MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1991 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 48 Brand vetoes EMU’s military recruiter ban By K.rsten Lucas S ” aid:Repof’ef '!'!:>■ i All' lit Mi*! . il I iirt-i tors house committee Will int'fi i'ui’xi.iv to tliM uss its strategy ,i ft or U n i v t* r s i! X i’restd eti t Nfsles Brand s i'riduv veto :ot the board's decision to butt mil ;tary on ru iters from tin- KM l! Brand said board members overstepped their bounds and violated timdamental print : jilt's u* fri'i' spei t ii ami access !.n p .: iu. buildings bv attempt Board to discuss override at Tuesday meeting r.a Uni ;h«• rt'< riiitrrs Ifnm •lie; Mr . Ctri iitj.iti i uniiriinioiiM'. vot • i fl Wrr'k in ; rohibi! till i tiirv :r« rutlcts Irnm using ihr i’iii* tin,; !« i 4usi‘DiJpiirtmfnt id l)f!fM-.f polity 'tint's no! ulhnv .sy i .Hid lesbians in the mill (ary l onflii tihg '.vith ilniversi • v ruIf. tin di'.-. ruiimatlim In 'titling so. iiranti said da \* board 1:rt kf tilt1 my : . . bin principle” thf I ■ itv sinuilt! in' i fii.n ■- inf free \P!l ••■.luil of nit IN Hn- uniit-rlving prim ipii' fieri’ :s' .r. i unnit inu-.l !■*!• !n.. r.irit mdiv nln.i! iy ,md . olli'i lively:; ..I v i • • w •> arid opinions ;*r«- mil i>ur •*ii [ s.nii ' niviTSilh!-- should mil Ns Insinirm'iiis ftir pol-itu .il trims idniudtori hi its drt isum in M !'i '.irii il l’. al!t“ - .i .s'- the opposite nppri it h i, ttki. pt-rMinallv nhjtu 1 io :»»«*• i iiM!lrss .mil hurtful poll v. Hr.m«l said Ami as pn-st It'Ii! i ! this It HU iTMlV . i .till . i'mmilliii fii pursuing ,tjy;rrs Mivlt with nilii'ts. ivi'fv rr.i ■. tiiii ■ a inf ••(!<•< ! tv ii ,i v i-mir io ruvitrsinjj diM riinm.ilitiri i I iivv r v i-r, lira (it) s.ijil Ihu Is ir11 . Ii'i isioii vv is [ml oitiv utiroiisonilhlu, hul ronnliTpro ilii11iv I-. ni'iuiirsslv umfrontit I it ;..i i .in,) ,m inomaiv W i'.i'ii questioiird ihout the nghls <>l students lu i untroi lit** student union; llrumi said litis umvcrviiv and nil ot its buddings, irn hiding tin1 . Mi bailing to the people ol ()rr g<>n Brand villi tin- rights ol I in vrrsiiv students who want to nit i-i with v me miters too ! ‘; ‘ hr jinitri led - to BAN ;, |,i ) Therapy tries to tap oils’ power Aromatherapists extol treatment's virtues, benefits By Matthew Renaa I Aromatherapy It sounds like the mmol fashion among Hollywood stardom, or a now brand of deodorant Hut in fai t aromatherapy is designed to alter people, not aromas I’rai titione: Ka tiae! Marker said l! is ' using es sential oils to affect healing Aroma i in-rap i st s attribute i variety of powers to oils that are extracted from plants by distill,i lion. The oils are in haled or massaged into a person - i. In after t h e y u r e blended with n-pi lar vegetable oils \! erker said sin blends canola and aim. -riil < >i is :.; u ►.> .1 h ■>! mu \noth«t • lift ti\■ iHitmcii! is i.ivcniirr mi Murker said. Is very relaxing. It's yi-iy anti slit's-., but il ton iilsu In uphflinp she said Muri'iiuT. -ho asserts, il is gotid !nr must.If pain bciause i! has ,m anesthetic ellec t 1 was lining mmiii plumb ing it and the .vrnm :h slipped,” she said I grabbed the lavender nil and I put it on " Mr: M-r said Ih< pain qua k iv disappeared Jumper tar rosemary oils. Marker claims, . an help purge nj‘,in from the i irculatorv •.v-ifin ( .imomili' ts soothing and a really good uni? to use w ill: kid-. -!.