t i,i i for Sny der, former dent u! t!.i rugbv union who still f!■ i,.j,■ vv;!ii main of tile play ! la- i’ll i i i.' •:■■ id men miistlv in rj ir ttnrl.es islm presided a tough a ; tor It.. 1 . V; as tie v prepare tor league? play Oregon led tut) early But needed a ■ • ni.dvv.ty tilts mg’: , ; j h ; ; : iele.it the veteran . . i : it a sure essfu| [.,,id d :t m.ored three mime ss hen Stewart .! loose ball and ran it 2 5 yards tor u try and .1 t>-0 wait Only 10 minutes later, iho Ducks stri'ti bed their lead to 10-0 on a 15 yard run hv Zeller The rugby union then came hack to score 12 straight points in the las! 20 minutes of the half to take a 12-10 halftime lead Zeller 1 iime in and made the touch 15 minutes Into the second halt to give Or agon the lead again, and the defense did the rest, shutting its opponent out for the entire half The Ducks were threatened twice in tin ear;1, minutes of the gallic whim the • v union was deep.il) Oregon turn to •> ;ti :h times tile Duck detense, spear h> uli it hv Hot. Pierce, turned it uw.iv "Our forwards were terrific.' Snyder • ; We list overpiiW•:re, 1 then; We sh iu id havi won l)V more Oregon now starts its Northwest gue m hud tile with a Nov In game at Washington 1 he Ducks return home Nov . i to face Oregon State before the Civil War football game Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. 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M K • noLOSTLFQUN0 * XJNi) »■**' . .k n Mi l OST kay on •* od bio k . T wasday Kincaid ar«J ISth .un ty t a turn to l oat and f ou■■■■!. t Mt m TYPING SERVICES Printed text to computer files fs C A NN E R Si 7474589 3i7or««4i»iW»J 344-4510 Ul um VkOKti f.SMM, ..lUHUi v it<«« » rr»11 • »i’ tin1' * 'Vrit'* yi i#f! "«-ni I VN» K rKIN t IM. Hi-ffty-i" . rV, <%.«**.. «M *•—-» G05 E 13th mTTPWQ SERVICES >*-; i M >4lsH .».A1 •. H • ( A. t t< y| (' <■ ' • f t • M ■ AMIM !V 7 mTa nvi 5 y* :?t sk.n ir 1 : ' tr.or » • ( a11 Tpen ■! frfl f •<> / til_ DIAL A TYPIST ktyjrr? t a«.i f f yi tyiw. i ik1 it#, » i. o .ivtA ft# i -. . I'»j , y • 1 H" *U • « i i'tf : ;y al !V4Ant a I'M U‘iSlOWAl ’ri-.rg TYPING UNLIMITED fl*rt>ara i *wd l **•( 4*r inter Ah'- •. *4 14 1 ypuig f** ocm*»mg .»■ . ■ - , * •’ . - ■ » «! ' •— , * . 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A" p 'r‘ fArvor’tX*' ’ ' f i‘ A - ■ ■ A ACPI STUD! KT ACTIVISM? i I ’*j [ Mean o' !.»: jdsinis * !**»•*►. to parbc’pa.'tt "h* N«» j Observer program Four sol i ! povidone ere a/twt'-y op**” ; i kym«!*oo about n Mm* .rw itvfi jC o ■ 'r*i ASUO oP■'•' tu*.*: «• •• 1 Ncrvompt* * ' iff* W !» 0C p *'■ I A . * ,i A A1 't (AIM $500 .$1000 .$1500 FOOL FUND RAISING * Itf flMV *.»V <***!» l+itl»t iM ,»#/««•< . »«!(>.;» usoumir no wmmijrr movoio CALL 1-0OO-9SO B472. ail. SO * MUSIC** LESSONS ON DRUMS, KEYBOARD & GUITAR CONVENIENTLY LOCATED CLOSE TO CAMPUS Music city 210 E 17th (at Pearl) Eugene, OR Dooncsbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ■ ■ I .u KVV • -< ’ •* AU <) /’.< ■ ■ • i 'H t -IAt *1 < " tfvv./, /(>W - • >}.. ” t' IV , v« 1 vif a- «'.*■' . >1Y •• a flt' H/£ »«/\ >i 'I ;>1 RiAl IY 4V MUST, YOU WOW \ i poes that A1Mh M n LOST* l r n—n