Former Oregon basketball star comes home By Jake Berq f n maid Sports t rlitor min i.AMi Tertnll Bran d fir si NBA statist;r w a n a .is ttHirnonihh .is hts hrst n gular Msisiin gamo Brandon. tin- humor (trugon li.r-ki I hall s|,u who Is now Mi* starting point giiurd lor thn Cl I **v I-1.1 mi (hi v .1 hers, firs! i-.irmst himself .i spot on tin' si lit*" shoot Fruiuv hv fouling Portland Trail Bhi/rr guard lurry I’ortor, but ihn garno ilsoll is uni’ Brnniioii will always itfilti dour It's soflnolhing shiil I'll tii-Vi f for;s ; said Brandon, a Port hind ii.i' I v• • who was po n ii It til In I he ( aval tors in thu t'l'in NBA draft, hut I've got to move on llii'ti afi- B1 tnori' ganii’s loft " Ai lift ,,inu' No 1 is any in dictation of how 1 hr 5-foot-11 >. :>■ w ill lo ti !:is {i:- i son, hi- should hi in lino in the MIA ch-v eland did ms. dn' ■ :•,<•!»in, but Brandon, tin ,,;n disiippoinfed in losing the i. i I i»‘ A.I' IliippY with his iVVI; Brandon V debu! contest savv him won- IS (joints on f. of lb shooting, dish out sn. assists, stiuiJ ti e hall thr< i times and onlv turn it over twin- during his :t(l minutes of playing time ! In- guard ■ iu-d sonn- of !. - in's! move (or last Brandon - i till- { ,iv.liters to si font point-, weaving through I'ort bed's (dvde Drexler and (did Pohmsoii for a reverse lay In ,1 ! Amg a h.J( ki ourt st. . if ;n I*.irter e:d dunking it w el one (land \ number of Ins passes early ■ gam** win* ini v, His first affinal NBA was to a slamming Lurry • and on Urn< land's nr*i Brandon madr a sWilt *. . ' hn VViilnn v; 7 appreciate the crowd very much. They could’ve booed me.’ Torres' Brandon f. r r.'.n.r-f ■ I pliiy d till litrM I ( .ill, , it, lirar-.dun said uft<>r I he j; ill' 'You k in i,\, I did .ill IU .union wiiMi’i ilm unU ni!' iiiijirt -.M-d I»v his idfurls I ,mu trie:-,.is and mentors .dso ev ptcssi 1 f pi- IS ;ir< it the rookie • debut Brandon father Charles was i sfje< sally proud of Terrell, .s' : .!:■ vs : in.ik.t-. S7 rm I :> :. .IVef ■ |>\ en years Hr did a real good |ob, con sidering he's a I home, Charles said h's.-a lifetime dream He worked \ ery hard CUtveiauil e h I.ennv Wii kens said Terrell did make some mistakes and needed In get into the offense ipiir ker, hut the u Mi h said he thought Bran don performed well overall He played hart) U ilk'-ns said “I think lie's going to is- a great player " Randy Grant, a former Ore gon basketball player and friend of Brandon s. agreed af ter watching Brandon s debut, saying Brandon will .someday he among the best in the league •You < ould sav he’s going to be a in tins league," Grant s.mi I ;n just proud bet aust ! know somebody who made it Tile sellout crowd of 12.HBR seemed to bold a good amount of pritli in its hometown hero, too, gi v ing Brandon a ran standing ovation for an oppo nent during the. introductions "! appreciate the crowd ver\ much.' Rraridon said. "They coil Id've booed me Those attending hardly had an\ plans . Si- that Walking out of the Cleveland locker room following the game. Brandon was greeted by several people who came to see him play He gave out bugs, kisses, smiles and autographs to his hometown fans just .is easily as he gave out assists to his Clove land teammates STANFORD Continued from Page 10 miP (..intiiHil liirilnfv .1 ri■ i uw.iy with only Ivtu ( ,riV ' *.1i < .lllu : ' .riil I1' ii Ur iniil lu Irv mill (jd it tilli n ' I)fiin i o.u li Kii h Hill 1 ‘..till \\ I' 11 ill 11 I f III! I I II lutll mturlt writ I'liinigh \% • nri ili-il lu snmr points on ihi'.i lirsi luii pi is-, f. mi ms It ii ■ y iliiil li-iipi'il m mid wi' mi l lln i li.illt'tigi-, Stunloril in.iili Denny (iii'i'ii (II IfliMt i lv . Hr 111.iilr lllfi plilV I tn* I hit ks 1111tl.11 first cloys ii iiiiln I t iuni' until 1(110 nl !lin m i tin! <|nitrli'r. .uni tin s m.m -i.1 i■■ n!v Ml first iluvvns fur tin g.lllir (to jinn i.onvi i t**ii only our ul i) t!