• VOLLEYBALL PROFILE & PREVIEWS •%4o by Afxlr* R*?\m< Oregon s Dawnn Charroin has bean a big pan of the team § successful defense this year, leading the Ducks in digs and blocks Ducks to face tough Cougar squad By Jayson Jacoby Emerald Sports Reporter The Oregon volleyball team is currently ninth in the Pattif it:-to Conference with a 2-9 league record The Ducks have lost six of their last seven malt ties and are playing with two senior starters hampered by injuries But probably the worst new s tor couch Gerry Gregory's team is that tonight in Pullman. Wash , it will be facing 19th ranked Washington Stale, a team in the midst of one of its best seasons ever The Cougars are fifth in the Pac t!) with a 6-5 record, but three of the four teams ahead of Washington State are top ranked Stanford, fifth-ranked UCLA and 12th ranked DSC Thu Cougars also boast a 19 H season record Still, tliii Ducks soom to match up fairly well with Washington State, whu h heat them in three straight games on (let 5 in Mi Arthur Court The (alegars' offense features thrive of the top four most etfi ( tent hitters in the league Thu Carry Connection Cam Cllley and Kern Klllehrew, who rank first and second m hitting per (entege, and (fame Couturier, ranked fourth, present an inter listing contrast to Oregon's strong defense The Dutks are currently ranked seventh among all NCAA Division I schools in block average and are 1‘Jth in dig average Cregory is convinced of Washington State's offensive strength, but he isn't so sure the Ducks nationally ranked de fense statistics make for an even battle "Washington Stall’s offense is I11iii.i11-1 v on*- of tin- first m thf tountry." Gregory said "Our defense is at times very good, but when your offense isn't working well, as ours hasn't been, you get a lot id op portunitius to get digs and blocks Statist!! s like that can tie del eiving Injuries may also play a role 111 the Dm ks fortunes tills weekend as Minder Adams and Molly McGrath are still recov ering from persistent pains Gregory said McGrath’s buck injury is improving slowly, hut that she practiced and scrim maged with the team all week and yvill likely start against Washington Slate on I'ridav Minder Adams hasn't prut tired much this week due to continuing tenderness in her Turn to V-BALL Page 9B Jeffery trying to duplicate last season’s excellence By Jayson Jacoby Emerald SporttHopoMwf |uli*t Jeffery is something ol a loner No, the senior outside hit litr for (hn Oregon volleyball team doe# not try to keep to herself all the time. Hut she is the only Uuck to come from the state of Washing ton. on a team packed with players from California and Oregon "My freshman year it wus really different (coming to Oregon)," Jeffery said "Oth er than a few tournaments. I had never really seen (the Ducks) play But after three years here. I'm just like any on» also " Jeffery camo to Oregon from Kogers High School In Puyallup. Wash . after load ing her loam to throe state tournament appearances und tMiing named Most Valuable (Mayor of her league her so ii tor season She buttled an early sea son log injury her freshman year, but she ended the sea son us n starter and was named the team's most im proved player After collecting 249 kills her sophomore season, Jeff ury pul down 3li 1 kills Iasi year to finish second on the Turn to JEFFERY. Pago 9B Tlic University ot Oregon Student University Relations Council PRESENTS The 2nd Annual Parents’ Weekend Homecoming | Comedy' / u kct \ on \alr fur $ 6.(H> ul li Ml Main l )eik. I ii k*t\ mi sui«- /ur $ «V(K> ul LMl Mum Itesk. Tom Kenny with Rodney Sherwood * 7:30 PM • FRIDAY • November 1, 1991 The Hilton Hotel Ballroom A unique new store Elegant and sophisticated, yet comfortable and casual Styles designed to complement Now open for you1