Friday Night Video host Tom Kenny will deliver homecoming humor By Jacqueline Woge Emerald Contributor If Woody Wood pet ker and Buddy Holly had a baby, what would the offspring Imik like' Hint The "offspring" was horn m Now York, spouts wit lincss with a /.Ip reminiscent of Woody's laugh, and was re cunfly namod the permanent host of NJi< "s h'rlday Night VldlTOtl Snll ( and imagine what 2‘l year old Torn Kenny looks like' (to see for yourself Kenny will allow the uudi once to ride around" in his head at the combined O'Neill Williams and Hilltnun rooms of the fiugene Hilton Hotel to night from 7 If) <1 |i m The show marks the Sri ond Annual I’atents Weekeoil and Htitnei omlng Comedy Night. winch in sponsored liv I in. Student University Relations (.uuni il i in - ' imiHii y night vs is 1 • ttted lot students In** .him' Ml mans homecoming events .vi'ro aimed .il alumni,' said S! K(. president K.inmin lore While SUKC; may have cur frni students in mind. Kenny doesnt aim Ins shows at anyone in parlk ular." hi: said "I'll gel there early and have a little apple June in the dressing room.'' Kenny said, reletting to his show prejiai.i lion I'll have .10 cups of col fee Set my genitals on file Listen to some nx Lability Kenny's style has fienn tie scribed as last paced and fre netic "I'm hyper in .ill re spects I think fast I even sleep hist." Kenny said He also moves up the lad dor pretty fast i'i»k*■ his rti ent naming as Friday S'ltfhi ViJ cos host, for example 'Tin show started out with liltlt rix k ii roll editorials w itli mx or seven commentators. and n progressed to lioing me " Ken ny said "Kinda gradual When asked how long hi Ixren with the show, Kimnv said, "Kivu months "The i riluria (or tin: show was that you show up. Kenny said, explaining why In was i ho sen as the show s permanent host "Show up and don't swear When asked what it's like (or someone to live with a bundle of cornedh >nergy such as himself. Kenny said "I'm on the road a lot That s a gixxi thing, though, considering that he’s now ori his wav to Kiigerie I'm look ing forward to playing a city named niter I hr jeep in the I’ujirvr < rtf, ins 'ili! K< n ny. who has never visited t.'u g0 pure* : .. I MU Mi" Do** or by ca !‘.g ” •• be* 66? 5000 f'ny'Ky.r-s as* that contango**', s'o^ r support of I ood fey 1 a*-o C ‘ ccyao*-' of c«r r *x1 food lo «> a;-*a * ' Some call U'inst< of many seasons V : cause he's one to through leaf piles or ha . the sun, hut hex ausr- ! one to release seasonal tit albums, one after tin ollue mis latest a mum. mmm Oct h, fits the pattern pertec th W past albums such us Autumn and It . lur Into Spring. W inston followers u.. have even guessed what he'd i T one And if tllev'd guessed Sumn thev would have been right Sunn: Is. 'This album was influenced in tn Montana, where I spent many \u grown it up and where I tour i v'erv . or two. Winston said in a written 1 ' ment. iii in v\ ailom. which contains r. teatim;* theniusii of mum com as wall as Winston himself ■ ro;!i• most influential musician n online, was the eri-al Montana a-r-piams! Philip \ iiiere. Win : ■!: a;.l m a written statement ’ reason. -Winston i hose to in :; ra' some A 11 n• r>; compositions ' i Summer fie also included the a :ks of suclj composers as Pete Seeder. :al\ Newman ami Art Luncie ‘He plays the piano, some rhythm and blues, but he also