4GAME PREVIEWS Oregon t running game »v.is grounded (above) by the Huskies last week but may be relied upon to carry the Duck otlensc Saturday with the quarterback situation Stanford full back Touchdown Tommy Vardell (right) leads the conference and is third nationally in scoring with 11 I points a game STANFORD Continued from Pago ,'tl ill)' tifficmm v and (.ink-- MiviMilh in total olfuhM! Hr gels till! Ir.im mill tin' rnd Zone Stanford touch Dcnno- (,r«m said That ■ tin* lug llnng Man lord hits no shortage of ofh'nsiyii tliri-.iis Ttu (iardina! starting bar kf'iuld ot li.iilb.uk (ihn Milburn ,inii (iiIIImi k I'iimim \ ,i r i i i ■ 1! con Id br tin- b. l in tlir confuritni e Despite bring hampered h\ an iri|ury tm muc h of the season. Milburn is set mill in thu league in all-purpose run ning, averaging 1S1 n total yards prr game I in- junior tort1 up the Heavers last wrrk tor till total yards during t.br i .nsiisi.il s -lit lu home rump Viiriii'il .s ihi' teams rushing leadt! .1 ml is liist m die ( mill r* in .uni liurd ii.itiuli.il ly Ml v I.||i;)i mill 1! 1 points a game l ilt* M'nioi s s( h<*ui record so rushing :>iui litluwii-. iMim ti hui: the isu k name " ! out hiimvii' i mninv it's piling to It: hard Duck Hum !* . Sill..! M.11t-pi .11 ■ ■ i i.i \ i: ii . i will run over vuu, .mil Mili iini is t u KIVU Something rise tlic Oregon drfensivr line lus lu lt.uk forward tu *•■..'.uniiiv is llit (l.irtiinul's mammoth ulfensivt- line Sl.iiilurtl averages HOD pounds on tls lim . its smallest in.in weighing in .it a mere pounds I'lie line's big and pins ,d. hut the line was lug last year, Oregon lineh.it k el joe I1 iirwi'll seitl \;;ii hist vc.it <>i> hlunkrd *!*<• 1 «r iJin.il .11 0 .il Aut/cn Stadium in .i high ; ight a ! ■ : 1 ’ • * ’ g.Ulif was a gem !nr Oregon's dflftlsi' who didn't allow tlir t 'ardm.il otti-iisf past tin 1 lot ks I t \ an! hm m th giUlIf (. \M! Mills ' 1 point i.ivurdl hi rf tin i) 1; k - Ong : is .in ifndffilog a. Aut/ain Stadiuftl for thi■ ftf.1 1111:1 • mm i- nifi tmg and beating Brigham Young at Atitzen last sr.ismi 1 hf last till If I hr 1 .iriiili.li VVU1; at A lit / f 11 w .r [-tf a ' 'f i . :. 1 ‘ .t sun Was also tin- las! '.i;:if .St,1:.turd Jiu 1 fd a winning rn ad in a M ason going H—i o: th.f \ ,sir and Visiting 'tie t.ator Hi w : .■ ih ;i :•. i in I :.■ rr iovii losi between os and Stanford tin or am vear s.tid iuf I arw, I HARVEY FOX’S ANDERSON’S ,_ SPORTING GOODS I Anderson’s - For Fans of All Sports I ( .\iliilas 1