Talks begin at peace conference Wednesday, ing four lie MADRID, Spain |A1*) Israelis and Arabs held historic talks aimed .it overturn cades of hostility and war in the Middle Hast President Hush implored them to strike a deal centered on ter ritorial compromise and perma mint treaties "Peace ill the Middle hast need not be a dream," Hush said at the opening of the first peace talks m a generation Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev forcefully 'seconded the call for compromise "It would be unforgivable to miss this opportunity," he said However, in a chilling re '.minder of the Middle bast's bloody politics, an Iranian law maker influential with t.eba nese terrorists said Wednesday all peace conference partici pants should be killed Hut such extreme opposition to the i (inference was the ex ception, not the rule, in much of the Arab world "The battle for peace begins," said a banner headline Wednesday in jor dan's biggest newspaper. Al Kai Syria. Israel's most implaca bit; foe. stuc k to its traditional hard line Alter the c eremonial opening of the conference,One Syrian official in Madrid said Damascus might pull out of the peace process unless there are key Israeli com essions The Palestinians, too. e\ pressed disappointment that ltusii did not openly hac k their demand for a free/e on settle ments in the aw c upted lands, or specifically express support for Palestinian statehood Hut many in Madrid were ex pressing optimism despite deep differences Secretary ol State James Baker, who spent months set ting up the conference, said Is raid and its Arab neighbors he gan In crawl” toward peace Hut at a news conferenc e alter Wednesday's talks, lie admitted no agreement had lieeri reached bn where planned bilateral talks would lie held '"It is very irnportant that these bilateral talks take place.-' Baker said it is (where) we hope Um ri'iil substam i’ will lake place ” At .1 separate news confer tsin e, a top Israeli offit ial. Dep ntv foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said. I think on the whole this has been a very good day for the prosper Is ol peace" We come here with an open heart and an open ml nil"’ kernel Abu Jal>er. the lordanian foreign minister, said at his new s conference Still, Kgvpti.m foreign Minis ter Aim Mousse who met w ith Israeli I’rinie Minister Yitzhak Shamir on Wednesday, said there were a lot" ol obstacles ahead Kgypt is the only Arab < oun try to have ever made peace with Israel, and Mousse was tin' first Arab delegate to ad dress tlie gathering In ins speech, he demanded recognition of the rights ol I’al estimans. denounced |ewtsh settlements ill occupied lands and insisted Israel should not exercisea monopoly over Je Turn to TALKS !",)» 8 Hu- l nivcrMts 11 'rrs’on Student l niver\it\ Ri'l.itii 5 6 I Ml •Millfl lh \k Tom Kenny with Rodney Sherwood ♦ 7: JO I’M • FRIDAY • November 1. 0)91 rhe Hilton Hotel Ballroom W C Of 0 J«nny At. as suAw'i *o YOiif r*& too ^ Moppy M-A ****** Lov* Dorv t& !'