Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 01, 1991, Image 1

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    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1991
Military recruiting up to Brand
By Kirsten Lucas
Emerald Reporter
The Lite of .1 decision to ban
military recruiters from lint
EMI is now in tin' hands of
University President Myles
If Brand upholds the i.M l
Board of Directors decision,
till:: l ini versify will become the
first public unjversitv with
such a policy It Brand vetoes
thi' decision. he ( .111 expire t
strong opposition Irom student
"He will have to reach into
our student union that we pay
for and force the decision on
us." said board member Ryan
Deckert, who introduced the
motion to ban the recruiters on
tin' basis that the military ills
criminates against gays and les
On Thursday morning, a Ma
rine recruiting officer showed
uj) at the KM! only to he un
welcomed by protesting stu
dents and ultimately evicted by
members ol the I.M! board and
ASt'() President Jen ruler Bills
Captain Richard l.dgingion
said (ic was unaware of tin?
dinar (I s unanimous vote
Wednesday night lo ban n
crullers from ihn building until
they fully comply wiih Oregon
Administrative Rules regarding
disc nmuuition
The Him ersity .abides by
OAK 180 15-OKI, which bars
discrimination on dir basis of
sexual orientation and requires
outside agencies til.it use Cm
versity facilities to abide bv the
same non-discriininalorv poll
i v
MiIllary polit y set bv the
t S Department of Defense,
i urrentlv discriminates on llie
basis of sexual orientation
' l >ntil now . we have made a
hypocritical exception lor the
militaryDeefert said
1)0 1) directive lit*! t 1
states, ' ‘homosexuality' is in
compatible with military ser
vice More than M.ooo mem
tiers of the armed services were
discharger! between tort and
t'lHI for homosexuality, ai
cording lo figures Irotn the (.ay
and l esbian Military freedom
I*rr»|m I
in the esn! siiident tenders.
Brand's (Its is inn nil the issue of
rei i in !!i' : Vf
will semi ,i strung mi’s-- . ,-;e
>ibout the atlin in isirii I tun s
s l.i nd nil ill si riiiiinatiiin against
gas s ,ir11 i lesbians
li I’m ..dent lir.uui decides
in vein the itei isiuil. he ss 1 i!
tilake .i mockery ut tils support
fur gay .md lesbian issues,
said Brian Hoop, Student Sen
at>’ vi< e chairmen
Lestn,in. (las. Bisexual Alii
.Hue Director Sue Dm kslader
said although she's "elated' hs
the Isiard s decision, she s aisu
going tu vs ait and see
I'm glad students are taking
,i stand." Dim kslader said " A
lot ut people ss liu voted aren’t
gas or lesbian, hut they feel so
strongly about discrimination
and boss the Dmsersity perpet
nates hypocrisy tiy ullosving
military recruiters tu openly
discriminate on i arnpus
"it the administration strikes
down this dei isiun. It will tie a
I urn to RECRUIT Page >
Marine faces up to
recruiting challenge
By Meg Dedolph
irrugot'd Contributor
In the uuitsi' ul lu nmiuliTS. the puople who gathered
around M.irmi1 Captain Kn hard T.dglnglon's re< ruittng table
m tin* 1MI' included iin olilnr man In a i oat ami tin. a stu
dent wearing Nike stun s .mil ii'tiiis. Htul three other students
wearing signs protesting against military n« rullers
Tdglnglon's juli Is anything tint ordinary He is currently itn
1 )ffn er Selrt turn 1 )ftn er for the Marine Corps and holds a dr
Hire in architecture froth ihr University
His |oh Involves traveling to two- and lour year schools
throughout Oregon and parts of Washington and Idaho, re
