Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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    Ml) STRUT 03
Tit ft
OCT 21-NOV 2
13th and Kincaid
Mon-Fri 7:30-6
Saturday 106
Phone 3464331
' • l
v v>
Jawbone Flats offers historic journey
One of thu most interesting
areas m the western ('as
i ade Foothills is jawbone
Hals, a rustic. private mining
community nestled in the val
Inv of tin- little North Folk
Sanliani Kivcr about -ir> miles
east of Salem
Although tin- Irailhead is
about lit) miles from ivugene
Springfield, the iHr*< mile trail
it s actually an old mining
romi through an old growth
forest (aside the river is well
worth the drive
The road to (awixme Flats is
gated by the Shiny Ki* k Mm
mg Co, which owns several
mines and much of the land in
tlie area To real h the gale,
drive ahoul 2d miles east of Sa
lem on Highway 2.' to the jurit
lion w ith F.lkhoni Komi whir li
is on the north (loft) side of tile
I ollow tills payed road past
the i.lkhorn Valley Cull Course
and about three miles .liter the
course, the road turns to well
maintained and graded gravel
About two miles after the road
turns to gravel, keep to the left
at a A junction, following a
sign just jiast the jlllli (loll that
reads "Road (flosed Ahead
The galr is about three mill's
past ihts point, and there is am
pin parking spai e on the road
One altrurlion of the lawlxmc
Flats road is that H con be done
either as a hike or as an eas\
mountain bike ride The road
meanders through huge Doug
las I ir Irees, alwass slaying
I lose In the.. Lillie Norlh lurk
Santiani, which is puni United
hv numerous small waterfalls
The deep green < olor of the wa
let against the sands while riv
er ballorn is espet-tally breath
The road climbs u-rv gradu
ally on liie way To Jawbone
Mats, gaining only about' 000
(eel of total elevation in the
three mih-s. making i! a n r\
eas\ hike or .1 leisurely maun
lain lnk< ride
One oh-tile most interesting
leeliites iif lilt: road Is about a
mile from the gale where an
old. ahaminned sec tion of min
ing rail leads (rum a small mine
on the norlh side of the road
I he road here follows a sleep
slope about SO lent allow the
river and is planked with old
rolling sheets ul wood You
will !«■ surprised to see cars, in
addition to four-w heel drive ve
hides at (awlHine lints Ir.i
versing Ibis section of road
must Is: Iruac herons when it's
muddy or snow-covered
The town Itself iicluiilly .ip
pears qtnli' suddenly lo the Ink
it nr moon In in bike rider, as d
mK m a small clearing after
Ihn . miles of deep forest with
dm k undergrowth At the en
train e to Jawbone Flats, on the
right side of the road, is a small
sign and an antique rail car
filled with some of the ore-con
taining rooks, not gold but zinc
and copper, mined by the
.Shiny Kox k company
lust past the entrance on the
left side of the road Is a small
sisttors center, which has a
guest register, maps, pamphlets
and other information about
the area
Jawbone Mats is really one ol
die most-unusual places 1 have
ever seen It is nestled in a sal
ley more than 15 miles from
the* nearest house, but the
houses and shac ks along the
road an equipped with water
driven electricity and. surpris
mgiy. are nicety landscaped
with lawns and flower buds
I here are about 20 buildings in
the town, with rusting pier i s ot
antique c ars and mining equip
ment every where
After passing the houses, the
road takes a sharp right turn,
leaving the Little Nortli Fork
and following Opal Creek A1
though n is possible to contin
ue on this steep road another
Former Duck receives alumni athletic award
lint) Nr-wland, .it) All-Amcri
i(it) split I'lui lur OrrgnnS foot
ball tram in ltt70, is tin* rm ipi
flit u! tin) l.iiu If.irns Alumni
Athlrlii Award, Athlidn Dim
lur l.iin-nltis lam (Sisumiva an
niiunt i-tl 1 uisduy
Nnwlatul s% ill In' pri'simtml
will) tin' award at lialftimn dm
mg Saturday's garni'
l iii* award was nriguiatod by
Harris, thf lain fornii'r On-gori
athletU (iirvc lor, in riiw to r«a
ogm/e .m alumni htUrrman for
y«’i»r* of M'fVH t* and achieve
men! miu v graduation
New land was selm ted as Or
egon's must valuable player af
ter the 1070 season, was drat!
ed b\ New Orleans where ho
played for live years
Ntnvland has worked in sales
and has been president of
(«in 11 c; a u N e w I a n d Lumber
Company in Eugene lor the Iasi
MX ve ils He has served on the
hoard of directors of the (Jregon
Club of huge lie Springfield.
