Duck women dominate Pac-10 cross country championships By Dnve Chafoonneau Emerald Sports Report?* it was the satin' old situation tor the Oregon women's cross country team as it took the top three places at the Pacific to Conference Saturday at Stan ford Coif Course l or the Duck men. it was a different story the team was dramatically unset by Arizona The only thing surprising utHiut the women's victory was that Oregon senior I. Isa karnopp took the individual ti tle with a time of lt> 4H, edging out senior teammate Lucy Nusrala .it 10 5-1 and junior Ni cole Woodward with a 17:03 The race ended a season long winning streak for Nusrala, who has won all three of the previous meets the Ducks ran in tills year Third-ranked Oregon fin ishod with 3H points, second plate Arizona finished with 58 points, and Washington came in third with 75 points The men were led by senior Colin Dalton, who won the in dividual title Me finished with .1 ttrntv of 2.1 l*i and was the only Oregon runner in I hi* tt »[> let) Yri/.ona hud three of the top st\ finishers in tfii1 field and were led bv.sophomore Martin Remo, who took second to Dal ton at 23 4it Sixth ranked Arizona defeat ed the second ranked Ducks, IS t>7 Washington was third witft H.t Carol Holmen continued to run consistently well for the women, finishing tenth with a time of 17 35 Freshmen Jenna Carlson and Jill Calleru round ed out Oregon finishers with finishes of 22nd and 24th. re spin lively For the men, senior Shannon l.amoru just miss<*d the top ten, coming in 11th with a time of 24 27 Senior Put Haller tin ished 14th, Junior Alan Foster cam*; in loth, and junior lye VanSchouu k plui ed 22nd to complete Oregon's si oring Both the men's and women's teams have this week off as they prepare for the Region VIII meet on November 1*> Oregon v-ball team loses to Huskies, slips below .500 mark for first time By Jayson Jacoby t merakr Sports Roportor Despite being near the ixit loin ol tin! Pucifii -10 Confer i'li( ci standings must of tills tile Oregon volleyball team bad kept Its record above 500. mainly on the strength of a 0 0 non conference start Hut alter losing in lour games to Washington Saturday night the Ducks will have to start winning to get above that pla teau again The loss to the Huskies, cou pled w ith I ndus s three-game loss to loth tanked Wa .hington State, drops the Ducks' season record to 12-ld and Ml m the Pac-10 Oregon looked to he on the ss is to its third conference svin against the Huskies, taking a 7-1 lead In the third game after splitting the first tsvo Hut the Ducks couldn't hold the lead, and idler losing 15-11, were quickly finished oil in the fourth game 15 2 We made some errors as our passing broke down and just gave Washington a new lease on life,' Oregon coacii Gerry Gregory said 'That svas the turning point in tile mutch whoa they came but k to svin 15-11." Tin: Dui.ks illil h.ivr their '.up hitter. Dawnn Churrutn. ami se nior captain Mmdee Adams hai k !i>r the Washington match after hoth players missed most ! the W ashington State match Charroin suffered a head in |ur\ last week, and Adams ha tjeen slowly recovering hum a stress fracture in tier stun, an ln|utv that occurred back m mid Seplemtier (diurrom led ail players with 1 '> kdis and Adams y ft to Utosfyto Pkjrmtng Progmm. Stunf Con tef Weasel’s World Kraig Norris rrj 8 01 a' Kk»PS , .• C£ v •>*{ s rnlS MOflW*'!! A. s Phone tei. ’ 5K3UOTHE UNTVtASlTY fWaCU*.’ 9f * *> STi-'OT fO$l'!CN ’ '< V, AT v.: »l. »;viHT. wr VE cm a a-?>; ■; Si* »»<* vcr ’ V*’ rH;■ 1WN Oi.. ’ U>i . .. LIC "• t rr - \ \ V*.. A.WrTK'-), I oUfcV; «! V. „HA’ " TMi ’ V« V \. * Aft « ^ *4 V. Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen 1 H. . | , »j ’ , i'Aj • A • • \ • M ... | . v.. ,i (i, . \ C Af. nAv • f H>, f 9 I i •. tf i . ■ rKt « n ' fi! f' v. *. i A-.'.i ■ Ai },V v* /? J r i J • K*'< ' ’ u*f ;] Welcome Students 21 and over! This Week's Events " m6mw * o MONDAY NITE FOOTBALL Hot Dogs • Prizes • Games • Specials TUESDAY ” * © LADIES N1TE! BEST SKIRT Contest Roses for 1st 30 Udies! .99e 5pm to S pm BLUET mOSblMT * © 50's NITE The brst : Vs, a "Keep the I mth" * Hula Hoop Contest • I rike Kj.e-. & more .50c SPECIALS THLRSDAY # o Downtown Counfrv DANCE LESSONS THE BEST COUNTRY MUSIC L\ TOWN Stl-jk k I’otlttJ diwiks: ""'MM™ # O DANCE TO THE BBT HITS Free Cai'er with this Ad | LOBS IIK RAU TflOpa S5.00 Lo6«rr Dinner Somr mtndaotui # © Dance the <■ nite away Free Cover with this Ad SUNDAY # © "ALL YOL CANEAf Chicken k Ribs in Skinners $11.95