• PROFILES & PREVIEWS Continued ,hal‘■‘»w*°rV toa«n m »'■' . vn Chairoln also ■s*j‘ ilSN,sis ; W\U'1‘ sU , n( vho te»V , un^;. a, c'.crtv >■•' * vhi" »ul >■"' sWtH'i. »»d lt —ar ViU> '^ S on onW ‘"u “ VMnU i\u- u"""h n ihi- h''r ‘tVablV Co""™'0' w„d „ .... -r^u •«••._i__ firry It was a surprise, lo .•..ml of nut starting at ltd' begin I\ i)iflu nil a! the start Part i i >, th\ i ha math* the otiUidi' hitting post tiotv tlHit h, mum i ompetitive uni that i hatigf. ut iiir.imtH'1 Si hilt; athletes might tit*V t. ’> ijt n.H i- uttitucies when !a> • i Wi*h i .uhig ,i \ati.hitutr n:h* . i tier ! ** t n g all in (egra than (if. a t*•.irti starting lineup for two straight vr-irs Hut Jeffery ev tides a positive rutture I have to keep jiustiirig-'tin 'hath l!i jjrai tit t*.' stllU said V\ : li all tilt* Hi, at.\ , r< it.;■ i: . that have plagued tin*1 Dm.► ■■ • hiring this disappointing sha si> n. 11; 11• • r v ’ s i;o n t r ihu I io 11 s from nif the court might be just as j ■ sit :V f as hi*r plav h is tieeti mi the 11 hirt atul will hi* shoW'ii on I’rmih Sports Northwest mi Motulav ipht ()top, m pl.t v s U.r.hm;; Ion who float ihh Ducks in three games the last time tlmv met, at M p in m Seattle tin Sat urtlav Under pressure from the nation s lop detense last weekend at Washington, Kyle Crowston completed only 2 ot 8 passes tor seven yards CROWSTON Continued from Page 20 truvcrsy before the season has now bf< pint- i i ontes’ w :i11 on i y ° n ti contestant lire lourth stringer wins l>v tift.mlt No contest lint Stanford couch Dennis tlrcnn does not expect too much of .1 letdown offensively for the Ducks despite the now starter "Oregon is going to play a great game, ’ C.reen said "We expect Oregon to fie looking to go 4-4 " Crow stun limy have to he the in.ill to gut the I)ui ks b,n e into thi! win column O'Neil and M u ii.i' ;. av l }■■*-! i !i . n ■ '■ lost for the season, and Sails bury is still having trouble even moving his arm because id the shoulder, which suffoied ten dun and ligament damage God knows whim that's go mg to go away, or even if It’s going to go away iadore the end of tie* season, Brooks said ol Salisbury 's injury The injuries to the top three have furred Hellotti to take a different approar h at moving iht! I Hi 11 against Stuntord Be : ,tu-r r.rmv".ton's tni-xjiMrit’iHj! | ! ; i ! ■ )ftrl (-(■">! ■! S l > I fall i 1 ! t ■ Htitv with him BrtHottl said lie will run thu bull often bet ause ; lii.l .lilt* . *t 4Vil.lt kllld 'I j is : is Will 4t 11rk with ( j . iwstdll, "1 lie purls Id the passing game have no validity unv more.' JJuiloltS said while thumbing through a k . ■: sheets listing which plu\■■ ire intis! efficient We re not phe, ing with Dunn) O’Neil, Brett Salisbury or Doug Musgruve Were p I a V I n g with k \ 11 ( row stou 111* P*o»o Although Julie Jellery hut seen less playing lime this year on the Oregon volleyball learn than Iasi season, the senior seems to be happy with her role GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. "27 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Bivd Eurjeno, Oroqon 97403 FOOD VALUE i960 Frankim BlvC close !o campus' open 8am - '1pm J BANK BLITZ WEINHARD BEER $099 BUDWEISER BEER $Q99 i i • . '. HENRY WEINHARD BEER $049 6 pack 12 os bottles %0 Low Cost Spay/Neuter -Keep Your Pet Healthy and at Home Female Dog: 0-2511* 25-40lbs 40-50lbs '.ObOlbs b0-70lbs 27.50 10.00 40.00 b5.00 75.00 Male Dog: 0 -><)lbs S O-over 1 >.00 i > 00 Female Cat: 27.50 Male Cat: 15.00 Il in heat or pregnant 10 00 evtra 'AMAZON PARK ANIMAL CLINIC L F»t«-ndrd Hours: M-F ~am-8pm Sjl 8am-4pm A MJLl StKV K l \ f TMIISARY HOSPITAt 4H'>4)1h! ~r> i i-.ih POCK SOFT FUTON 2 LOCATIONS EUGENE (()n Campus) 1 122 Alder 686-5069 Ol’l M IVIRY DAY PORTLAND 28 S.W. 1 irst 226-1945 POCKET SOFA 5249 COME IN FOR OUR SHOWROOM SPECIALS THIS MONTH!