Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1991, Page 9, Image 9

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    Senate approves bill; victims’ rights expanded
(AT) The Sen
ate overwhelming
ly approvnri .1 ui,i
jiir civil rights bill Wednesday
that President Bush has agreed
to sign It expands the rights o]
sexual discrimination victims
to sue and negates a series of
Supreme Court rulings on job
The bill now goes hack, to the
House, whu.ii has a heads ap
pro v ed a similar moa s u re
House Speaker Thomas S bo
lev said the House will take up
the hill early., next week and
predicted, "The House will
likely approve the Senate ec
The Senate approval, on a
vote of d:)-5, came after three
days of haggling over a series ol
amendments Senators ai i epl
ed changes that would apply
the hill's job protections, and
those ol other anti-discrimina
tion law s, to their employees
I tl addition t h e S e il a t e
agreed to require its own mem
bers to pay any judgments in
such cases from their own
Senators voting “no" were
Republicans Dan Coats of Indi
ana, Robert Smith of New
Hampshire, Jesse Helms of
North Carolina, Steve Syimtis
ol Idaho and Malcolm Wallop
ol Wyoming Not voting were
Democrats Robert Kerrey ol Ne
braska and Harris Wollord ol
The legislation has been in
the works for two years, since
the Supreme Court issued sci
era I rulings in 1*189 that made
it more difficult for victims of
job bias to win lawsuits against
their employers
The bill hud been stalled till
til a compromise agreement last
week by Senate leaders nl both
parties and Bush
That agreement laid to rest
the politically charged debate
oxer hiring quotas, whit h Bush
had said earlier versions of the
bill would encourage
S- i I dw ad M K■.■!»r;i i!\ 1)
Mass . hull'll the viiii' ii.s ,i tn
suunding victory lor civil
rights "
Si'i. iir Minority I. ader Rob
crt 1 >••!<•. K K in who brought
the administration nn<i Senate
sponsors to the bargaining_t.il. 1 <•
last vyi'i’k . ..mi tin' c cmipromisc
"is tin-onlv wav out of the mil
rights ipiugnur*'. without pro
during quotas "
Humor rats vou nl c omplaints
ovit tho lull’s limits on the
amount of damages that can he
awarded to v u Inns ol sexual
disc rumination cases although
the hill still represents a major
expansion ol their rights Ken
rieiiv said he would s|K)lisor a
separate hill to remove those
The agreement with Hush
averted a second threatened
veto A year ago. the Senate
sustained Hush's veto ol a simi
lar lull by a single vote
Before a filial vote, the Sen
ate approved a bipartisan
amendment applying the job
protections in the rights hill, as
well as those ill the Civ il Rights
Act id ton), including age dis
crimination and disabled rights
laws to its own employees and
to most political appointees ol
the executive branch
It first acr epted a Rlodiflt a
turn to that amendment re.jutr
ing senators to pay any judg
merits out of their own pui kets
That change was offered by
an opponent of congressional
cuv er.ige Sen Wam ti Kud
man. K N H and was accepted
after the Senate rrjer ted. 74 t,
a motion to table nt kill tlu
Senate Majority 1. e a d ■■ i
(leurge M iti hid I t underline I
Kudman s move as a ' poison
pill amendment
The Senate voted by vou e to
accept tiie amendment on Sen
ate coverage, which was spun
sored bv Mitchell and Sen
Charles Crasslev, H-fav.c It
lirst narrowly voted to kill
54 4 7, a licit her p roposed
change that uld h-' v c . ..
fee ted senators to |>unt11\t
damages in dis< ritiumviiur*
Kudman argued n: mist i . ai
gressional i overage amending
that allowing t;j>«-.1 is r«> :m
coitrIs bv Senate employers
would violate lie ( o' it 11
Holt's separation 1 ! powers pro
vision !iut the Senate t ••it-.!
■’i> 22', a prut'edtir.il motion that
the amendment w as uncnnslt
tutional late 1 ueelav night
Although ’lie lair employ
iomit protei turns would apply
t 1 Senate employees the • n
Ion ement method w ould In
different from other w :
i or Senate employee-, the
amendmentWould establish .1;!
independent panel to <!«•« nle
joh <Iim rimiiv.iUim i <!jis|il,ihits:
,njci pros :.!i' !S r .injn-.ils to t b t -
i . .S ( If! u:t (/Hurt vt \I• I• H-.
U vr .1 lu-.irit : by .< hi'i•
111 . u 11111
{i ■ :ii;* t< ■ v«• • s .ini! .ith- :
.1 v : vs. ;k> : vs : ■:. ■■ i
i>, >-n < • x «• i;!; :• .! Iu>m ..si! t u;ht .
.1 in- .sen.it' (tili vvmilii nut
( over Hihim' i lii ji IhS s'' ■. svlm
.1 i is i.! \ . .i I. t .t is.i '"!i tV ,' ■ ',i
l Hill | ! iVl lilts ! ■ ) .1 SjH'l 1,11 il'.M ' s t
.VglffMIHUt Hit till' hill Itself
!. I s I Vs ■ i ■ K i I ». i , 1 ! Vs S' i
rights st.ilfiu.it.' thiit is.ntm
( I Hit mi i in f Flush Si'tu .111 -I
1 hr i .its ut another Flush
i hilfgetl tll.lt tin- ht.H Vv ' mill ‘ SI
t.uutiigf itnipiuvfts tu it'.1' .jiiu
'.i- in !■• Mi.; .in.) piiiin..tinns
i [ iMil ! IlM Si n.l to Jill’ ti l l I
: i. k In the Hnnvr (or
i n|e i;: ; ehi e in the Senate s
.iii n in- ! hi Si nil.si? to, er
whelm, i.;iv <i|>|irnvt 'i .1 similar
!nl! i-.irlici Hus Vi-.ir
I tic ini. . xjinnis I hr tt^hls ol
0 Ini: ■ o! 'i xuai ii.u ivsniriU
.i:i.; iii . iiiuuiijtion in siic toi
(iiini.igo Ttirs currently i:ijn
. otic. ( .inly h.w k |mv iim! .ittnr
n• • % tci ■ Hu I ns par I ol the
co!n|irmiiiye M’vu.il iliscrnnt
it ii,, iii . .iM s would tie •iiisci t
11■ il.': n i imit s i>n .1 vs in! ••
1 .1 n u>: I r o in S > O . I) (I t) to
S.lOO.lHHl depend Hi); on the
Ni/e ol lire i i >!111*y»rj\
\ :■ line. ■ ■! r i . il ills. i iniiri.i
tioii l.ii iii' sin h limits
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