(11.1 down situations, tml i ", ■ : i a illmtit an i-ill •! 11 v i i if fin ivi? threat. thi' Din ks still i good a ham i- to win Saturday Trailing 12-0 lute in tin- first half, thi’ Due ks again find excel lent field position starting at the Stanford -f 1 Alter i|u .1 r l ertm< k Kvle t rowstun ran fur i t yards on a fourth-and two from tfie ( anil n.d in, lie threw an errant Oj> li..n pitch to tallhuck Sean, losing seven yards and setting up a third down and long situation Oregon failed to convert and had to ettle (or a US yard Mr ( .ilium field goal Then, trailing 12 f early in the third quarter, the Ducks started a drive a( the Stanford ui following a poor Cardinal punt tin the first play of the series, ( low ston scrambled and found Uurwi'II w ide yards to the Stanford 3u (In third-and three irom tin ( animal to ipiarlerhai k Steve Stenstrom found tl.inker Jon Pint knev open 111 lie- hat. on a play de--;gnt d to go to Stan ford's t ig play man. (.ivn Mil burn I’inckncv eluded Oregon 1.1 v got tiie emotion in our favor. ’ Stenstrom said iTom there we started to close the dour on them On their next possession, tile Ducks helped finish tile closing of that door themselves BOOK SIGNING JOSEPH CONE Wil l Hi: SIGNING HIS M W HOOK IRE UNDER THE SEA The Discovers ot the Most Hxtraordinars Knviromnent on I arth Volcanic Springs on the ocean Hoot. AT THE UO BOOKSTORE General Book Dept., 2nd Floor Friday, Nov. S 12:30-1:30 Joseph (Une is a eraduaie t( die resent and mo mentous discovers o! seafloor vents hs comparing it to a detective story The nddies to he solved arc the vers essence of science 'Hess is the earth [Hit together .’" ark! "floss and sshere did life begin’” ( one plots the course of the inspirations, resolutionary theories, contiover sies, breakthroughs, arid ponds that led scientists to die seafloor's hot springs and an uiltier stand mg of the create them , flits is a tale of serendipity, )» t greeil. involving a . ast of hrd I iiant and courageous thinkers, explorers and inventors of incredibly so I ent It is aisi a t to some astonishing natural B a H ^ chemosvnthesis UO BOOKSTORE 13th & Kim.iid M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 (JKNKRAL HOOK DKFI Crowston hourly in the grasp of ,i Stanford dofondor made ii ikKjr last mm ond dec i -i(iii to pitch to Ilurwoll, hut the toss went wild ,nid die (Cardinal roi ovorod on (frugon's u Oregon linubac ker |oe Far -sell stopped bruising Stanford fullback Tommy Vardell cjn two straigfit plunges from in suit* the Duck i However. Vardell broke through the ledt side on the fourth down lor the Cardinal's second touchdown in less than three minutes Stanford led _’n (> with just over four minutes left in the third quarter, and its first win at Aiit/en Stadium since lotto w as all but wrapped up Crowston regretted his dec i suai on both pitches 1 kind of lost my head on those (’rowston said "I want those pitches bat k I knew since they had a young quarterback they'd run the hall at the beginning, Stan feed t-it kie Estevan Avila said \Ve were really eager to heat them since they heat us so bud last tear The Cardinal took its largest lead .it i t ti late in the game when Stenstrom hit wide re i elver Chris Walsh for a touch down on another fourth down, this time from the Oregon -i Oregon defensive coordinator Denny Schuler wasn't the least bit impressed by the scoring combination, which had earlier hooked up in the first quarter from ltd yards to give Stanford a 7-0 lead The last touchdown was their lirst team against our ond team." Schuler said "I thought that showed a lack of class on their part, and 1 don't mind being quoted on that South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronic Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 3% E. 16th St. 683-9070 v ,id StuJcnt rates Near Campus