ACROSS COUNTRY PROFILE* RUNNERS Continued from Page 4B W <■ re n ills ■ m| friends nit the course.' » :>! said "i .1 hi v. ve ' • on ,it>ii• to i . mnn. n(i uii , .soil vs hr;i vs ' i;.e rbe ilji a tuailv belter than i thought vve sstHild ' \ . ■ • ... i V* ■ e .: .:'■!! vs j ni ' i. * > : r I U1 itti f the llur U She is un.i- : i: 1 t s Vi scrnot .! t : t■ • ■ ent \ .i i t* \ I i 1 V t is.iib .-I i i ntolteii at Notre ,J : , b,;e , , ,! I - | . ; V fi 1 l > V g :. V • 1 i . in id vs a s till! igh tie! more Vo if Sin '..!i 1 ■ i.i vs v Ivl to N> lire It.line because'her dad ami brother hml gone there and i«* . uuse of its reputation, but do spite its iai k nl i strong imi k program AH.'I ms kill term iuv soph union; veur I ruah/.ei at the Pat .-IDs and region als. and then have the thnv ol us get All-American honors." she said Nusrula also has lofty goals, but she said she likes to look at things realistically "I would like to be an All American," she said "I think that's reasonable, and meylje I should shoot for top !r> or top 10. but 1 really don't know who's out there, so 1 don't like to talk a lot " Tills season, no one seemed really sure just how well the Ducks would do after losing last year's stars Li/ Wilson and Lucy Nusrala W ; ' 1:I'm :: '-hi ■■ ■ V\ .'.in i. i! uiU! lust 1111 di'K 1 lU *. .Uiv pri s ilili: \\ : . ! Him we won It! in- r.inki-ii third m tin- nation/ I Nusr.ti.t '-n i. hu! this vi'.ir thorn's three of U» at th« front ,|s 0|ipus«jd to two As thr s.-.isoh rolls mi, t-.ich ilii’i’t Ix i iiiiii-s morv important lisui the t uiupetilion bei nines t.oufchrr • K.imn|»{>, said it..will hi illiefesUrif; 'll s re ill I is : fn • run i Vi i Ii illengn! by lhi|j.;!ier mdlVld Uills U V; i'ij 'n ; h;; ■ i •! ' ■ r, ttvvt I said . i {>| i nut oi die i’ ii 10 x it e e.iriv .uni : \i >Je lfl! ; vvel i '. i in 11 kei p •. : M .dir Ii HIM lift Up; i'iii 1 h! i runt ■ 1 Se11 I 1 II 11 i i$;i 1 Htuup, but ill itlr rn,i till", ni 1 uni out In win ' V, * * V,s ■ • ! ■ 1: ''.■■! 1;; i Ur way the U '.,U ,rw ::i . ui us Wills, tile liter Iwn Will bo hnppv i i i urn's WLAG£ Ki' .mil I iiuih;»‘ I I' iVllC i> t /( t I I V’ I 1 v i 1 * 1 I ■ o o t* l lK'I >I KS 11 ) ( .( ) 1 j *4 1-44H0 “ •» I i- > -h t • !«:•, .! M *.»» I h»nr I » Hi! . .it 11 > it v«» |i m I i i It ilil i in f«» Mu Inn; !il S »l Nimmi In Mm I* tilt! v*«11 \KF,EK PKIDK! Choose Irom a huge selection ol well-priced sweatshirts, sweatpants, I slmls and caps In a rainbow ol designer colors IV k your apparel, find your ow n personality-enhancing fabric and we ll heat apply, then sew on your letters Embroidery sen.ices as well 10** DISCO! NT for Oregon alums and I he parents of any l () students, too! Use your discount on apparel, decals, glassware, paddles, novelties, anything! Lots of KRKK I’ARKINO at our big, 2-story store, between Pearl and High on K. 14th. Anyone who supports the I )ucks is welcome We re even nice to Stanford fans Open: 1*1 us, the Webfoot is Kugene's OSI.Y source for distinctive "Oregon Arch" lettering of our great University's name. FRIDAY NIGHT TIL X (X). SATURDAY ‘TOO TO NOON, SUNDAY 10:00 UNTIL 2:00 ('unit see us! Go, Ducks! 239 E. 14th Excommunicate the Cardinal! 344-1034