TALKS Continued from Page 9 pjuuj Simtf "la>v ■'t liloi .nii■. (error I'.m >:.■: right vvat ' Syria's .1! Nhur.tu s in! Unit for isrim!. millions of Arabs I'aln&timans Syrians and la !>a hrse Would lull lire!: inmuile-i from llu-.r homes [ordiH; Aim ’.it - r ‘. .id tin P.iU '.fim.ilist .iiii! h.ivi’ ihc prim' (if thi* N.i/i Uni i.i.iusl thiil liruvr- ihf !<-'.vv in ' • 1.1 ' !:• in t’.ln" : :!ni A h 1.1 i i -1 < uni inii-i j I h.i 1 "must Anitsv mil of ,i snisi1 ol . linn’!- iiiid {• i-iirin'. 'ii inju'.h< *■ and hi'lniVtil h.ivc rclmsiii • i 5 ‘ • V 1 ii nli r.p. il'- -ii i ununodatloii Hut if this i !•!.!< u ni ' .in \ Hi jin: ;! in is si i :: i I - r.til -■ m , r -i . ..iU111ii!• - to 1iv i- In its own rules .11<• • i the Jordn n ■• •! : " ■ ■ hack's km,; H . • em iippi-.irrii .v - '• ' - s .ij. from Am ond Middle !• i-ler : i *.in.w up", .bbeit *•!«** ■ thi onfnrona A 1 S UiJ r a.i deliver eit ! ht> 1 \!|i’s! sjn-i i 1 even tid.l. lll 1 i 1 v: ’lie Jew > I I'lilll to lie ir ini In -ti It the entire world were to .idopt such claims it would have to encourage nil (ihristians to emigrate to the Vatican and Musiims to holv Met i a. Ill said ■Afterward; Shamir comment ..I on Israel radio "Several davs ago 1 said the conference w not he a rose garden, but ii.ii.n i! was a whole garden of thorns Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or C< ?r*•> t your ad call 346-4343 CLASSIFIED POLICIES Placement Aii* may U j4*tcd at ttxi. I NK I main * 41 u r) « * l ( > *fr. Mam I l•»ir Payment AH *.!» rnuil l«r prrpaij tmlru bjlbntf ba» kni c4tabliihc*i i m Uilmg attan^ritM'trtt pirate tail Ufv J 1». v hv tbc . Umlh H .Wli. r. if a* ! Ml ios PERSONALS Congratulations on your •cc#f*Ui* • to Order of Omega Ju i 'ue H rWar'll l Lovo. Sigma Kappa M., , y St ott H*l»n ■' * , ' i »ii> t« i m > ' I K I . i; , *.,«* . < .! A • . >»• ■’«' r i «*'»» \/ to CH*r ►'A# Qatar r.o J f » t H.u4j • | M-.» • -»:*5 ( <« l et u *«t ttv* ham on lira"1 l Ow« Yom Gamma Phi Data* Congratulations Vim Sprongor on t>a»ng tha tat (unon to co»r*ctty Klanttfy Don Knots •• out HaSovaa* M}*l«ry CaMfrrty' 110 LOST 1 FOUND IOUMD ; ’•"*»» *-* • I LOST hay on mood bW>« k TiM>*4ay Ktfx*»cJ and IMh vxmily f>laa*a »• lufn lo l o»t a»d f ound, I M»J ! )»rn l \ > *11 afS* Ub iiS TYPING SERVICES A ) 4 4 0 ' *• i H 4UH p GHAT) »« K M Al'PWOVID «»• 4.! - U* * ,• - . f«*~ , ' O ^ I : ON CAMPUS' C Ml A I fVL ! y i»t * Of' SK ,N 1 *, -1 ' -j \ r.of f ’• 1 , ( alt U*ti at h* 1 f .'SI DIAL A TYPIST tt i Y>n*< . \ 1)11 in . I a t aliarrt !yp**t i I » , • - . I i. ' . »»Ht \ I V.i' .NAl T Yl'iN. . f fIMi J'f ufe&Biorukl woul pfOC BteBing taring • dilufkal fo# im!*» rial*: f i4> fcUftlanl* cli%&*ft*tiofi» Grad at hco! * .*f>j>#ovffd l ow r*1*» V4*> 1 4*. W TYPING UNLIMITED i and l Prmlaf 4>t‘» 3' V4 3 ) - «.• , .,;<*} i« , !•■«*. „ |U>; 1 yV«r*Q A word pi ot • * »i [Th« wowo specialists] * < xtdvilr S» h««>l Appro v r J * i h«rr1»l»mi 1 hr »r n Vaprrs * HIM t ompallMt,! n*k l n i * IjLsri 1*1 initn^ i »i 4|«f.h » * \ diftng. Kf»uraf« [CAROLYN LlKIUfl cjHoy ■ Printed text to computer files Js C A N M E R Sj 747458° siroiw^uiw »j 344-4510 l.H Min WUKl) r*K(M I.SSlNu k«iu xi» ii m** *rr«o\n> nnu W \ I S^r. I AM K 1**1 VI ISt. ^rr L ; ( M l r M MB 1 « * - l llW Mk « bak 605 E 13th 1MTUT0WWG 5fk*ru*h tutor. fcAl 14f>8 Ju*n 130 FOR SALE WSC. Huffy 1A *>«*d JVC j < «■»<• ' , '.«••••■• > i '> ,v.*; , AMI M' ' 1*004 I Am I a «# 1.1,.. .r.‘. ' v»> 10 fl I > ' * " U'*3 ’£»:«. I iV'- **’Wi A • V . 