Kidsports and was an officer
with the Alumni Association
Newlund was also a first
team Pacific - H all-conference
selection as a senior and was
solei ted as the outstanding se
nior student athlete at Oregon
lor all sports in 1*171
milt! to .1 trail leading to an old
growth ml t edar grove, doing
so makes an easy trip much
more demanding
Nevertheless, anyone visiting
Jawbone Flats should at least go
just a few hundred yards past
the town to Opal Pool. .1 bril
liant green stretch of water, bor
dereti by moss-covered boul
ders along Opal Creek This
may he the most scenic spot of
the whole trip
The round trip distance from
the gate to ()pal Pool is only a
little over six miles, but allow
enough time to do a little ex
plormg in Jawbone Flats Re
member. to respect the privacy
of the residents, though Most
ate quite friendly and will usu
ally take the time to explain a
little hit about the mining oper
ation,, or as happened to me on
111 % last trip to the area, interest
ing stones about 20-mile cross
country ski trips in the winter
to get the mail
Jawbone Flats is at an elovu
lion of a!KHit 2,000 feel, so It is
typically passible for mountain
bikes up until about December
It can he hiked, snow shoed or
• kied throughout the year.
Hikers should, however, walk
their bikes through Jawbone
Flats, according to a sign post
ed at the visitor center
Kim ti ball
Monday. Ik! *’fl
.St otv I ***# u*t
N I’U) d Salmon Sturm 1. ' M'i
Stan. S d Hawaiian Style «UM 4/M3
Kaj'pa Sigma »' d ('.arioe 6f*er*
2^3Cb'M i
Sik Ep J d SeniHUe Artist*
ito <w'V. i
Mon da* . (SI in
.V orv ! tHt# u«
i*»iu lau l.WU d Phi Kappa P*i i'
Kappa Sigma - 1 Phi Kappa P*. *
lor h-.'JM
Ki)i I'd 7 Iveta (Ihi A i o/M1
t -»/ <j t % Outlmn d No Play
lor Uni. S!'
.%p,y«;?» d lntitm«uonaU mH i
SI l I>l \ IS • I AC LI n • s r AI I
7 lu '/ ’iiccinatioti
Inlluer. .1 v avcmations will be given .it the
student 1 Iralth (.'enter every \\ I I INI SI >A\
lilt KM'.Vi AND 1 IsIDA't IKOMHl^j m
in '> At ,i m beginning I k tober 2 drd and
continuing until the end or 1 dll term Only
one injection is needed
Students S3.50
lacultv and Staff $4.00
Annual tlu immunizations AKI Rlc t'M
Ml NDl A lor the following
Healths (vrsons 6S years or older.
2 Persons with long term heart or long
1 Persons with any ol the following lodnet
disease cystic fibrosjs, diabetes, anemia so
vere asthma, and conditions which compro
mise immune rin\ hanastn
a a :.i n.M i .e. :;;e MAI he given in pase-, wishing
la reduce their chance-. at catching the flu |s-isiin
a i >, : \ uie .-. nli.n aimmuiiitv svfvn.s, ami sta
dents er • -liters in scho- -Is or o dU ss
I or more mtomution, call the
Ml HIM III \1 HI t I \ H K
at Vlt- tilt
25% OFF Silver Rings
$1.00 OFF Posters
FREE Earring with Every Poster
Lazar's Bazar
Roch and Roll headquarters
b • \K A J\ • f>8 . 01 • -O \ .ijmcltr Sf • I 'tyi
B<jth •> i* jl .'-S Ji !'♦»*• 1;. • * nf -A' Mj|!
Hearing the Tibetan monks
ihan! is like stumbling on
some ms stern ms m«>untuin
wasem where the earth itself
is clearing its throat ITieir
remarkable sound, tbxnight to
arise onls trom the thnut ot a
pervm who has realized sell
less wisdom, is like nothing
else on this earth
tn asuianehe of deep. drawn-out
ntvtls. a bass woodwind note
married to a high sound like
uhimng mosquitoes ( smbals
clattered hie waves breaking on
a beach, and horns united like
trumpeting elephants
fhr V. t.rtc
& ,
November 10
7 p.m.
Tickets tJt7 V)00 or tl EMI Mut Dak