Report shows no decline in toxic emissions By ' a.. Batey Oreguns JO1) largo.'.! nidus!;, al firms reported U million pounds of Imii rius sums into Oregon ^ i nviron mini in Tint), according to a re search report released Tuesday In the Oregon Slate Public in terest Research ('.roup The report, which is based on the industry filings under the federal i ominutiitv right to know law, is ()S!‘IK(I s fourth annual summary of toxic re leases in the state OSI’IKt. has seen no n dm lions in toxic emissions suu e the first report Was released four years ago, said 'Quincy Sugarman, OSIMRd environ mriiSnl .iiivix .i(p \V> li.iv r not -<■•'11 i > -nil rt'ihit linn in 'a ,i-.!•• ; n : ■ it "Vr.lts Ur '.' ! lie t !■: 1 ■ ■ 0 poll-. Sugtirin.tiv s:|.i! S;Vu'.e > omp.iiiirs l\,r. re IVn . ■! lie; 1IM' ol i hl'CUl fl.ive 111.: Inilli eti lie : 'll ■ -<. r :!.! itriMM'd ihi’ir use t he I . IllH li to k:, . a ..Pa :: : . notisivlelit ni<'ss..>;i- to ,:! i.t: s the! A I in . I j : : t' .< • 1:, . sions ( lisnp.iii't - n , i .. ! irit .■.I roll'.isos in< rude ii, use ( i . i .till' I’iipri in s;1.!,, t\! I '.o in jt.t ii v tii \Vili i If t it-, i. ii ■ r 11'r. \ \m I I • : • ; jei ;ia ;: K ol 1 i. ! ,i in i". l l.ivv ri-ijum-'. :• firtt -- rtnplov 10 or (><•->;>!*■ .rnt) iminut.u tut.’ ‘I: in In.lHM) pounds pl*r a • ... ■ 1 ill>(Mi pounds pot ■> . l . ! .1 .. ' • ; l.‘! tiivil iv ,mn u.\I tt'pnrtx .ilM losing !hi» .|lln. if.! uf i hfiti: II .! >• rt-,, .ISI .) tilr mU iron . t;!- ; Ir.iMs; M .'.i .>f! site ■ ;s 1 r . 1‘Mt'l Mil- C )..r' ■ I.;. •s i o; -; | .. 0 ;.ni, S . i i; i IVN I > 11 * • I .Hi,1 j'.ivvs m tin.’ . uiinfry I,. m- . .imp inirs to ft* us on t >• ! . ■ i::I fit-1 r. lisi* of - lux H ‘o r" ; .).;•■ r.rt11• ■ r tIv,:; ..uiph , r< li im; .v:.. .. nil ni(is ( lSj ',R(. !.. ; i j .'it'ii r, !. '1 i’vilMi'! i * i■ i Or ;.' ;■'!'!'< , w ti .is -i !1 s i i Hn., Multicultural courses needed, author says By Carrie Dennett t:>' • T,i’i3 AsSOClitlO f ciltOf Residents ot Oregon live in .1 primarily while stale Only H percent of ihe stale's popula lion consists of people of color However, this homogeneity is not representative ot the rest of the I,'nited States, ami I ’m vorsitv students must prepare to live in a country that is lie coming more anti more diverse, said Dr Ronald Takaki. profes sor of ethntr studies at fterke lev "One-third of the people of the United States are people ot color,' he said "This society will witness a time when whites are the minority of Un people in the United States of America Takaki told a t rowd of more than 100 people Tuesday that ■the t tmersity iifi’iis .m i i!i •. live i urrir ultim hirst; tin- ! 'toy••rsitv sin>ui.i •oWcr.ii curriculum retie fun; tin' presence lit tivmuntus m United States Second. al though Oregon itself nut \r!\ diverse, manv University stu lictlls will • ■ vi■ ls11;-111 v tiu.'.i !u ett ns with a mi in • 11 iy it '.i1 ;.. . illation Tiikaki Sitnl Ami-rii an history usually Ini uses on tin- ai hieve merits of kurnpean ilcsi rn ditnls. leaving out \fri< a. Vaa Sou I h A iniir ica anti N a 11 n Amcrii ans What yv r are !