ENTERTAINMENT Courtesy Photo M,irina (Demi Moore) and Dr Ale* Tremor (Jett Daniels) partake in countertop conversation (left), and she and her husband l eo Vi'mke (George D/undia) share a butcher-shop laugh Butcher s Wife falls short without an antagonist ★ 'll FILM The Bute hot s Wile ts currently showing at Movies 12 at the Gateway Malt. Rated PG-13 • don I botftor * * »• m« dddd i dull mm Thr Butcher's Wifi■ is supposed to tie <1 IIl.tgil.il fairy t«ilo, but the aspet i of surprise that is nec essary to make a situation magic al is com pletotv missing. Demi Mixire plays the beau tiful, naive clairvoyant from North Carolina, named Mari na, who follows the man she thinks she saw in a dream to his sunny and quirky neigh borhood in Manhattan She follows him because she dreamt that she was to marry him He is played by the older. overweight, kindly butcher, played by veteran character .u lor lieorge D/uml/.i Wit soon learn (hill, natural ly, l)/.undza is not her man of ilrstmv Rather, it is the hitter looking psychiatrist Alex Tremor, played by Jeff Daniels, who Is to fill her life with bap piness Marina's purpose in this bor ough is to he the matchmaker of the new age But as soon as she arrives, everyone's fate falls mystically into a romanth order Therein lies the major problem In the movie ITom the beginning, every character is set up to see a hap py ending, all of which are telegraphed within five nun tiles of their introduction There’s no suspense' or won derrnen! about how or if it will happen It's simply inevitable And just who are these char .11 Iits' i In*V II’ nil! fli'slti'il ullt or Inillt uji pvim; thrm .mv st'osr of i onM'tjuimi I Ih*s it* miinilv outlini". wI.mIi culm* uii-nllv form .i fniMifly ^roup nf nnlhmj! inorr Ih.io i.lovvns She runs around charming the pants off everyone and having all the other people realize that their lives were pointless before they met her. 11it*v all tons of warmth and kituifu'ss 1 think i might hav»* cvimi gotten a navitv w.iichtng ilus movie ihe plot hears mure than .1 passing reselllblunre It: \lntiiftrut k Thete's .nr imti.il iy misinutihed toiiple tint) Ihe nhjet l is lii gel those who he long together iu lull in love Che (llilereme Is tli.it III r Y.viuor having I'acn inuntiiT ul Ilii' m'ljjlilmrhtjoii ciimn in • lllll ll'll llUII ill K III I ill! till! II1VN in it ihinj','. ihill iiri1 thijipuninji tu ttii'in He Iri'.ik'i mil I'vurv tmn In- n jli.'i •, tli,iI Marina t-. !In• .mirt i- ut ilii'ir miwfound ti.iji[inn"*.-, [Ins happi-ns tivur uni uvrr iiuil <>vi-r again In h.isu i rmi11vi? writing wf’ri' laughl that Morins h.ivu .- -UN 1 AN audacious of quirky ide." RIVER PHOENIX rWvNE°8 MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO * turn •* «MM»1 h „ .rrr:—• PCIT. ( n «• M IU> «•/ bU »»ir» —"*-“*** EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! Nightly 7 00, 9:10 Sun Mat 4:00 r 3iB A DM • Th MU'S «WC 14 • VJ MAT fcj Sijnt.f ? 1C. 9 »-SwnM«l4 30 [i B UUSTERNGLY FUNNY. EXPLOSIVE ENTERTAIN MENT.’ DRUGS B8EE at the ISLE OF vliGhPh r New Large Format Copier • maps • posters i • drawings • variable enlargement and reduction 40-250% kinko's the copy center 1265 Willamette 344-3555 Open Early • Open Late • Open 7 Days It's The Tenth Anniversary of the Artist's Tools of the Trade Show! COMING SOON iMiniidiirca'nioid Seminars Door Prizes In-Store Art Demos Over 50 Art Manufacturer's Representatives GRAND PRIZE of $200 worth of art supplies