Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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    Join us for
l he first
Chandler Lecture
Sponsored h\ the S< hoot of Journalism
( eli hraion> its 7Sth anniu i uo \
"War in the Gulf, Trouble in the Streets:
Lessons from the 1991 News Year"
Steven A. Smith
Managing Kditor
The Wichita l.a^lc
Wichita, Kansas
Frida), \o\ ember I. 1991
! 2l> I au Sc hi Mil
* M) p.m
/ ,'lhni im; the /< < Hoc \<>u on innial in ./ public reception in illt
hihh\ nl iln / </m Si In iol
4 '0 p m
Mils let 1 in e is imule possible \s 11h ;tn en»low 11lent '.’ill
from Kobe! I < h.uullei ol Iln Unlit tin in Meml. < )rejj.on
T I k ■ •
Dance Oregon sponsoring class
lu celebrate I ho Hallowmm spirit. Dance Oregon, an
AS lit) sponsored student dam ,e organization, is putting on
Modem l»v Moonlight." .1 modern dame class open to all
skill levels
Dance Assistant Professor Sherrie Barr will tie the "guest
witch" teaching the class tonight from 11 p in. to midnight in
tier linger Annex
The class < osts Sit For more information, contact Annesa
at MMi-4895
Director named to post in law school
Idoise Dunn Stuhr has been named director of develop
ment for the University law school. University President
Myles Brand announced Tuesday
As development director for the law school, Stuhr will be
responsible for leading the school's fund-raising program,
which is expected to have a significant role in the Universi
ty s upcoming and ambitious capital campaign," Brand said,
Stuhr will also work with the law school dean to oversee
the school’s advisory boards
Stuhr, who has been assistant vice president for develop
ment and executive director ol the University Foundation
since p»H7. will begin her new position Nov 4
Stuhr and her Foundation stall have produced record
breaking fund-raising totals each year, including S11 '* mil
lion raised during the I'FitMM fiscal year This year's first
tjuarter mark is double the amount oi money raised in the
same period Iasi year
Bequest to benefit Creative Writing program
Students in the l 'niversity's Creative Writing program will
benefit from a Si 14 million gift from the estate ol Waite,t
Kidd ol Portland
: lu Walter and Nancy Kidd I request will establish an en
dowment to fund a spei ial program ol prizes and tutorials in
1 n alive writing lor undergraduates
Waller K: id a teacher, poet and scholar, was a liberal arts
graduate of the University He received a bachelor's degree in
Pc ii and a master's in Pt *f»
i Ins is a great and historic opportunity to create an rvi el
■ 'it. exi ding new writing program.” said Garrett Hongo, di
:e. ! , ul the 1 realive Writing program
. he Kidd Tutorials will focus exclusively on creative writ
.rig p-on ! Is and 1 nurses ol study designed by the students til
; onsultatton xx ith their tutors
1 In Kidd Prizes in Creative Writing will give significant
cash awards through an annual spring contest open to all
fmei'uly undergraduates
(.t id.. i'.e -.tudent Shelly Withrow is the lust tutor in the
K: :r nils Seniors lohn Higgins and Michael Buck, and
iiinior Inez Peterson are the lirst Kidd Scholars
The University of Oregon Micnxomputer Support ( enter and Apple Computer, Inc Present
Thursday, October 31
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
* >
Erb Memorial Union
Fir Room
Take a peek at Apple's neu
products, including the
Macintosh Quadra series the
Macintosh Power Rooks, and the
new generation of Apple
A !>FAt!
It's no trick! Apple is treating
eligible students, faculty' and
staff to substantial savings on
the purchase of tbeir most
popular Macintosh computers,
bundled with great printi’rs!
WVi/cfe the sparks fly as one of
Apple's Technical Sorcerers
takes you on a tour of the
multimedia power of the
Macintosh. including a
demonstration of QuickTime!
Presentations at 1:30 & 3:30.
Come costumed or masked, and
you'll have more than a ghost of
a chance to win an Apple
CD-ROM Drivel To be judged,
attend the last Media Magic
Presentation. Prize awarded
at 4:30 pm. /^~aX j