plays a little guitar and a little harmonica' Bob Greeneisen U'V - 7 Cats marketing coordinator . ; Winston, tnnvi'vrr, the story goes k nun h further th in .mv of the mm - 'ti ms tii- s reliiiisod l! began ! i k ;r. Miami m l‘M. ' iii- had just tm ished high school, ami feeling inspired in blues, rook, jazz ami rhythm ami blues. In- lift iilrd In take to tin- organ and tile elw tfit piano Then, two years later, tie (mind him sell taught up in tats Waller's piano music d rum there on out. Winston has been a pianist 'From, then until now. he s kepi turn self busy Via tune of he. uwh albums, including four soundtrai ks and seven albums where he contributed as a guest artist. Winston has had nothing short o! a busy piano life ll looks as if that may be just about to i hange though the strictly piano part anyway He's currently studying solo guitar, especially Hawaiian Slack Key (fimgerpli king) guitar, and prodm mg re coolings bv some of Hawaii's Slack Key guitarists tie’s even, incorporated other instru ments into his concert repertoire ' : He plays the piano, some rhythm an i blues hut he also plays a I ft t'lu guitar and a little harmonica," said oiiub (Ireeneisen, marketing Yoord main; h ; Darn ing Tats, the promotion company (of Woe-ton's i niu'rts as wall .is Win stem's record |>r. Auction company \ini Ins Kug> ■!».• show isn't arty til (for '■til He'll hi" doing Ins winter show m Kiigetlt!." llreiiveisen said He'll ploy . its off Ins /In ,-niht'r album: a rut or tw .1 From (lie 111-11 album. utnl play some guitar inti too " We wen- ttlji :i jut Ihigtini ! two years i,1 anil tin sh, w went really well • he . ini '■ .• rgi a great lollnwing in the Northwest Winston will '.’art Ills Northwest tour N,,t ; in Meilto: I from there he'll do three more Onigoii dates, move into Washington ind then ili'se the tour in I’utlland on N. • \ ! tii’ocge is always oil tour." ('.teeneisen said lie touts jnetty estelisivi y \s tor now. though. V\ aiston will irt ins Northw-< - t toiir ...Nov in Med tot t Irom there lie'll do three more (begun dates, move into W ishtngt.'h. aiiii'dien . lose the ton: m i'ortl itid e.u No I id-urge is always m lout. (ireeieusen . said lie tours un ity ev• ■■ i \s tor now . though.’s as far into tr " future as his sidled summit; Hi",'*' , mu tolling, thou, whom hu ll !»■ yr.irs Irom now wlii'lhcr liar'll I" pit king ,i guitar nr playing .1 piano nr lm!li IIii (hiiniis an- i'.immI, huwrvcr. tb.ll hu ll Iw: doing iiiumi M ason iiftor siMson By l.ayne l akofisl' .1 d I rtiirfM omen! * ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR )Vi- -\A7> l)A\CJ f .»Stills Ik N jkti wi'. -i: m ; ■ • % .4! !> •'!' !U; 1 : ir\v* : k : S V>o. «a ' • !:,ik : it\ the KM'. M.t ' .*•••» I hr Dave l I’Twtln Croup vs.!; |«r ?: f»U> h> p.m .it Simon'* Off Hr .1 !w.o H;t*uvjwa> . in? iivhii! o fr»*; olid : v* ' <■ 0 i hr Annual Hum** uinmtf ( um «f1 MV... w;.. .lit! j ... '• .1: K j1 "i in iW’.t. 1 I'iiwmbiei. and a-irru v*. f > S ,".a • rit Hail They t* .. ■. M ■ > /art p t -j $ r a m 1 n h on-.: • f th * ' •(*»'i of W . '*.*•'-K Attudf .% V. . '.ro .ud«d im "I utu ext a for 1 Hn>t! ifi t “(. ' r V . ..!> "» • J Symphony V .Mi A an ! v‘t n ; ’ ' V '»: 4 :t 11 Hai k«n* r*n^« tn pro a ■• $: • S rt’.'.h limited ttuilwnl altd M.‘fu ! M. w .: t* a\ a fci-; > .U' he pur* ha wni a! Um KM S‘-» .li- » a' iHH the hit of In «i at tWt * VHJO J In- Saluiday Market , v.