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Son II S VALLEY RIVER CENTER (R»fl Corn or Hour*) UNIVERSITY Homecoming fun for alumni, parents By Mmg Rodngues Emerald Coninbuloc A gamut of activities will liv i ll up this weekend as an an Ucipated 2.IMI0 alumni and par onts gather lor this yours Honiri orning and fill I’arenls W e o k n nd starting toil a v through Sunday With lift lit; r Duck" as the theme of this year's Hnmocom mg, the weekend offers stu dents, University .ilumtn and community memhers various opportunities to visit the Uni varsity, renew frlendsiups and observe campus traditions l or parents, it s a chain e to share in their son or daughter's col leg.' experieru e iiumw ommg is u nine to show Mime i .minus spirit .mil support the Ducks, s.ild )u.m Martinez. .1 member of the Stu (lent 1 niversity Hel.itions < ouncil's Homecoming Com notin', one of tlie organizers of the event If vse can all work together, I think the campus would lie .1 more unified place and less sectioned iff Into its own stu dent groups. he added So Hornet onting is for everybody and .1 time for everyone to get lll'.oh ed And that also im hides par elits Since this is also Parents' Weekend. it's i good time for parents Id visit their son or daughter and he brought up to date with what's happening on i a mpus. sat d M a r v Hudzikiewic/.. director of the Office of Student Development, another organizer This year's Joint celebration lias something for everyone a comedy show, campus tours, receptions, a dance and a foot ball game hvents get under way today with registration for Parents' Weekend (mm t to 6 JO p m in the EMU Lobby, 1222 E. 13th Ave . continuing from H a m to noun an Saturday. Class re union registration is set from 4 to ft p m today in tins lobby of the Eugene Hilton. 66 E Sixth Ave , continuing from H to 11 a in on Saturday Receptions lor tha classes of 1050-52 (40lh reunion), classics ol 1055 5 7 (:tf)th reunion), classes of 1 <)<>() t>2 (30th re union) and i lass of 10(it> (25th reunion), will take place from li ill to 7 10 p m today ill the iugenc Milton and the Confer ence Center adjacent to the Mil ton Motel The Momecoming/Parents' Weekend Comedy Night, fea turing national comedian Tom Kenny, is slated for 7:30 p m today at the liugene Hilton I u kets ,o Si, .to are available in advance at tho I.Ml' M.nn Dusk A bij> highlight of the week end festivities is of course the Homecoming football game that will pit the Ducks against the Stanford Ordinal before an an ticipated crowd of more than 40.000 fans Kick-off time is 1 pm Saturday. Nov 2. at the Aul/eri Stadium Other events leading to Sat urday's football game include a pre-game performance at noon by the School of Music: Alumni Band in the alumni tent in the stadium parking lot You can also get your face painted for SI liefore the game at the alum ni tent. Also, today at noon, you can take pictures with a costumed duck for SI at the KMU Court yard. And Saturday; kn k up those heels in a dance starting at M p in at the Carson Dining Hull Admission is free Culminating the weekend's events is .1 Parents' Weekend brunch at 10 a in Sunday in the KMC Ballroom Members of the musii school will perform Tickets lor the brunch are at St> 50, available at the Office of the Student Development. l or more information on Par ents Weekend, contact the Of lice of Student Development, MB I.: It) WATSON Continued Irom Page 1 at i otdmg lo court records Willson said she Inis now paid all I)Ul $.!<> id tin* tun* W ilson was i.itfd for l.nluri' to appear in Juno .dltir her tar whs stopped lay an hl’l) officer lor having .1 burned-out head light. |ioliit* records show A ns tartls diet It at (lit* Unit! of tin* Ira Hit violation showed .1 war rant had hern issued lor failure to appear, poll! e said Although tin shoplifting and failure to appear acts were com mitted while Watson was an lit member and AM'O execu tive talldltiale, she said the shoplifting t ilalton did not have any relevance to her lead ership abilitv \\ atson s,nti the disclosure of her 1 onvictiou will prolsihlv al lei t students pert option of her, hut it W ill not alfet t the W.is she performs her role as vice president People might ()ucsilun mu," Watson said. hut you c,in also look al i! .is tf. Wi'll, you didn't know afxnit il tieforu Uiun and you didn't question mu, so why aft- you questioning mu now7 " Watson also said shu failed lo appear for her court appear ances fmcauso she "wasn't sure what was going to happen" and she feared "them taking me off to pill and no one seeing me tor months I had several court appear allies, and I went to some, and obviously. 1 didn't go to soim she said 1 didn't know what w as going to happen Moreover. Watson said she tailed to pas her fines because o! financial hardship 1 hadn’t paid the fines tie cause I ss.is very loss on mon ey.' she said "I was more con cerned with paving my rent Jo Sonja Watson •imi putting food on my table more than I was (with) going ti jail " Watson has complied with oilier portions of her sentem e. ini hiding performing -it) hours ol community servic e WANTED Student Volunteers for UO Preview Day (.in open house tor prospective students and their families) Saturday, November 16, 1991 Interested students should call the t )tfice of Admissions, .146-3201 bv November 11 J Time to do Laundry? • i '.hi. .>p .md <1 rup u(T !:mndr> • I >i \ l ’li».tiling • \«.k iilmul student discounts • AtU'iulrd 12 5:30 p m Mon Fri Come by EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT AND DRY CLEANERS • 1 n HARD ST 345-6133 RECORDS I E 258 E.13TH 0 342-7975 "*>"« uf»d (d> Uf>«l r«*.cxdI 1 Sun Th 11-4 Frift Sail 1-7 LOOKING FOR VINYL? WE HAVE LOTS OF REUSABLE TITLES! Recycle. It works, (if you work it.)