COMMUNITY BRIEFS OCA amendment opposed by lawyers File hugenc Chaplet of the National Lawyers Cuild re leased ,i statement Friday opposing ihr Oregon Citizens Alii ante proposed amendment to the Oregon Constitution, sav in|j tin1 iimominu'iit is discriminatory In their statement, the lawyers guild proclaimed that the (K:.\‘s initiative. which seeks to idiminati' discriminatory protections for gays and lesbians, is one they i annul support because the guild affirms a!! rights guaranteed to cui/.enx un der the United St.ites and Oregon Constitutions "Laws’-prohibiting-discrimination against members of a group of citizens do not equate to the granting of spci mi riglits’ to the memliers of group, the lawyers guild said in their statement Rather, such laws merely protect the same rights enjoyed by the citi/.enrv at large of a minority group of eltl/nns, oilier wise not immune to the special discrimination visited upon them by members of the majority so disposed in the absent e of those law s. the law yers guild said Mori-ovi-i the lawyers said the (H.A amendment would promote and facilitate unchecked discrimination against members id the gay and lesbian community Portland IRS holding tax refunds People who have moved lately and have not re< eiyed their 1000 income tax refunds may want check with the IKS. .which is liolding over $400,000 in um homed motley The Portland IRS office reportedly has the names ol about 1,500 people who are entitled to a refund hut have not re reived their checks lieeause there wasn't a current address available when the post oflice went to deliver them The average unclaimed refund is approximately S.’HO, said an IRS spokesman, who ris ommeruls that people entitled to a refund call 1 -800 FAX 1040 Kaleidoscope tour stops by Willamette To foul out it looking nt the world with kaleidoscope cm-:, is better than looking it! it through rosu c olured glasses, che< k out thu tlru exhibit .it the Will.imetli; Si lencr .uul Techno! ogv Center The exhibit, titled “Kaleidoscopes Kelle* thins ol St i ence mid Art.' will be on display through January in hugene ■is part of its three year tour with the Smithsonian Institute's traveling exhibit program file exhibit features displays ol mirror forms, an Infinity Box .mil a re< (angular kaleidoscope It also features seven dif ferent kaleidost ope islands with different themes, ini hiding changing angles, mirror prisms, wheels, marbles and i hanging objei ts in oils For more information contact Sally Ttilala at (>H7 tnio Roundup Day for your disposables Toxic garbage, and hazardous waste i an lie properly and safely disposed of Saturday, Nov 1 during Lane Countys Waste Roundup Day The Clenworxi station at 110*1 L 17th w ill he at i epting all kinds of toxu materials, in* lading herbicides, pesticide-, paint strippers, batteries, aerosols, gasoline and ammoni i The C leu wood dump will not accept containers larger than five gallons, radioai live materials or nun-hazardous items lor a complete list of what is accepted, and how it should tie brought to the dump, call the Lane County Waste Manage meat Vehicle Division at 0H7 -1 1 l’t HAI.LOWFEN PAPTY*05 V/’TM TWF COSTTWF CONTFST tVOO 1ST PP17F tlOO ppf7F t'>Q OPT> TMUPSPAY .OCT OIST I 8 13d & Aider 343-0681 it's The Tenth Annlverson of the Artist's Tools of the Traae Show! 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