‘ '' Ave and (Wk > v* i >** i c *t •Miiuf.dinmeni Woanl»«4in a , * 41 10 a m Mu»li al fo«! hiidter; * ■ i' a: 11 a m krtz/y Kddy. du®i. at mum, i: v*'* Nr* !..i x i: 1 p m an (J Lil' I.ynrwr (k the Srn »kin 4 > j) m 11m Mar*.*-! m ,. .< « ‘ ’ a: i ■ ».!•: i.>s .1, raft* and International food*. aruj take* ■ ;.i r vhine Admmiun i» frw liunlet l)jt n a ... f - • r r!; f i*tf vui a ,'n . »;• «ti taimmumty C a»:.**tr for the Perform ng \" W f.ighth Av« Ikavi* uu!i * *,-uniiy, blue*. I* *k : • - » u add to hur lyru * about the joy* and uromo* of ' •- m 1 *<>t>. - .-if; be jiafthkMHl lor %•< at the KM* V.., : * •.» '.rS i' th« i •■»! i Si JAY NOV 5 \ l a bam a Mill perform at ? pm in Oregon State ^vsty * (.ill i;oli»um OiMmUig the ih*m **tli be ». Van Shelton and Murk (Jietnut Tu.k.*t*. available .• t. ! t..r- •. are ^ for $19 VO Vxtala*, fit Hera?” will take p;.* e at ft p m ift fie ail nt Hall, tit}! K HJth Ave 1 he ( OIKMI Will feature *; idem mum i*n* performing a variety of chamber i v In kel*. available at the dor *ill veil for S4 k * ml and $*tud«nt* and mliiou W : ).\KS! JAY. NOV ft I he Sample* Will perform al 9 30 p m in the rnunity t .enter lor the Performing Art* ^91 W : ighth Ave Hie group, hailed from Colorado. play* a sinauon of rock, *ka and rag|UM> They luive pened •:•*« like* of johnny (Jegg an.! Savuka, The Waller* 4iiu !,!nmy ( Jiff I :• muKsiMV sen • l ruvrivity < ul lo-jpum Mum um ■ ■ inwiii ai 12 1!» pm in ihe Hull f ‘ '‘,1 punhawid -u iho KMt. Main l>'»* a by < ailing the bo* fhi e a', bn? hoaO yiA > S A -N l > MtH7f S I-KID A > NOV 1 \ I aiw l tin ai> (• uihl Kradm* l«w . c •**•' : wni«» (a- tfjuc Hiu.’m * and Marvimu>n will uk» j{ 7 JO pm in (aolinger Loung* Admiaai n it the (ereteker iho »'•«»»! p.a) },: lu.el by .an® Community ( j-dirgr * polhmmng aft* doparum-n1 w l ijnsn ai n p rn iii lha Blue D f Theatre J1*"1 l. ‘Oth Avo i he play* plot tanutti n iivi two brutiter % :t. ; .ip.dun who diau yholtei to a man n.M reali/mu that hr would eventually on.1 up alienating them 11*0 puy wt.l oniinue on Nov 2 « and v» fl« m. . -•* h*f $4 J ; to? punhawnl by colling lh« Mult (a>nu*i bo* ult, a j t M' SOOO n hSOAl NOV . Slrirn tilth het At the (.utter * the «»'.*•• T a V: ■ M AH!S \ (.alhrry V\alk »% • , . i . t i ' : , MJ'k• * I » • • !•= itvitalt *::, -’*« '.*•;■ «y thr >ugh ‘ lay '> . jWn.r • , . .. . , K ■■■ 101 ! n»*» W»lk* . -nl« ? .Jf ! but A 1 At’-- . ! I t Mali. kftayattg kulil 1 l»r Ut *nr>r Sii«iuw i'l^i » >t an exhibit u* ••jwr. i o n.vma»•» Ni'-.u! M * oy I v Am . on Nov I ho *Ay, featuring ») oi .*t |ju|^wu will remain oj*«n throughout the ytur PKutoA>n« (. a I U*« > * : f gh S’ *iiJ jur*. . i j .!»: ib»t if gallery r;ern!>or » <* »* horn V » I to ik* l (Hi illvfuay w., Iw r ,*««J it ■ la Work • and ( ixii|iul«r I 4iul«i 4|ir Painting* -Jove by ! n < y e r»i'. y ri(' U"i% if [>avul i- •. «!. w;il he on di«(4«y in the La\ «in«? Kraus*; t.aiiury lOl 1 j«v ru 11 < « Mail '. he na.'i.bll Mil. *>h '«* » '!»• tha< l - • *' joafrw.l uuUi w-*r*. lifting a fully e^uij>j*»4 ■ , . . . * fttfttiiin and a jviruhlc gj* genera1. A tf»« }>ubtl> fiw nfrtioft will tain n Hi n.e gaoory \i ji m oil Monday Nov 4 Sheeahih; :i fr- . Nov 4 SA 1 he I rn Y raj \niti* t*t »aiy (.raphit h»n;ii Alumni f ihibilmn \ I . luup V\ (tli'-ft • *!