EDITORIAL ‘Marketing technique’ was just simple fraud Don’t look, for stair Non Peg Jolifl. DUottage Drove, to be tea( hing any business or economies classes a! the University; not with the wav her "marketing tech niques" have backfired. The Oregon (Government Ethics (.ominission con eluded there was a "strong and < dear appearance” tii.it Jojin used tier political office for personal gain when she mailed a letter to constituents, asking for inonev to repair her pickup truck In the letter. John c laimed her c ampaign was S10.000 in debt, and the truck was damaged while tier husband Dennis was putting up campaign signs Utter Jolin admitted tier coffers had a 528,000 surplus, but defended the letter, calling the slightH shady tactic .1 "marketing technique ” (Gal! it a misrepresentation of facts, or any other eu phemism you wish Hut bluntly stated. John duped her constituency Whether the letter slipped through an elections law loophole is not the point, legally, John may not have done anything wrong that is up to a court and the state Elections Division to decide. Hut ethically. Jolin was false to her constituent v The: Kthit s Commission meets next Tuesday, and could possibly rule on the incident If lolin is found guilty. she fact’s a pos sible SI.OOO civil fine’ — .1 slap ttn the ssnst. but it's .something Juliu s troubles may not end there. Secretary of State Phil Ket.sling has asked the attorney general's office to t on vent: a grand jury to in diet Jolin on breaking Oregon's undue influ ence law So far. that hasn't happened. 7 could have gone back there and used the bathroom as you suggest, but I would much rather take a dump In the woods,* Denms Jolin I he miniscandal is not without its corn it eie meats, most of which have been provided by John's husband Dennis Jolin told the Ethic s Commission in vestigntor he had been putting up campaign signs in (.ottagc (.rove when he rolled the pickup, but a tow truck driver put the scene of the ac cadent several miles away on a seldom used logging road. Dennis lolin explained he had driven up the log ging road in search of a bathroom When confronted with the fact that there were several public restrooms much closer to Cottage Grove than the? logging road, lolin responded with one of the more colorful quotes ever to appear in the local press {RegisterGuard, (Jet 20): I could have gone back there and used the bath room as you suggest, but I would much rather take a dump in the woods." When compared to Watergate, Teapot Dome, Credit Mobilier and other great, historical scandals. Jolingute isn't even in the running Hut it should be important to (lottage Grove voters. Hitting up constituents for money is a necessary part of life for lawmakers, but there should be some wav of preventing them from misstating facts in doing so. In the real world, such actions would be deemed fraud. Let's see what the Ethics Commission and the Elections Division calls it UlE M4V A/or A60EE QV £v€BVrWWG, BUT AT LEAs; WE CAN AGftEE TWAT EACH INDIVIDUAL, OF Htf/AT£V£Q /vat/owautv, iS deserving iN TWB EVES OF THE ALMlGHTy r£V£Q f n If okay ? t EXCEPT for, /ajFJDElS. jwpF'' *»o w«2sr r M ALMiwry, v7 LETTERS Stupid taxpayer Vnur editorial "No one vvutching " (ODl. ()i t 1(>) is good mid i vnii .il II apjiears tii.it America is waking up from Us strands love affair with a singularly i old president l ias great popularity poll (popu lar with whom' (K A'J seems quite unreal With the insane de licit < limbing daily higher, the econ omy is in shambles, hut does lie care' Ihe deficit Includes such items as our dirty "off budge! war in --.i gloriously Won. as well as the ongoing SM. s< andais (now also hanks) w ith their assets sold off at bar gain prices Win -.lifters i | . stupid lav payer1 ! hell there Is the continued arms production (our "durable goods i nuclear and all. even though then- is no enemy and vve have enough on hand to blow up thr world ,1 million limes ovrr. ! I’lease in.nl your submission to the ISA office, KMl' Suilc i’Oti. anti remember. ISA is nol only for foreign students' l.iselte Sens Student For the glory In response to Heatherle Himes letter (Ol)l.. Ot:t 25) I took her advice and went to thank my local police officer (or laving down his life in my servile Iiut as I crossed the street to weep tears of gratitude onto Ins feet, the si.inkv pus monkey gave mo .i ticket for )a ywalking Tliat made me think I'm pay mg this glorified meter maid's salary through my tax dollars, and what service do 1 get in re turn' lie protects me by ticket ing jaywalkers' Now, I know that nut a day goes by when someone isn't brutally maimed or robbed by these jaywalkers, and that each ticket handed out means that there is one more l-iywalker who'll think twice beiore they hurt anyone again but isn't there a better way that our tax dollars could tie spent' I mean these ( ups that spend all day doing nothing but catch mg harmless students on route to class shouldn't even hi trusted with pointy scissors much less a gun Ami to be perfei tlv fnink, 1 would feel belter if my tax dol lars were spent on getting pigs .ind cuttle rouringlv drunk on tile most expensive wine in town At least then 1 wouldn't tie paving for officer Barney fife's professional wrestling IH kets on weekends So next tune you see a po liceman tu keting a victimless oilense stand directly behind him and mimic his actions lor the amusement ol passers-bv It may not he mature, but it makes me feel better Mark Anthony Russell fiugene t/vr Bush PROPOSED FAx curs bOk THE Middle CLASS c'MOCHATS HAVE I oo*0£D *jith m£‘R Ow/v P l£ CLASS TAN cur Plan 1 the ZESDOfiiDED H\l DC fiOTX PARTIES ARGu£ TUElR TAX Cun WOULD BE 8E1T for the MIDDLE class 7\ r LOOKS LIKE the fiicH are G0//V6 TO GET ANOTHER 7AKCU7" A **C tit l *--K) J