Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 04, 1991, Page 10, Image 10

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Ducks destroyed
by Oregon offense
tty J.iyson Jacoby
(ir* 'on's bi ] i horsm* onnng
• Saturday io llit? Stanford
<’.iVffvriitl both major
• i,{ rf .«••» and major faihirti-ji for
‘.}Due ks
i: toriunaiciiy. the sue i «ws
.in * * tt#o cjftffn on thu d«drhsi\
»b o( lh«* football. and thr hub
ut>■% too oflim on tin offt-nsivr
(hrj’.on hold Stan fort! to oniv
OS yards of total oHmsi* aft« r
th» ( animal i.jiiih’ in averaging
mor«* than 4<K)
Hut tin' Due ks could -manage1
• ihU yards ihrinM'lvrs. in
s hiding a dismal \ yards ml
rushing on tt>a arm s
And Sor tht? third straight
d Oregon's only louin
■ i ■•■•■>•■> .t i l v.ird sitin'.!..
ill it; :!; dhtr s tbf filth Du k
... i :: u k to . . .n t inti t h is
si "it m iti to Br-iatt Jlfown ; .uni:
w*-l: litff till- fm.ti null runt: b.ni
ilui 'ho Ofttgon oib riM t
1.111. r, had At*11 d .j.}i*.M ..: ' .
to |>111 j oints on lilt' iwi.inl i
;.i i tally in tiir firs! half
i'll Milks first two jkijs.t .
Mims lurtrd irisidi! thf Sian-'
ford A S hut ()t I'jjun did a'!
« mi: a point on uilhiir mth-s
In llii- first I hr (*<• ipnirti r- ■’ )r
i gun. Ii.ul four drtvi s -.t.irt in
turn to STANFORD P'ag« Id
Ptvolo by An<Jf« Mam**
Quarterback Kyle Crowston it sacked by Stanford Linebacker Ron George
Ducks’ 33-13 loss to Stanford confirmation of a miserable season
By Dave Charbonneau
i rneraki Sportv Reenter
(Irt'jjon^ la 1 t loss to Stanford on
Saturday was nothing more than a i on
firmation of thr miserable mmmjii tin
i)m ks urn having
I tin Dm ks n111>|>«*<i to :1S on tin- mm
son tn front of •tl.lH‘1 funs at Aut/en
Stadium in the homecoming game
After an impressive defensive show
mg last weekend at Washington, and
with the return of defensive linemen
Marius Woods and Matt l.aiiOUIltV
from tin- injured list, it looked as
though the Din ks would have a i hurn.v
to get hai k on the w inning trail
However, it is hard to win games
without storing, and Oregon seemed
unwilling nr mevhe unable to put
points on the Ixiard
I'he Ducks started their (list two
ilmes of Ixith halves in Stanford lerri
tor\ hut c ould only .it cumulate three
('ouch Rich I)rooks was not pleased
w itil his team's perlorrmiru e
Our exec ution fell far short of what
we needed to will. he said "We re
struggling on oflense We need to try
and get an offense
Oregon r'oiiId do nothing right on of
leilse. espei lully In the first quarter
Ihc Ducks had the hall four times in
the quarter The first three senes went
three downs and a punt, and their
fourth possession ended when quarter
tun k Kyle ( row stun was (tilled tor in
nnttonul grounding in the end /one re
Milling in a ( .mlmill safety
Oregon's first series of the second
(jiiiirter ended when Konnie H.irns him
tiled oil his own 19 V.ird line It w as not
until five minutes in the sit mid quarter
that the Dm >.s finally got a first down
Despite the extremely dismal first
hull, the Ducks only trailed 1- t going
into the loi ker room
Clegg MiCullum's 77 yard field gOtil
midway through the third quarter
pulled Oregon within six. hut the
Due ks would get no closer
Stanford retaliated three plays Liter
wlnm quarterbai k Steve Stonstrom hit
|on ILm knev lor a At> yard touchdown
i or the next fifteen minutes ll looked
as j( Autzen Stadium should have tiad ii
t<>n! over it bo< ause tile Ducks looked
like .1 ( ircus
First, C’.rowston fumbled a snap and
mi tin' following play, made an ill-ad
vised pitchuut to taillj.it k Sean liurwell
th.it landed alxnit hve yards behind the
tailhai k Stanford recovered the fumble
at tile Oregon nine yard line and scored
five plays later when Tommy Vardell
scored a touchdown from a yard out.
I felt our defensive effort was good
enough to keep us in tile game, but
when llit;y broke the long touchdown
and then we made a had pitch instead
of eating the ball. VVe pist can't do
that," Brooks said 'We don't have the
offensive fire power to overcome those
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