Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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    Pluaique Gourmet
Catering to the
Discriminating Collector
CD s FROM $5 95
[ TAPES FROM >2 95 1
In the Fifthpearl Building
?0r( ‘)lh Avenue
V/tTM tmf
1900 1ST PPI7F tlOO PP!7f
t,'»Q t>P!>
Continued from Page 7
The status of Jerusalem,
whit li is holy lu txith Jews and
Muslims. is unit of th<■ most bit
lor issues confronting the < on
furi es Israel annexed iho oust
• Til portion of tin c 11\ after i ap
luring it m lh(i7 ,iii<l has vowed
it will remain united forever as
Iho i apital of tin' Jewish state
I'he I'nltistiniuns also claim |c
rtisalein as their capital
As the talks opened, the
splendor of Spain's Koval Pai
nt o atid its ru h lapostrios could
not mask, till' tensions One is
rat ll delegate said she trust! lo
shak-e tise hand of a Ltlstnesi
negotiator hut was snubbed
Olfe !! - t rj that, hand shake-,
.site generally avoided lo pre
. etit se h avs kvs ardness
Participants were seated .it a
I shaped-table designed so (he
fsr.e hs would fai r their foes at
a slight .nigh rather than direr I
!v and no national flags were
I in- re w a s I It tie 111 I X I llg
among -tlvu delegates Malts of
lln- Israelis wore skullcaps and
soiiu Arab n preseiilatlves were
(lad m flossing robes and
k e f li ye iis I r ad 11 iona 1 Arab
starves This is not a dinner
party." the Jordanian foreign
minister acknowledged after
ss ard
Its their present <-. Hush and
(.orh.ahes lent their influence
and prestige to tin- talks, the
lust since a l'c.' t parley in (a
nev.i collapsed in a dev Ahead
lav months or vears of negsjti
alums designed to move an
(lent loos a vs a v from the brink
of VS it
Siie i.entral issue is conflict
mg t Satins to Arab lands seized
m vs ar hv Israei. and Bush tack
led lli-il head-on We N-heve
territorial compromise is essen
tial." he sail!
But tu balanced Unit with 4
call fur real'peace; not just ,1
state nf non belligerence
I hat was a clear message to
Arab leaders who have not uc
know lodged Israel's right to ex
1 st
Bush laid out a .timetable (or
an Israeli Palestinian settle
ment. urging a completion of
terms for limited self-rule on
the West Bank, and in (hi/at in
one year, and he reiterated the
I S offer to provide technical
and financial help to ease the
wav fur the parties toward a
peat e settlement
Irving to coax the two sides
t- take chances, Bush assured
them tli-it subsequent negotia
Hon on a permanent accord
would .lie determined on their
own on tits ' llu apparent U S
message was that an interim ar
rangement could he experirnen
tal and not binding in-the Ti
mal situation
The timetable for an Israeli
Palestinian .settlement, looks
like this set terms lor limited
sell rule on tlie West Bunk and
in (i.i/a in .i year In the third
year, the two sides would begin
negotiations for a permanent ar
rangement that would lake id
lei t at tin- end of live \ ears
Malian Ashrawi. the Palest in
tan spokeswoman, welcomed
"thi conciliatory nature" ol
Bushs speech However she
and fellow Palestinian leader
I'aisul Hussemi expressed dls
appointment that Bush did not
come out firmly lor a complete
Israeli withdrawal from the <w
cup ted lands
Vossi Ben Aharon. .1 top aide
to Shamir, expressed sales!,h
turn that Bush tailed lor "terri
tonal compromise," rather than
a land tor peace lormu 1 a
Netanyahu elaborated later on
tile Israeli distinction fietwrcn
the two
Israel lias already given a
full <»1 pert ent ol the (1 aptured)
lUrttfiM'i tl»
All Bin The Waltz
By Mary Clearman Blew
^ Ml Hut the W altz is a clean, haunting portrait of a sometimes
remarkable, sometimes ordinary family on the areal plains of
Montana. What is astonishing is how we come to know arid
care about them ..in the popes of this book. ^ ^
Jftinc» VS ck h.
Author of Ihc InJiMi
Mary l ’Icarmiii Blew .dreads ha earned a growing reputation among Western writers and
re a* lets for her asmm.i;ul of language, her iru-im of narrative, and Iver empathy fur the wild
bcautv u! the Big Sk% Country where she grew up am! fur Hu- steadfast char a*, ter ut il.s people,
Her . .if her story collet lion. Kin iaw.iv, u i p* wv*rful mmuii of the struggles of Montanans with
vs e at her. physn a! adver sides. and the latter . o! the myth of live West In this wonderfully cvoc a
toe nevs collection of essays, vse learn of Blevs \ grandmother, who spent three months alone in
a remote one rtH.Mii school house, vs ah her three small children. separated by MM) miles from her
Mud during die hitter years of tin* (heat dcpti ;on We read about the author's father, who
vk a drive one day in his pick up and disappeared from her Idc forever Must niemotahK. we
bu.uver Mary herself, a writer whose oherv alums on growing up. making do. and enduring arc
tdiovy in rain and utterly convincing
Mary t ie.urn.in Blew in ikes us sec and feel what it w .us like to homestead the pfatfic, to leash
m a one iiH»m w.t5.H»l house, to lose the family land and drift to work on the great darn building
pr .is of die Roosevelt veals M.»sl of the c-ssays ttase the hist.ay of fier family, hut at least
two share some of the difficult chon.cs of her own life, s ho tecs with echoes in her family s post
litis is .1 wondcilul. fitI lie si, ami subtle NH'is
i Innj; lime I sl/ungh rcvonunciui it to
Mi 'Maria writers like Isan LXug ,>r
sst'ik . I women rane tiers like I.mila
HaAselsnom or Or del Ihrlich
Rev ic* cti By
\n»ly ! iliuh
people will stas with you tor
anyone who enjoys reading
William Kitttedge, or the
lirrtHones. hi' said, apparently
referring to earlier Israeli land
concessions including the
sprawling Sinai peninsula,
which was returned to l.gvpt
Thun compromise does not
mean that Israel is asked to give
ion percent, .ind thu other side
is asked to give zero "
A threat of Syrian pullout
from the process came from
Zohatr jannan, head of the for
eign press department at the
Syrian Foreign Ministry
If Israel does not withdraw
from occupied Arab territories
and il the settlements are not
frozen,-this will just have Ireeti
a ceremonial conference . and
we wdl withdraw from it. he
told Ihe Associated Press in
Syriii has indicated It would
attend at least the first session
of the bilateral lalks with Israel,
expected to take place Sunday
in Madrid.
Meanwhile, from the Middle
lost itself came a reminder of
the difficulties < onfroming the
In the Israeli i« < upled terri
tories more than 50 peojile
were injured when rival Pales
tinian factions battled with
knives and chains Arab report
ers said one Palestinian was
killed and at least 13 people
wounded when Israeli troops
opened lire to break up stone
throwing protests In followers
of the Muslim fundamentalist
llamas movement
Kxtreinists on both sides have
condemned the peace confer
ence. and the latest denuncia
tion came from Ah Akbar
Mobtasheini, an Iranian Parlia
ment memix-r He told Iranian
lawmakers peace conference
piirllt ipants are classified .is
mohurebs those who wage
war against God and in at
cordance with Islam, the blood
of a mohareb must be shed "
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