135 BUY OR TRADE F.V .ifMj? ! wo-tf lo buy » '.s«d coL.i tv 4ft% uina 145 CARS TRUCKS . “ - I i 1 f M N S-. *• - * C. VI H NMH N1 St t/l £) . -• S I M. • • MUM Mil* -■ iu ■ :« »» ■• ** ' «' • V - S «• PRELUDE . » » > . » • ,■> AU i W • ■ • “ ; ‘ >«? .K '* • if* i *«*Hf ?.«»■ ' ' «* U- n •• . ►... | $44 5743 . SPOHI V BL Ul (H'LUXI T t MCI l Pi A. i ■ *HI' W 1 i • . U* t* r M * ( » i i H. 4:>4 Vt 4 76 UoUq* D*M. i * » •• ; *' . »■ jxK*' «•* V' OPPORTUNITIES U5 CARSTRUCKS 8S l»u/u 1 M*' k A •. \ <• U* U 1 4WA l f , * v * *:.( . im< V>.» ";r 1#»6 M# Ju y It *m .--4 83 Itorxl# P#*%{>of1 %c ck:!#/ v» • ' • A ■ • ■ • • • .. S ■ tyti ‘ ■ * ' 67 Hk<# Honda ‘.j*#* «»■*. « . «V S'- ■■ 1SS BICYCLES Hr and W#' HuifK hi hyt>f«l l“k#» • ~ u • ' **' V'* hraiKsii 1 « I*a • S• •' * huftthi 1 . 1 V ««* s 4H-. • V • 10 T !•* AmU t . *- <• m S iM COMPUTERS ELECTRONCS A{4^* Print** r . n »■ ,-v S •- , '4- * '< So n y 4 ■•/*'* *< ■«»*.. S . 'Uf. -H*. M its INSTRUMENTS H o» . r ■.; > j a Mis I j' nN \ftAHKl Y i • i» ,1. : sSvrpfld *>• . | A'i!<»■'•. > ■ I ,ii *• *»• . Of1 • • 4, Y IN n Ml ST to IN DISPUTE Ml SOLUTION? A ft ' 1 ft *Ui’" i ■-! " i- k%«.J r«/ | As • >■ f |v»>a.*d Ap,\ • it:km'-u andpo A * S .. y 4 i M i A , . iC ■ y. • I ' "•*! ! * • • , •• <> f« . «*- :*»•• ' • w A K • .« A A ! f STUD! NT ACTIVISM? 1 c* • A AT >1 S I UUY AHMOAD IN A ■ JS T MAI IA V s •» ' «« •' - Ur,n,#f*rty D*y T0o2 A i n a ' 0 1,11 i. II 210 HELP WANTED 20$ OPPORTUNITIES f /m thousands stuf&ng envelopes . V arxl se ’addressed stamped H- v*»;>f*4* Adam Huns*:***' 4*»6f> I .r»wuod In, [’ugon«. 9/401 WINTER TE HM I NTERNSMIPS Orientation Mealing Monday, Nov 4, 3 30 P M I '-om» it'H .m a tew of the sites mat .t o ava sable tor wtnler internships You "-..iM tie a Jr S'a Ma, Mm in the Co ttgo of Arts A Sciences m order to f !h St Public Market KVAl T V Kaufman * Eugene Clinic BRING Recycling Nike Store Oregon Dept of Correction* i uyene Symphony Association t ookmg Glass Shatter M Damien Pubfishing Read position descriptions in ?2i i tend nr *s Ha for first chance a! orvw* sign 0ps, attend Our 'a'on M»*#’r.g Monday. Nov 4 at 3 30 P M in l MU Ginneood Hoorn 210 HELP WANTED ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT v' .»• •#% Ea" XX) ♦ month free 'M' pona!or Hoorri A Board' Over H X>C n;*>' -.ngs No experience neces • Male or female ♦ or employ mu- ' program tit Student Employment Ser . at ’ .’ •> M*> 4i t>b e»: 114 t AMN MONE Y fleading boo** V '• '"toms pOUM ' a. : o.i’s ,‘v 6000. o*t Y 964? I ipenence Eugene a «**«j£t stain :*h» an center Ceft 6834430 .1 (I *u i> yt> "kHk to n*4p yOurs«i ' Outsaje sates f .ir.t g- w g marse -iy t.rm repr asenttr^y f .Misioni tw* j « g kx Outgoing energetic ‘ > Utey. evening «xl rwaan'ti hours IE'*. yo hcxx Wti guar a. »m. Vi Nx-' f utt.Va/1 time point J 600 323-7S59__ r NEED EXTRA INCOME ^ FOR 1991? I *' iV3b I iU —• •iV t‘ *•»■ .*%! V y ACADEMIC JOB HUNTING Workshop for graduate students seeking academic or research employment. Come to find out about: • Developing Job Search Strategies • Developing Your Vitae or Resume • Tips for Successful Interviewing • Alternatives to Academic Employment With Dr I>arrv Smith, Director of Career Planning W11KN M<)NDAY NOV 4, 12:00 1 00 PM WHERE EMC CEDAR ROOM A Call 346 2804 for further information. More Fall Fun -November 2nd!! ;r MOOiDMin ■ **r (l«fi *■ Uns eal Feet c?v»«r» d**# om# ~ Kfizzjf EOitjf ►‘o**' ?»»♦« >wrr <$ Grot's Nest f«'*co»iG»rt»«9 UT Lynne > *» $«•> • biu« Loci Cri*ts-Gr« Food*is*t Ensnunm Idan to 5pm RAiN Of) SNNE ST S Oak I)oom\sbur\ BY GARRY TRUDEAU \ MtSCONSIRUtP1 / l-^l V* v, SAy * HA, HA! YUKIYUK1 mux who PlP YUM. .. a ■ wv YUM PfiPtK 30Y * \