RECRUIT Continued from Poge 1 clear signal that Myles Brand isn’t willing to acknowledge decisions made hy elected stu dent leaders,' 1 )<* kstuder said "It will signal that all his talk uhout discrimination and a University lor everyone is just lip service tind rhetoric " Until Brand decides whether the hoard's policy will he im plemented. the iAlt s policy on recruiters will remain a hot topic of debate KM 11 director Adell McMil lan, who is appealing the board’s decision to Brand, said recruiters will he allowed to re main In the KMU until Brand makes a decision But board momliors interpret [hr filiation differently "Our policy stands until it is vr toed," Dei kort said President brand .said hr has not vi'l rn rived Me's ap peal. hut will act (piu sly when he-does He would not com meat ort the hoards derision Thursday Although it is MiMillan's |oh to implement policy set by. the boardH( directors, she said she i annot implement this policy because it 'conflicts with her si htsdullng responsibilities 1 can no t a h id e b v t he board's decision," MtMillun said The HMD hoard does not make si hodullhg pollt y or l 'nl versity policy, with which mili tary recruiters have complied The rammers have signed an affirmative notion statement vv i th Career i’la lin ing and Placement Services. the depart merit that sc hedulcs tallies fur them it the KM!' However, that statement specifically s.ivs the military doesn't hillv min 111v with the affirmative action guidelines As .1 t 'niversitv adtnir.istra tor, I urn obliged to abide !>s t Ini versity poiii v Mi M i Man said "Anv department.'.may schedule in this building They signed the statement !! the dot ision is upheld by the l'niversitv. It would lie Mill ject to constitutional questions, partii iitnrIv on f irst \mend men! grounds, said l'niversitv attorney i’eter Swan MARINES Continued from Page 1 hdgington saiii the limns when hit speaks to the most stuiiitnls are usually those when people are protesting near his table "The volume of students around rny table definitely increases then 1 don t mmd talking to peoplewith a different point of view as long .is it is an intelligent, informed dis cession lor example, when students were protesting near ills table during Ciay l’ride week last vear. hdgington said that he spoke to more people that day than he did during the entire year hdgington also retailed the day the World Peace and Disarmament group set up a table near to- and "tiie students who were protesting and those who disagreed almost got into a fist fight. Verbal blows were exchanged, but no physical ones." hdgington said "Sometimes, students think it's great fun to walk by my table, take an information pai ket, slip something derogatory into it, and put it back on the table," hdgington said “The\ never stu k around to see what happens Usually. I pist walk over and take it out, or I leave it there it's not going to hurt anything 1 guess they think that they've scored a great moral victory by doing that," hdgington said on the whole, ills reception at the University lias been a friendly one I think it helps that I'm a University graduate, and an Ore gon native Also, I'm open to all views Kdgington said his job, like till jobs, has lIs Ups unci downs " It's got its politic s and liurrauc rac \. and its good, average and poor officers and enlist ed people When asked about the proposal liefore the KMl! hoard to han military rec rollers from the- l.'MI I, he said, 'll seems to lx- a small group of students who want to han rec rollers, and 1 think they should take into account the entire student Is id\ the silent majority They should look at all c, lew points and not just their own He added it w as not the military that set the policy staling that people ol alternative lifestyles are not conducive to a military environment, hut rather, tiie polo \ was set hv tamgress ’We have to follow their policy, he said, whether ice agree or not "1 like to think ol the- philosopher who said, more or less, '! may not agree with what you say or do. hut I will fight to the death to defend year right to say it.'" Kdgington said "t nfortunately. people don't always allow me the same resper t Kdgington said fie would like to command a group of young men and women someday, proha lily as .1 battalion commander in charge cd 'SO lo 1,000 people lice IS also interested in advanced degree work cither in engineering or manage ment "I'd just like to continue my education and my marketability." Kdgington said "I'll he gone from the military someday, and I'll have to find anoth cr job someplace else i ET AL5 MKKTtNCS National Student I n humir mentation meeting will ui« pia» e toddy at 1* »•> p m ix> KMt (edar Room A (-ill »■!