Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1991, Page 12, Image 12

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Student Volunteers
: - for
UO Preview Day
(an open house for prospective students anil their families)
Saturday, November 16, 1991
Interested students should call the Office of Admissions, 346-3201 bv November 11.
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\,;lN>nm! Umk-!
Tuition hike a factor
in enrollment drops
luuknl iap)
hnrollmont at Ore
gon's public: col
leges and universe
lies dropped 5 percent this fall,
then lowest level 111 sis years
Preliminary figures from the
Stale System of Higher Kducu
lion show enrollment a! the
state s eight campuses at
MIT’f.B, down from (>;Ui21 m
Offic sals said sleep tuition in
creases and student uncertainty
alxiut the system's financial sta
bility are at least partly respon
sible for the decline
At Oregon Slate University,
enrollment dropped 7 percent,
and the University experienced
a t) K percent drop
The only schools, to .show in
c reases were till- .Oregon lnstl
lute ■)( Technology. where en
roll me. litArose 0 7 percent to
.!>(> 1 and Oregon Health Sc j
ecu as University, where enroll
merit was up 1 7 percent to
A dec line in enrollment had
heed planned, hut it wasti t
supposed to he so hig
Last spring, legislators and
higher education offic mis
agreed to reduce enrollment at
seven campuses by U,000
Chancellor Thomas Bartlett
said it's too early to know all
the reasons lor the smaller
than expei ted enrollment
We can speculate that in
c reaseii tuition and tile image
of instability are at work,' he
said, "but there are a lot of oth
er variables and individual tie
t isioris imiilved
Lhc University remains tiie
states largest with 16,905 stu
dents Oregon State University
is second-largest at 14,900
Portland Stall! University's
enrollment declined :t 2 per
cent to 14,285.
Among the state s colleges.
Southern Oregon State remains
the largest, hut its enrollment
was down 8.3 percent to 4.519
Western Oregon State's enroll
ment dropped In i 2 percent to
1.850. Eastern Oregon State's
estimated enrollment is 1,770.
down 4.9 percent
llle declines mean more
trouble (or a higher education,
system already struggling
"This means that the Univer
sity, in addition to facing the
prospect ol faculty flight'us a
result ol uncertainties 'caused
l>v Measure 5 budget-cut ting, is
now threatenedwith student
flight," t diversity President
Myles Brand said
Tuition at the University
( limbed 92 pen ent this fall for
in state undergraduates, the
highest percentage Increase
among public universities na
Bartlett and others said in
creases In the number of stu
dents at Oregon's ll> communi
ty colleges this fall lire almost
certainly related to the tuition
increases of the state’s four-year
At Lane Community College
m Eugene, for example, enroll
merit is up about 7 percent this
Enrollment figures at the
four year schools are prelimi
nary and are based on atten
dance after four weeks of ( lass
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fleed a break? Check out the EttTERTAIflMEMT
section in the ODE classifieds.