CROSS COUNTRY PREVIEW & PROFILE* Women favored for cross country title By Dave Chartxnr.eau fin i■ /*', M"; iln biggest question (lining the .third ranked ()regi >n worn on's cross country team at the Pacific-10 donferenc; ( hum jhonshIpr* is not .shflther ii >.in lake tin- ii.iiit crown Iml rather w hich om of its runners will win ihc mill i. Iduill crown Oregon is the odds-on favor il* lo lulu* the limm t it In lor the lillli time in m\ ve.irs al Ihc ‘>.000 meter meet Isold at Shin ford (.olf (amrse in I'iiIn Alio "! don't see anybody gelling c lose I o us.'' c our: h Torn llellioilell VIid We re reads’ In roll, and I don't look at mere being a possibility of us letting II}. Senior l.ucy Nusrnla will be lilt! favorite in the t.n I- unil her sllffest 'rent li lion should l inin' li .in t'"r own inanimates, suphoi e re Nicole Woodward nml ! .nor Karnopp Nusral.i has fini‘ nil first in .ill three meets tin- Ducks htpe p.irlii ip,ili il in this season iino lias showi'd no signs ol giving up position its been by i bain it I'vt* i mint mil on lop m nut meets (Ins visit. Nusrala "I've (usl lilt good on rai l* d.iys W 1 mdvv.trd lias lllllslll'll Ml olid In Nusrala in Iwu ol the illititls and hnishi'd lourth in llic oilier mind ol die season Karnopp complides die dead ty trio as she has had two lliitd pl.n e finishes and a fourth pi,u e luiish tins year Any one of the three i mild win the mind with a good out ing I don't want to make a leg deal out id this llcinonon said, "hut one of our runners will probably win the Put Ml championship junior < arol I h,linen has had a linn hold on die fourth posi tion for the Ducks all season lieinoni n said he is pleased with tile wav II..linen has lull this year 'Dolmen has been the most! surprise ol the year. PNOto by f’a&iay lucy Nusrala (tar loll) and Nicole Woodward (tar right) load the Duck runners into Saturday s Pec-10 championships In' Hi)t(i She's gelling better with every tai I’ sill- |ust keeps i losing m on mil top three run ners " I'he final three positions vs ill lie f 111 eil I) \ Ire s li men 11 11 r.illerti .mil Jenna ('.irlson .mil si ip lit Ml 11 ire Miiiuiil ! t.IVnJsi It: i .irlsun ami (.alleru have hut tied lor the fifth .uni sivlh spots on (he team, and Davidson i l.timed till! seventh spot Ivvd weekends ago at the Jell Ilnenth Memorial Heinonen said he thought ex perieni e vs llh the euursi at the Stanford Invitational earlier this season would help (.alien, and < 'arlson "Both have seen the Stanford course and should run better, he said The !vv o runners agreed I letd much much, much more coin for table." l alleru said I ast tune. I had h< ard all these stories about the course and I (ell >i little m lin'd This time, I'm excited lo gul out there and attack it I'm i'\e ilrd t>i'i miM' I will know wln-rt' I'm going." Carl von mi id "l.ast tlm<* someone told mi' tin ri■ were MOO meters Ifft. and till'!1' was rt-allv like a mill’ lelt Hidnonun Mild he would like lo see one ol the runners move up on the top four "Out mi tuber live runner Heeds lo i lose the gap oil our top lour, hut that i ini Id he tough with two heshmeti and all Inexperienced sophomore," he said i tie i )ii ks ha\ i w. >n t hi I ‘a; 111 championship lour ol the live years the meet has existed Last veu, Li/ Wilson and Stephanie We- -ad! ’unshed Lts! and * ■ ■ mi e, 11 a De s s w mi tin ti iin till. W. . >dw aid t.n i shed eighth to.1 Oregon and Karnnpp and Holmen helped tin! Dsn k i tin sc with --ith and -5th finishes, respectively Heinonen said this year's team Is tietler Ilian last year's because they have three run ners doing the same tiling two runners did last y ear "based on every indication we've got, we re stronger up front," he said We've got three running the same times as two did last year 1 in quite sure we're better than last year The only team that could even li.iue close to competing with tl ■ l)ui ks is WJlli ranked Arizona He: -:it :: -.aid it is pretty oh V ton s what I tils tniK’l means as tar as the upcoming rogfonals and nationals an ■ ,mcerned i ti i s meet stands on i Is own." tie said a trophy in tint trophy cast .t if histotv H e obviously w.. to Will it, lull is e sc del in got bigger tisli to fry Teammates balancing competition, friendship By Dave Charbonneau Emerald Sports Reporter Call them the Three Mus keteers. Cull them the Three Amiga*. Cull them any other cheesy nickname associated with a dynamic trio. They are l.ucy Nusrala. Nicole Woodward and Lisa Karnopp, and they are the the loading force behind the third-ranked Oregon wom en's cross country team. The three have boon un beatable this year, claiming three of the top four spots in all throe of the Ducks' moots this year. In each race they have finished within 20 sec onds of each other, leading Oregon to two first-place and one second-place fin ish this season. Woodward and Nusraia both said it scares other teams to set) three rttnnors from the same team up front, "With the three of us in front, it's really helpful be cause 1 think we're threaten ing to other teams." said Woodward. Nusrata agreed "When people see three runners from the same team, it s intimidating," she said. Kamopp said she likes the fact that they can help each other out during the race. "During the races, wa'll communicate with each oth er and it makes it a more comfortable situation," she said. Communication is impor tant between the three on and off the course They all stressed the far t that despite tfie competition, thev are all good friends. Turn to RUNNERS Page 11B LUNCH DINNER PIZZA Our Pizza is made using the finest fresh ingredients available & baked with your choice of whole wheat or white crust DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS ♦ FRESH PASTA DINNERS CALZONE ♦ LASAGNE ♦ SCAMPI ♦ RAVIOLI ♦ SPAGHETTI PIZZA & FULL DINNERS TO GO delivery & u-bake available 342-8111 15TH & WILLAMETTE MON-THURS 11 AM - MIDNIGHT FRIDAY 11 AM - 1AM SATURDAY 3PM- 1AM SUNDAY 3PM -11PM $5 OFF! •? Dr. Marten Shoes i w/coupon | Lazar’s Bazar i 57 W. Broadway [ Downtown Mall 1 VOLVO Owners Preventive Maintenance Special I Alpine Import Service safety inspection *1095 OIL CHANGE 4 cyl includes oil & filler Lucalrd at 1 2th & Main in SprinttfirlcJ C all 726-1808 for appointment Al l WORK GUARANTEED