«» U\\ for mum information Wuroan fur Pea«e will meet today at 4 pm at Dnlbert* (-a fc (-all 14S ISOS for mom information Institutional Animal (are and l • • e t.ummitlM will meet today at \ VO p m K ... ..m )M) Willamette (ah rvnr» 4*j‘.n \-.t rm.tB in for rnation Vm iHv for (.la«»Mdl I enguajpna will liave an informational meeting today at J2 *•> p m in KMIJ ( antury Room A (..all i44 7 7 So lur nt- ttt tnfoimaUon liMuiliulKHl (.«U|1 will tonight at r j Mt t antury Room A (aril t»wv *!24t# for mom in fur mail on sl’LAKKKS '‘Symbuli Power" will he tlie p;, a speech by Dr Georgia Lee of Ul LA (uni((hi ai 7 JO In Hoorn 11 *> lai«r>«n«« Meaiure S'l imjiji I on People with Utt jlttillM-% * i iwt the III, f 4 h by Dan Qu«> Utility from J 30 I Jo p m in Rooff} J7ti r dmaUun MiSOlS-ANKlK s A tailgate paMy at Out Newman (mum 18**0 Emerald Si mtil ukn plate Saturday a( \ \ a m < ail i4« 4 46(1 for mure in tor matt on ' I he AM ul Nature" benefit am U >n t|ii‘i)»uiad by the Willamette Wildlife Rehabilitation ( oninf will take pl|i a Sunday in live ( umjixMir i Hail room ul the Ku*en« Hilton A allent am.Lion will begin a; f* p rn foil owed by an .fal auition at B ■- ,*n Call J4S for mure information Mljik of lltc Hit Kati Que k *•' Oregon Ad Club * find annual tailgate j;> and lady (xauerntd i «rno put li\i 14i vtiil Like j-Ld'W Saturday f*-;m n ><• j *U p m at the First < . -;.4i { ) '!. JUii Avenue and Haft;* Strive' <4»Ii 4*l‘» i7SS fur mole Information KaactMIt. 4i inlirnal* 'i-v u»». :t will lake pi* v tonight tmm f to JO in tJuj (>r Alurnn. ! inne (-all on » 414» (of more ififcji ni4Uofi cwtjwn xij u-s At jiI'Iiih p>b hunliMm v* tj.i Um .» .'(am fkthop taking p!a> u hulay b>>m n< -n to ? pm in KMli (.mint K m A tall J4»* . rt*>4 fur m->r« tnforinatii/ii KKUGH )N I till* It Shabbaf (.atbriin«( * plate li.rn>^h! at bat Kli«n iosthman'* fi .■«» ( all I4J ft 9 20 fur address r in or* ( hi Alpha < hnstian Fellowship w . have it-* monthly prat*® and wrshit . mj^ht at ? lit Ot# KMl' Walnut K uin C all 144 41 J J Id tin re informal;-'.’; NORTH BANK KI.M \l RANT A I 01 M.l KIVKRSIDi: DIMMi I RLSH SKAKOOI) STKAKS PR I MF, Rill PASTA CHICKKN Sl'NDAY DINNI R NOW SI R\ I I) IRON! 4 (H) I’M 22 ( LI H ROAD lit; INK 343-5622 .J V. > GO! Put ^ our ^ Collet* w Dupree To Work! A* A RM /) l.’.lUf •»!* r rrplm** ^ iim i ' « iU» rrntrtl i uinjuu^ with '■* year* of e*tx»n©fH*». mo are looking for .bright aggressive • “ ' >i»’ graduate* fi»r «»\ir jtwni I Vvolopment PrtMfiun l uirrj'ftMv Kottt A i -**t .'■ rm.Mgui/et indiv itiurtl m hWjvement t’rtinurtJiMu. u >U> ly (rv«n within... aiV 1*v*i «i 100*V uo your own perfurtname What dm* it lair ft* qualify* fhoiur entry position* rnauirv a four >«**» a friendly dUp**! l\at\ ttiui the -willing;'.* ** ami dr iso to \%hjl ih* you ;e degree av « stopping stone In h.gher tiwmagemrtil drop b> our pre : alu‘A at the I Ml mi Wednesday. NiUPinlvt I Uh from vtMi to 7 00 p jn i tip now <»t the t .liccr Phut uing and Pimpttwnl tenter in Hen nr i. V I Hall for u.i in:»r\iev% Thur* iUy. November 14lh. I’tudlloiift avail V iwith ( >T* p '!1 Mj’.d Washington AN. • ?*o • r=]Eisrro?PRisE RENT-A-CAR THI FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON For many weeks, the two species had lived In mutual tolerance ot one another. Arid then, without provocation, the hornets began throwing rocks at Ned s house Oregon Daily PO BOX 3'*9 tUGINfc O«lGO*»7403 f'*» Owyon Da--!Jy l m«*ra»j r% puOfefrhed cki'y MonOdy WouQlh f -nkiy !'*» si’.hort yw«*vty of Oiiyon. £ugen«t. Oegor Th* Em****J op«fa:a* "Oiu***ndon:'y of :r*» Itoiwfv’y w.m on«.*j% a: i -. of :?** I ft) Memorial Union artf at it rrHKnbe' of fn*» A*»oc-4'.f Willamette & 17th (1081 Willamette Near US BANK) HOURS . . . Monday through Saturday 9 6 BY APPOINTMENT . . . 484 - 6623