«>< Slum ►; • tn uiptufv» wiii two utj Inj jv sti iK*> \ ;Jn| (.alloty * «* < UihIoim VN inmI «* *»« k mu I • m• I• i*l Ihr I i ai t Hitty .» >t\ ili4[-,iv u • • r 1 i‘M • I Mu «.-.» • 4<> VS M S A v «) \ '• » I •' ii-,1 i.i': * * t, 1 $ 5 : » Hu- «■»>! . i «* ••• ’ •*>« N“v 1? S S< ul|ilum t iluliil ‘-V1 • k. v* t» >f !» . , >1 I* '> Ittpiay in njiiofir* 1A H and it) ihr ftiv«r» > i Mutxum of Art. I4u> hn» >r» I n 1 h« ‘ fit I ** : : • ’■ ' .\-40 U.f •••. \ wi(tnlr Kudin . «■ S .(1iy us ihl M. '*.• ,!•■ *? Art. 14 10 V • . ' . «hit'll w. • mUnue thr ugh VUy .41, |w; IliK My fmilmrtt Kim.U «n «»; • i’ •• t * . hatkf’ry 1* on di»j>Uy In l)|»; M =,• , ;i of N.»» ,r.i Hitto/y. Jfino K ISthAv.- lh«e*hi’ ■ :» u. ’ * .nil,! i t U‘-! i* % .>•/,*■ *(«;> Herb Wit ft wni; f« dn|.J.»y in th«- M iw . ! Natural Hit 11y 2full) h J *»;•-. A»« H» exhibit it i'H -inn and 4 St donation i» "hhii)|>i4i II (41 dud t r«iilliuni." an ntfnblt that cxamiiu't l!i« infiuem « |»iamn OilltUan and Jewtth r«tiio» ItadlUuflt on Hhlu|iu. will Imi nfi ditfday in th* M i »«u m of Natural Hittory. trmo f )Mh Avr, lb* *• * lllbtt It ; < Hi I 4 t » ■! .114'., 1* v<»'.iC>'tn»n & Aukjm*th hrvrl nljni vAji ;» Irm lor «» r«*l Hi .r !Sr hiw *wu n*e vuft ,4 ™F z_ PfKttftW* (rUfcl thr Irtw u nv*fch the >urw n*ur ptrtmfrtian !>? S rttsi* rv«*f> p«(«mrtrr M *Hii R« »*n P P pm** Sfltr fWVf irtn W fitmr •li£nmri« *aJ erwr V The fastest service in Eugene for glasses and contacts. rainbow Hours Mon-Fri 3am 6pm Saturday 3am 5pm Visa and Mastercard accepted optics 766 E 13th Just one block from campus 343 3333 SPORT CASUAL 1 Shoe Sale by Reebok E2SHB, F-16 Hi nr s ast'essac earner arte aos sxe SALE $64.95 reg 74 95* Northrup Hi nen's !>ack nubock SALE $59.95 reg 69 95" Suffolk Hi s as* or one soede saner SALE $44.95 reg 54 95* Crossroad Hi word's t*acx nuOuCK SALE $59.95 reg 69 95* 'Receive a f RH:. Reebok sport bag with purchase jEUGENEj V:- 9306 fn 930 9-00 Wnl O'oadway • tugerx* Ofpqon • 34J 1288 - Oownlown FuQfnp ______ EMERALD TAXI 686-2010 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT */I.D. SHOW OF SHOWS is r . s ¥ TECHNICOLOR WIZARD GARLAND • MORGAN ti I:*' i • BOLGER-LAHR-HAIFY f rid AY ‘V. l.-n/i. 747-8349 Fri, Mon, 4 Tubs 7.-00 ft 9:00 pm Sat 4 00 & 6 00 Sun 200,400 & 600 ADULTS E. SO W0S|S4 UM») J!.® SEMO®. STUDENTS 4 HANOCAPPEDtf 5) Mother Kali’s Books ('elebrsting Women s l ives In All ( \u diversifies J*?\A i-iU AiilTlt*n k'vbijiu ^4v mvit L very one's wcktjtiw' 2001 Franklin HlvJ *S Fu^'eivc, OR 97401 Wheelchair Actcmblc < Mon I S,ii 10 S 1 ri n(M M < -1.SM Have A r Happy Friday at TAYLOR'S JOHN CONGDON Try our Super Specials 4-7 p.m. NO COVER! KISS A DUMMY SAVE A LIFE!!! I ) ( Here's your (hanc e to le.irn C.P.R. and to certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate ( ( for a $10.00 fee charged to vour I student ac c ount, you vs ill rec five: ) • 1 Hours of Personal ( la>s \ Instructions • Instrui tion Booklet [ ) • Red ( ross ( PR ( ertilu jtiun ) ( ard t( I' K * !«»ss**s Dates tor C.P.K. c lasses: Thursciay, Nov. 7lh S 9 pm. Ihursday, Nov 14ih 5-9 p.m. Fuesday, Nov 19th 0 10 p.m. hrl(j if) th« Sfudrnf Mi'.ilth ( rnt**r < .ifrU*? 1.1) Register Early. Space is Limited. ( 346-4441 ) ( dm ion mu si be ,’t Ilnurs I >elnre i i. or no • el unit Npon.orci/l>\ thr stuilrnt Hr.ihli ( rnlr• t )lln e ill Fuhtii ''.ifefv .mil thr lilrsl\lr I’l.mnm^