LETTERS tt you please Will somebody ploaso close the window ' I arrive early most days to find windows, open, lights on. and tho heat on Apparently people opened tho windows the previous afternoon and loft the room. This situation is wasteful, uncomfortable for morning us ers. and annoying As you leave a room in the afternoon, tie considerate and close the windows Flipping off the lights will he good, too Thanks. Rill Loy Geography Show courtesy I hate to break into these live ly arguments with mundane re a 11 t v. Ini t 1 fee I I ha ve no choice First KMIJ child care pays $<>00 per year lor their reserved spaces on Onyx Street between I.Ntr and psychology II you do not have u permit for those spaces, please stay out of them! It's no fun hurrying a four-year old across campus on .1 cold wet morning Second Dorm residents us mg the crosswalk at Agate Street in the mornings might try to show a little courtesy It there .ire cars six deep waiting to pass, it might be nice lor the pedestrians to stop and let a car through kind of like at a four-way stop sign Thanks Third, lust, und most impor tant (to me): Students parking habits out on the side streets (ex Moss. 1 7th. etc ) .ire atro cious! They park ha If-car lengths behind other < ars, or right in the middle of areas that c ould normally park two i.irs Student parking is bad enough (and I can’t afford a permit) without these bad habits and inconsiderate practices Too bad we can't get ti< kels lor stupid parking 1‘leuse. pull Up as close as CORRECTION In Wednesday's edition of the ODE. the phone number for Men Against Kape was inaccurate The i o r r e cl n u m her is .Hfi-420t> Thu Emerald regrets this error Call the Oregon Daily Emerald Advertising Department at 346-3712 RECYCLE THIS PAPER. vmi can to driveways and to the car in front of vou without pinning thoin or yoursolf in Parking is difficult for us all. so utilize the Spain to its poton imp Now. ixick to morr important things Kris Kslnrlmr Knglish Two hats (liven thu University budget i rum h < aused hv Hallot Minis un- 5. wo certainly need to con sider all possible wavs of sav mg money The events of the last few weeks have suggested some new possibilities I refer to Athletic Director Hill Hyrnc's order to cut down the $(><).(><)() sculpture recentlv erected at public expense in front of the new Casanova Center, now to he moved .it a further $31,000 expense Alter inspei ting both the building and the controversial sculpture. I came away im pressed Byrne has domonslrat I’d himself l« bo an accom plished ;* n»>rt*d by tty *i« Hannc p, PfiifcrtlB in ih«- Student Health (Jablet THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Th« nightly crisis of Todd s stomach vs Todd s imagination ACCUSED Continued trom Page 2 Public image might help explain why a reputed alco holic womanizer spoke in such noble platitudes about the dastardly practice of sex ual harassment. It might ex plain why a former segregu tumist rallied to the defense of a black matt subjected to the humiliation of hotng drawn Into a drama pander ing to. and perpetuating, the ugliest racial stereotypes of our culture And let us not forget the senator from Delaware, the reputed plagiarist Joseph Bi den. vs ho presided over the whole thing, waxing philo sopbical on legal prim tples in words I ha I sou 11 dud strangely famillur to his fel low senators If only all reputations vvnrr) based In unsubstantiat ed allegations, then the Sen ate might t>e able to solve its public: image problems and restore the reputation they might have once had Hut us long as the truth is the final arbiter in our assessment of the characters of those in the U S Senate, then the repute turns of the men In th.it great institution will continue to suffer greatly at the hands ol a public unmoved by the face-saving graces of unsub stuntiulcd allegations /a.so/i Krttlrr /' a s/m/enr a/ (he I 'mverscfv TREAT YOURSELE EC) OUR ESTEE LAUDER BEAUTY THERAPY CLINIC at KAUf MAN'S CAMPUS SIORI NOVEMBER 4th, 5th & 6th. ♦ He analyzed: learn your tail sate skint .lit- tormula. ♦ Ik1 ()am|X‘r(d: (le stress skill with a relaxing tar ial. ♦ lie yourself: Irxik your liest in a Estee I,Hitler makeover. ♦ Ik1 ptnler ted: ronquei sun damage as never lx‘tore. ♦ lie gifted: take home a sp-r ial Ixsiuty Ixinus. All YOURS FO ( XI *1 kll N( I WHIN YOU S( HH )Ut I A PRIVA 11, HOURIONt, Al' POINTMENF WITH AN I SHI I.AUPfk BtAUTY Al)VIS( >R. Ii( X )K ONI l( )l)AY Al KAUf MAN'S ON CAMPUS OK (All ChrisMNt ai 4h> isat, ix. 670. the J'i.IM) ftx> rTtlirm.ible with any I stir l.uxler |*irt fuse.