D-v. v,C*’P. • P- ■ v (^icorqc/ rt S'f’f*' /»t> (~t ■/*<■k? on IP cauothf and CD Alpine Import Service J Tho Volvo Specmliat> -U/C, SGaiurom to youi OusttiuiNun CSS/fO/ 07X1 ISLjEUg change SPECIAL $^95 \/i >LVQ f«»c fory original f I l T r ft | Calk , < > , APPOINTMENT 726-1808 1190 MAIM :>T. SPRINQFICLD, OH. 97477 RELIGIOUS ^DIRECTORY i A reader s yuide to local plates of worship and counsel. ) i/AI'HOl.lC * M.W M AN U N 11 R < ► I - * ► i< I ) ! < ► ‘ ^ * ( k ... - 1 1 • • . • \ v , n . S ...• v *.■■ <* < [ ■ vi* *Tm« | k M . « ■ -* * 1 ~ ^ 1 irvt l Dn^ri'^Jlional l mli\l C Iniri li ot C’linst | Suiul.iv Morning i dtu.ilu'ii I lour l>:00 a.m. 1 U ursliip 1 0:00 .i.m. K* v. 4 -frj; Hint Kv v. I Sm\lh j4k‘h» l 4 s p»i'4i ’ t • r of 4(ki l lirr .* N M fr\nn cimptti 1 he VS esle\ I ouiui.ition I mti\i Mi thovlisi i >impus Ministry 1 ’ V> kmrjkl St I t'lluvs -.hip V.ruup \\ isl 7 tKI p m YOUNG College Fellowship Ev .>ry I hue.riay Night .it 6 30 p m. Al Young Lil.i Hou-. o 417 E 13th 342 7513 fcjjiecujjMl (Cjimjjue ?Hiitietrire 1329 E. 19th | 686-9972 Thursdays: 5:30 Eucharist Supper 7:15 Class on "What ! Is Anglicanism" | Everyone Welcome For more information on this directory call Scott Dana at 346-3712 Graphics • T t PI SI T T INC • PASH-UP • LAYOUT • OISIGN • CONSUL TAT ION • CAMLRA • *■, ’J f S * UNIVERSITY PC obscures issues, speaker says By Jaooue -ne Woqe t rrwakS CooWstJtitOf To hi.mV. the tii run yin !’( stands, for " j■ r sonitl uunpu • t»>r To others, IT also stands (of politically utfri'i t Catharine Siintpsun. .1 national ly fi « i.uni/' d authority on at a cicsmlc freedom. said she hopes in tin fultire. I’( will stand lur plenty of c ulture.. 'or politi 1 ally civil Stlmpson, vice provost and graduate deall ill K11ij^f• rs irn vrrsity, commented im political correctness .uni academk frc< dom In . most ntyvspapor odltnrs to nimr tin' story of tin- year and tfii v 'll profiulily say the Persian Coif U.ir Ask Steven Smith and you may •! a vote for the abortion i link protests in Wit hita. Kan which began last July .inti led lo moo than >,t>0() arrests Smltli. managing editor of 1 hr IV/i hil‘i l igio ys tii tfi sillin' the frustration and eshii ■n tlioii ol rovering the (ipert til.n Kcst.ut' story 01 a fr»-«- pill) fmmam 5 C VIDEO GAMES 5th STHIET PUBLIC MARKET^7 ;<•«<*tow* tv*ot*rt 683 8464 VlPtOAWtNiUKt VAUfYAfttAHia ►.iin*.. mi TOV~U UU ft' PbLO R\mi Lai kia Steven J ■H l ( > \K» N | \|.«(I.S.S I K( )M ()\ IKI’AKK Iii- lecture today .it ,i to p m in Kmirn 12M of the law school W .1 r in the i lull, Troutili* in tin* Streets Lessons from the HHtl News Year' will he the first (hand ter Lot lure, an an mi al series made possible b\ a gift lr*'in Kohert Chandler, editor of Ilu- llullrtin in Rend Smith's apjMsmincs? is part o( the School of Journalism's •'>iH anniversary i elebratloli So.Ith, Portland native is a era.:..util of the Wmvartntv Hi i.ej;an Ins newspaper career in Ido.a as the editor of the So ,th Lunelle Hlfjll Si hot.: new-Spa per, Ihr \ II' Steven Smith Knife pulled on students i lii- followtrig Itu.i dents wrrc reported lo the Eugene Police bcpurlmenl from Oi l .'.'mi to the 29th i ie thrift of a Honda self powered mowi-t was report i i on ()ct 22 try a S muifti tv Physical Plant employee The mower was valued at ainiut ,$MT>0 The mower was stored in tie- Physical Plant's maintenance building at lti ■ ' Agate St and is as sto lon sumi'ti rn e ho t \s e e n Wednesday, (lit 9 and Thursday, Oct 17 The po lice have no suspects Computer discs were re ported stolen on Wednes day. Oil 22 (rom the office o! Sharon Yoder. adjunct as six:late prolessor for the Cen ter for Advanced Technol ogy m Education The discs, which included a word-pro cessing program, were val ued at S500 Yoder said in the polite report she had left her oflice in the Agate build ings on Tuesday. Oct 21 to do S'liiif photocopying and when sin relumed ihi1 discs were gone The police have no susptn ts A man with a knife men .teed two University Stu dents Wednesday. Oct 22 David ( h r i s t o p ii e r 1’nmo/ich, .!(), ol 15tfi Ave nue and Mill Street, told po lice he anti Renee Dugan, 22, were walking north on Mill, approaching East 17tfi Ave nue when an unidentified white male crossed Mill and began walking behind them According to police reports Erimozlch heard a "click" and without turning around lie asked if everything was OK I’rlmozich said the re spouse was, "it'll be pretty good in a couple of min utes " 1’rirnozich turned and the suspect hold out a knife so it could be seen Accord ing to police reports, the mis pet t then walked away after saying, "have a few night mares on tne "