\a: yojf ’’MMk.l <* Oo you a pumpn.n on ytK>f v’kx.Uo'i. ' “Amiga” Don't worry, your tatanlad and •mart Mart a to your futura! Lova, Pootar" STEPHANIE Than* you &na I icy tyoanlasi May fro Tftruo <*«*■■ D»iv« I W‘i\ pt«ly CfH*» n«Jt1 lifTW I »X>pO yCX> »yivo a g'oa; Hai>om»iwin. *f I havy to work I lov« you, K»vm Twaa tha night HaUowaan a ak* lad tick was aaan. Looking raal loan But not vary maan. Ha atroda through tha gala, tt mu at hava baan fata tor ha know it waa lata but atilt aakad ma to data! Tha and of tha atory is not bad or gory. For I marnad thia ducky and tor thia i faal lucky* Happy Hattowaan frad H.t Hay S*«y 8oyltt#nd JAVMIN T MHOWl H BRIAN M You n my M*lkj«*r«»#n Stud' l ov* y« J««m Don /*** a MW-Myf-. To Iho World • Gr««t«»i huobond Your Pookt« Don (>«j you » alert \fMa Q&m* u*l n*gni? O', and w*x> % on in« m<*>ncj k* yt>.. today7 ■** fAiMMOUNl MANStON Toki's In the House! H»Ho my hot Mftl* Tofci-m**t*f I think w# f# imm&f to mo»i on to lh* n«it l«v»4 not juftt in vkJ*o t*it m th* gam* ol lov«" HAPPY HAL L Om t N, Out V** Butt, Out ¥•• Butt M#y SAi-li's 4 20 Do you knom Jo#yi»7 Congrat* N*w Club Sport* I quaatrian Taam Mambar*1 ttappy lU.H.nwi: LITTLE SARAH Don't be uptight. Your Jl'er m tun^ht. All hallow '• era will be a b ight. We'll get tuu tanked »>n Mil Ur Lila, Oh no oliHar, no rvacd to life. I h« bantu. ky I D a homa tonight. Al Krnnw'i. Taylor a. ami Mill (lamp we’ll i«j(ht. Dtd you know that lhureday'a era Mwl Buna Sighl' Don't worry Sarah. it'll b« alright. Maybe lumuftuw you'll regain your eight' Fitk you up at t* 10 K D ft C Io K t»h«n & OiifthAt! ► killing M»lkiAo*'i from ’thaton 4 IU««n SANDI, r ha cat had your tongua last waafc AikI now « • got your body. aa4 Wa can l magma a hapfaar ycKj, AH covarad in fur and maoanng too Your catty frtanda V»'vi: •* ‘ ■ .t' on you' «*-K ’ |T*xap«ut* Yirhal t?*j '«* * too ra 'x>< p4*y>ng «*-!'> a full < >* > ) CHRIS IS SUCH A STUD! Now ir**s you vt* vo«'' t tn p/ f»! t? musi !»» !' ,j»» WOW I you p« im*J " •*» r»pn*atl ,*(<*• i»J) on flcVO g*t/t ■*»»•> ar. *<**• !m m awu NOT o< '■ytf lir V #* MH Draw horn#' lk>pa wa booki# til wa burmt & howl l*a Banahaa* Ta quwro mucho baby Anothar day ha» ju*t bag on Youf room-mat#. Garaklina N*cli ■>* •• ‘ L o i mm y c h »I Jim Hot) Collin Mava ji gloat Hallo***'* ah* 1 y»*f» l(o«« V (Hi. Ai«* •, -• May (>«H« /alas. Jannt f . Katy S , Brands / , arid of cou>»« Hiiidom warms say. BOO*' Thank you Alan. Shaila arvd Kavm (or making ihia a araird and wondarful Kaltowaan' Tha W-tchduckor (iliit. Ih« voKaicti ona) JOLY l Ut \ O'4i CKJ d*» =i-*J yj . S »toi>PY I «uf* P*im«r Sort hop* Bluffy »»n t g«t1tr>g too lonffty' W« kuf* ««•' tialk>«»*«n 15 4 0 1 Mam Your Hoorn w» Mi»» Ot)fH)iiou» I m havirtg « f#j craving for lonn mon I gy» arnl modern dartre Dan My woof woof Jo*#ph I VAN LAW \km Mkm Him* Ho* Ho« M»> Wau h Oof «ck Wi.hiJu* kioi ’.' fctjttt 'xk forgot t«n HAPPY BOO DAY Ham am (Mf you '• In cbarga Mrchals iVikJ tamals look irvg for Outgoing mil* f njoy I*f1ir»g wrofcghts, G*Mh Brooks rambling convaraatrona & lambada darvmg? Inquir* at Mar Court l q Mm Sam4 Am lA.' Ha • **»*»•• f. r *<■ I • . Ht| :*•«* f - , 4 l -. •> ■ * } ■.;»"! ’O *** , * .1 *ni ' *. • * ..tif i A j'fy '■ I i: r f>.