mitting candidates for the Marine Officer Training Program
In addition to the rei rutting lahlr he often uses, he also
makes presentations to large groups, and he uiridut Is Inter
v lews wilh applicants
"Basically, we serve as an advertising agency for voting
men and women and we Irv lo sell them the Marine Corps,"
Kdgmgton said
The program hdgington re< ruils under reipures no commit
ment during the s< hool year hecause the Marines encourage
students to finish their undergraduate degrees The training
lakes place during summer, and after completion of the pro
gram. students are offered a commission as a Marine officer
Turn to MARINES. P.«jo 3
Tour de clown
Freshma” Hcoutc Chung ndcs her tjfke m tn ?s<- '/■' '■
way t i vera tudent lex • tun r/ lay t
celebrate : la f
Pho'o Dy Sean Pov’u’
ASUO vice president cited
for shoplifting in fall 1990
By Cy . Bv./ t.*"
AS I t ) V: i* i ’i > ; It til ; - St a ; i \YaIm in
VV lll-ll III 1 :! ll'[ IH'tl) ! i M-l Illiil
il:'gri;i- shoplifting .iflcr nttinipUng In
iln.il nu n hotidisit 1mm tin? ! duvitsilv
!i r.k-,Sun- uncording to lingcne poliii:
ii-p.irinmnl r»‘(ords
U at .i n, whit a.r. .1 nirmhi r of lln> In
iiiiritsil It t ( ummiiitti ,ii thn Hum, dsn
I.lilfil lu iippnar fur ti Imaring in Kugi-nr
v . ,, it C tin i l.iil' it lu per form
imliliuiis ■ I flilflHii: I .ui'ii .it .1
luu iry 1‘i'H In ifuip .it i Hiding lu i mill
ri-i ords
Kumors ifi.it U ilsun had In-in i itnd
Sir shoplifting hull i iri ul.ili il .inning
siudi'iils slat f sumimr tiTin ami ri'i out
ly i imu !■ i lighi ifli‘r i m -in h uf KI'U
■ in I l.ugi ni- Mnnii ip.il ( uurl in urils
W ilsnn sail! Wi dal .day that puhlll
d. isi lu-.uri' of lii'i i.i n i v III ion u d I in it a!
fin ' liar (till pi'rlunuani a and ilia! thu
:hilt ridalrd ini i.!■ -nt did rial at am
' r i:• ■ r it a in 11.d• ■ 111 gt iVcl n
nmn I
it Mis .1 Mll'.t.lki' tit ‘..Hit W I lint'
'Kvrrvtan- ii.i minn- dark di't'jt ..
rrl that's llii'ir own jii isnn.il tiling
I ins jusi li.ijijM'ns in hr mini'
ASUO I’fi'MiiiMit J<• ji«»iii■ r Hills s.inl
■ kill VS ul \\,lt : ! 1 \ ! i I I ■ 11 till!
-.in- iliil nut 11,iv«■ ,i i iiii.l thoughts nlxm!
i i 'll -’, W .it1-. :i In rtii: I iii i . t hi t rxi i
.'i.' ' i ' ! ill l ist '.[if jug's i li'Clii ill'.
1 know .ihii.it it hut It W.is i1111■.
it ! s.iul 'Must ul in', !rii'iiil'. I-..i v ■■
tii'i'ii iirn sti'ii fur sninHhuig nr utlii'r in
thi'ii hti'limc I know th.it it wmiUin't .il
lit! tint job jn'rlumiiiiK t; "
w. ts n w.i'. i iiisl Nov lur sho|ilili
ii .i ji.K k.igr ul 11.1111• r11. two "Host If
iinti- ji.hIs .mil uni' tmll dull Iron) tin
iinuk'.tnii', jiulli.r rn unis show Tint \.11
til' ul tlu’ nil'll.h.mil Isr .IIIH HI II t i'll tu
s ' W.it'.un ii.iii V 7*i with lur whi n
sill' W.IS Citllll, Jllll II I' '..111 I
In I'i'hiu.itv Pi'll, Wilson lioiim ill .i
i lii'i k writtun in tin- < ourt to ji.iv S.’ 17
in fiiii-s A w.irr.int w.is ulso issm-d fur
l.iilun.' tu .ljijH'.ii fm .iihlilion.il hi'.u lngs.
, • WATSON • '.i j. .'.
i (xiuy is tin: las! day lor students who arc not attending lull term lo apply for
re enrollment or registration lor winli’r term 1
Could he stop by Mac Court, maybe?
hornier Duck busketlwll star and Cleveland Cavalier mokit: Terrell Brandon
w ; rt,.ike his NBA debut in Ins hometown as the (..tvs open their season against
the Portland Trailhl.i/ers tonight
See story, Page 12
Winston to visit Hult_
Acclaimed pianist CoorgO Winston, known lor his season-inspired music:, w ill
perform in Eugene Monday night See story, Page 7