New local magazine features eclectic mix By Mmg Rodrigues Emerald Contribute* l-aceo wilh .1 never ending slew of now magazineson the markol. one eun't imagine vei another p u b 1 i ( a I i on t !i a I doesn't look or road )iis( a lad like the Iasi <»no that ( amo out Is the wolf of odilorial con repts and ideas inexhaustible or not' I’ick uji a cops ol locally published H'/nergencv Horse and docnle lor yourself Work on ihe tree month!v magazine began this February and its first Issue Was out last month "This journal pontificates, adjudicates, gesticulates wildly, speaks its mind, and serves the interest of a tins insular coin niuriitv. ' states its first issue At once sharp, svitis. hums. shocking and even conlrover slab in essence, it could he a blast of a read lor anyone who enjoys life from .1 different point ol view or anyone who wonders if there's another di mansion to life Think satirical features, bit ing humor, poetry and earthy art sidling next to such articles on male-stripping, "floss hip is Portland's X l< fore we voice them.' ii 1 How ard Lilies. editor of E'nwrf’t'ncv The new magazine Liters those thoughts in a different wav, he said the goal is to give people something to think about, to allow them to think for themselves and do away with the constantly enforced images that are led to us through the media, [.tin's said We want f.rnergerii v Horst to he a maga/me of broad ne and international locus and, being a local magazine, to show how the Willamette Vul lev is indie alive ol sex iety and not so much on what the Wil lamette Valley is about," said Lilies, who is a former editor of Ti inherit tw and until recently, assistant fiction editor for Northwest Keview With a skeleton staff of 11), the magazine is looking for more writers, photographers and artists Call -tH-t nitfvl lor more inhumation or drop by the office at 14 K) Willamette St , No 271 OUTDOOR ADVENTURES START AT mckenzie outfitters Visit our rental department at 79 W. Broadway BACKPACKS External Frame $ 9 00-3 days. $1800 per week Internal Frame $12.00/3 days $20 00 per week _ TENTS 2 person . $14 00/3 days, $25.00/7 days 4 person... $18.00/3 days, $25.00/7 days CLIMBING SHOES.$5.00 per days. $8 00 per weekend ICE AXE.$5 00/3 days, $10 00/7 days CRAMPON.$5.00/3 days, $10.00/7 days Deposits Required RENTAL EQUIPMENT FOR SALE See John Pederson Downtown Store MKENZIE O U T F I T T E R S 79 W. BROADWAY VALLEY RIVER CENTER Mon Sd! 9 30-6. Eon 11-5 ; on! ,i |ifnin lust briny; .1 oops of tins ad to tho ( 11nupu* ioimtei li.tse ,i fast tree skin .in.ilvsis on (he t.immis t lmu|iie( omputei .mil .i 1 step > prodik t st.irtei set is s ours .is lonp us supplies List MEIER & FRANK Nv.nhibU' at V.illev Ki\rr l t*nU'r I u^em* XUrcfc* Irslril 100 '> I rj&rjfur I rrr Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen w Vi Vi ' *! Weasel’s World Kraig Norris 1 uf HO** '. fUJ 5* S**/'!*' }C*ML *OH*r «fc3w v#; I s' V. XTA Ml 11*15 •'tit RESUMES (live \our resume a professional look, In having it t\ [reset at I etter Pertet t (iraphit s, Suite 5(H) I MU. I4b-4i81 9-j Mon-Fri