◄GRID PROFILED f*T**ti t.T In Mike Belloth s first two years ms Oregon s offensive coordinator, the Ducks played in consecutive botvl gomes lor the first time in school history. '•S' OFF CQnVERSE It s vvli.it s inside tint counts w toupon I I * i I I I I ■ • FREE CONVERSE i shoelaces with every | pair of shoes LAZAR'S BAZAR | S7 W. IWtufeivt.iv j iKtvuUtmn K4-*!l § LJregon fans Celebrate HOMECOMING & PARENTS WEEKEND FOOTBALL MUMS. BOUTONNIERES A CORSAGES SPECIALS FROM SJ” £ ugcue's flomr Horn THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST 610 K. 13lh at Patterson 485-3655 OPKN SAT K:.A0-5:C»0 MON-KKI X:30-5:.*() Bellotti, Schuler bring success Oregon’s defense, offense improve under coaches By Jake 8erq mm a i ■ \\ i• r, V'iin n« : 1. ! Den tiV" Srhulof i arm- to Oregon's iootball pr- gr.1111, so did sue <) f1 r n s i \ c c O pfiti h a t o r fit ilotti and deferisss e coordi tor fk.hutor arc the techni cians ha hind coach Kith ftruoV. - i(prr.iimi) Beiiuttl, nuts iti his third year a! Orison, and Si outer, now in tiis sixth sea ■ an with Jho I)u( ks, are two big reasons for Oregon's rise to the upper is tieluli of the Pacific 1(1 < (inference the last two sea sons 'Obvious!\, they \ e done great jobs, lirooks said "The last two years is the first turn we've beet) strong on faith sides of the liail it's also thi! first time in school history that Oregon teams have made conser utlve postseason appearances, play mg in both the Indepen dence Howl and the 1‘i‘M) Free dom Howl Two bowls In two years with Hellolti at the head of the of [ense fias the couch batting 1 uou so far He was the new man in Fugene in tUHU after his best friend. Oregon outside imebai kers i oai li Nil k Alliotti, had told tnm about tfie jot) Hellotti tiad, at that time, what he culled a "lifetime job" us the head coach at Chico State, but it did not take him long to del ide on a move up to (began It took about a d.iv smiled Hellotti who also loaches the quurtofbui ks a! (iregon Schuler, on the other hand, came to Oregon originally as a wide rei river I he ( ou< I), a nu tm id Snohomish, Wash start ed on tin iuo' Mt Duck -.quads and w ill go down in the books for having caught t he first touchdown pass ever at Aut/en Stadium "I like to tell my players I caught 1 1 passes that day." Schuler said " Ten during the warmups, and the 11th one counted Schuler, who also couches Oregon defensive hut ks. tins not done loo shabby of a job, considering his offensive fuck ground In fact, il may have e ven helped, and certain Iv hasn't hurt, Schuler's abilities as a defensive i oordmalur Hhoto t>y J*ti Oregon defensive coordinator Denny Schuler revitalized a base ment-dwelling Duck defense, taking it as high as second overall in the Pac-10 in 1969 "A good football coach is a good football conch," Brooks said of Schu lor The suino kind ho said of Bollotli Hi* look thit Oregon of fense from ninth in the I’m -10\ total offense calegory to second in 1989, Ins first season Schuler's hand worked the same kind of miracles with tilt! Oregon defense soon after his arrival He titok a unit that was 10th in the conference before he arrived and moved it up to fourth in 1<*H7, third in 19H8, second in 1989 and third last season Altotti, who now works un tier Schuler hut used to he of fensive coordinator under Itellotti at Chico State, is not surprised at the success of the two "(Bollotti) understands that it's a game, hut that it is still important." Allottl said "He w as super to work for "Denny is a student of the game His hobby is football He really studies the game of foot ball Schuler has had plenty of op portunities to study football as he has couched with several teams Idaho State. Washing ton. Weber State, Utafi State. California and the D>s Angelos Kurils have all been a byway of Schuler's at one tune or anoth er Bollotti. too, lias seen his share of the circuit Coaching stints have landed him at Ins .) 1 m.i muter Culifornia-Davis, Cal State Hayward and Chico State Hut both art1 happy whore they are at right now despite the freak rash of injuries that has both sides ol the Oregon football team weaker than they were the last two seasons Both pass it off as being just part ot the game, but the frustration shows "I've never boon in this situa tion in my 20 years of coach ing,” Bellotti said "I've never experienced any thing quite like it." Schuler said The resulting losses and Ore gon's 3-4 overall mark have made Brooks a target of many people's criticism tills season, but Bellotti, too. feels that heat "1 don't feel shielded," Bellotti said "If there is criti cism pointed at the program, 1 feel it." Schuler felt it while he was the defensive coordinator un der head couch Joe Kapp at California Schuler said person ality conflicts and Kapp's ‘'un orthodox" style of coaching created tension between he and Schuler, and Schuler was fired, a fear that every coach must live with "It happens all the time it's part of the game," Schuler said And fortunately for the Ducks, Si huler and Bellotti are part of Oregon football. Dairy Queen Special Grilled Chicken Sandwich .500 off 706 E. 13th 343 7512 Offer good at Campus DQ before kick off only r Dairti kQueeni brazier. GO DUCKS! THE SPORTS FANATIC NFL*NBA*MLB*NCAA TEAM MERCHANDISE $5.00 OFF $2.00 OFF All Duck Sweatshirts And Sports Bags All Duck T-Shirts, Shorts A Hats i i Large selection ot dck merchandise to choose from. j | We have one of the world's largest team-licensed hat selections. 1 j ih, uattway urner | Comer of Oakway & Coburg 343-5102 umned to Stock Expires 104911