■ -.aid Hm Si till i ontains salu ylit .a id whit h is used m aspirin and :s U'.t'lul as a pain rtthev t>r Geranium oil is gooti for the kidneys bu< alvptus has in .miivmil «■*U s !. which is u In il Is oftt'tt used in i uid u miis When ; ihi i d onto the hod y during i niiiss.igc MitIi r .1: i. till' nils will go to the irt of the Uids willin' lhi-\ am ni'tidi d I hev re very Wise oils .he s.iid rh.w know wfiat to How* vrt, Murker uses the <>i!s pri marilv is »i means ot t-mullonal heal nig Whm sln» ts unhappy, sin? says. ,i r o m a l hfi r a p v rn a k u s h e r feel much better Alter hut inv: new clients fill out a question nairu outlining their physical and psy { ho log u a l histories, she suttees Is c er tain !l..,t iiin lie .im1!i iini W • si • .1- 'hi : hi • . . M'S "! inevitably tlnd that ncn pic like whatever they tieeii, she said Marker explains the nils el tents partly m terms of diem Turn to OILS Pape 9 i'horcM by !>«Mr i'oi:.*; (l elt) No. il s not the latest board garno It s Aromatherapy, a way ot healing tho body with oils Lisa Luke (above) blends water with oils which are then heated and rubbed on a patient INDEX Progress_ Sunday^ round at the Madrid peucu conference included historical talks between Israel and the i’nlestin tans See story, Page 8 Victory The Oregon wom en's cross country team, as expected. (aplured the top three spots at Satur day's Pat: i !ic- 1 0 Conference Cham ; pionsblps. out too u>v»red men -• j wus upset by Arizona See story, Pago 13 Panelists: Ending racism a long-term process By Rivers Janssen : IIM 1 Cl a :t tujlof People cannol allow themselves to be liimjil.iccnl in their altitudes toward tai ism. a panel of human rights advo ati s told a crowd of about r.O at tin? mvi-tsitv on Saturday I'eopii; sav. I've done if or 1 attend • ! ■ ::>■ id those meetings onc e,' hut thev need to re.di/e it's a ongoing pro ess, said (;reg Ktkhuff, a Human Kighls Anaivst tor the Cit\ of Kugrne "I'm not there vet I don’t know if I ever a... ; ■' I iw . .eeli to keep go ing " !I was r.e : ':>!■' [iai.Sts .it the Assembh the Haha i sponsored conference on rac ism Other panelists w - ■ B lr:1 ' .■ k :i v% served on various ilaiiad race unitv committee? hmiho Hcrnantitl/.. di lec tor ni the niv.-r -itv s High School U ■.elves,' JacksonTuhnhulie h said "it starts with ns and works outward Klkhofl estimated that .it least three hate i runes are reported 111 Hugene and Springfield every week, with many more going iinmentloneii He noted that with 'll) percent o! the local population of hulopean desi ent, it s often haul to comprehend the racial strife that others incur Panel members agreed that people ( an he more responsible by attending meet mgs and conferences against racism e ti rec landed an at.(|uai: 'ate ■ d is w : 'iiitti : .• hatred 'or ali”n* ! icksou said the person joined an or , cu/iition that involved wi.rkin 1 wit!) Latinos so sin- could get over her am inositv IIv talking and relating to tier ,v workers she was at to tt« r mderstand their [jerspectivi . she a. i The problem is that too '• w people in.ike an effort to undersiand ib-man We re not winning jusi havin'! talked The only p«-t>plis who communicate are those who al ready participate in our meetings Then- arc people who do make the el furl. Kikhotl said He singled out local Repuhlu an Lane ( nuritv Lommlwmiicr .11 k Kohert', a-, someone w ho is single nandedlv making a dilference as a i hampion of human rights .'lie -t-J School District has started 1,11 ism free /.ones in many ol their el eim iitarv programs Whitaker school has gone farther, starting a prop* t i ailed '( i.: ■ re f II uh, w hu h ask- the pie ! ion hs students. " 1 'it' ’Hiring If w I were all tile same' But more effort is needed not only loan those airr-ads involved hat those ,s ■ . a'.oid the Issue as we: the panel ists said ,\iso present at the i nnfcmtit <• vs ere : . r •, t r • : : • ’ ■ t r. 1 iff RACE im