■ m A mg i. I| : merely a more ai i urate histo ry lie s.ini W i are m it tall, mg atmut political i orrectiu •• . we ate talking aisiut the truth lie i ritici/eii the t *ni\ er -.|ty . rai e am! gender t nurse n ijuire men! as being y ague "It's a good tiling people out Dr Ronald Takaki !!■ ()!'.' n ! :i ! ► a Hus ri-quirctui-ii!. l»-i ,iu l.lugjl.ihji'," In: s«ilil It i ■ rylhinn .mil .m\ ihing ■mil it iiumiis nothing •ibuut si- It's ms c\ on it. ET ALS mb i:m;s I hr jap 4U I ii liini;i' and I Bathing fli'lif am ■ . ' ► ij -i: •* - • aft in k.-matjonal mmi'.i.'in today tuiu\ 2 H> to 4 !' .n the i V; i. .s j j \M> f- r ft SludttnU lot t mtiml N 4tt>nik l N m <. •••" • ; night at • .Ml Ky ' 1 VV... , I .. . 4 . K.M ' r ■ Mm Again*! Ka|>«- >* t Ml Hoaid ol IJhm tin* a < Studi-nt him \iimm mIkxi *» -• ' Ml Ku.iin 1-Irt ( *-»"H (*».; 4*4 *««''. f Pi (. amnia Mu a * Ntuiv i'ai du Amu m an Nludnnt l ntiMt l *>l!«•*;*- K**|Htblw ant a -< > t> AO if; i h« KMi Maple R rn < 144 : in.I !;■• .XI- -«• | j|unrt*' Student Organ i/ahon w. >da> a l 4 MO ft II. if; r.Mu Caudal K • a. 4**4 'lO« luf fi' it.i tn:ah t. [Ml Board of Dirnlor* :* t ymmiiun m«*rt lht.ri>d*»y. I >f l H a i m> pm m KMl. i x-nmry Kooin H t-a *4t> .17 20 ! f rn-. :« iftlof rrut;-m International Sludrnl Ami* laltun a. >11 at ■ ii thr -M. t Ko ' i »4»> 4 ifl ’ 1 : rr.ofo t. NPKAK f.KS 'The I uitviil (irutt m (.rttalia' «* line ! a *}.*?« h by ZiaU:; PiKxtomk, a k«* • j ' ’ •»! • .»< ".. . today n 15 a *r. ... I* AO j> m if< Room 1 2 > Pa. t Ii ha! i » 4»» 4‘* ?» h • • • • *: uifcnm*Uoft I niter tilt Owlcl*air Prmji j SO UdANlA )l, S Bantu I R ai a . or. v . ou *n*?>h ■: at f.^ by «»t wiil on.*M '• m KMl X. *i»3 2tJ?S for imint infofRuiuoct Classifiods 346-4343 \|>|'U ll's 111 I JIHl *Vl >».»».I » i MM l H irnldlhiM lii-Klim; lti«- f.jIU-v* me . n«n|>4iM< ( . m*w|» lllrrliim ‘ mi as K m \ ' • 4i< < Pi-4 11 n I >», dun .!«• i-nu-»il • '» M J i 111 I". • • < l* nl Mj,i U4-1 ( I , L n ,i I 1 IVei 4i- J Si him Sugiirinan s.iui OSt’lKii now w .mis Id l.iki toxti > usr rniui Hon Id I hr Irdrr.i! level The i utnnnimlv Ktghl In Mum Mon' Ai I of 1 ‘HI 1, w tiu !i is i ur rentlv in front'd! ('nngruss. woulii expand reporting on emissions and mpiirr planning bv individual luvio umts fur ' iv ii s uMi ml in l uni EAR PIERCING FOR MEN Duck Tails Hair Salon Ground Moor I ML 343-8219 In this Marine Corps officer's program, you follow your major before you follow ours. A < ollege major leaves you little time to minor in anything else' So how do you t><‘( ome an attic er in the United States Marine* fVw/A it you want to concentrate on your major tx'fore you devote your undivided attention to one of ours* Join the Marine Corps’ PL C (Platoon 11‘cider s Class) program, where all your training takes place in the summer The kind of training that will really test your ability It you want to become an otticer in the Marine Corps join the PI Cprogram And this summer you can change majors Marines* The hen. The Proud. The Marine*.V’ Captain Edgmgton will be at the EMLJ on the 30th S 31st ot October Develop Your Own Halloween Memories WITH PHOTO SPECIALS AT THE UO BOOKSTORE 12 EXPOSURE 3x5 $1.99 4x6 $2.99 15 EXPOSURE 3x5 $2.99 4x6 $3.99 24 EXPOSURE 3x5 $3.99 4x6 $5.99 36 EXPOSURE 3x5 $5.99 4x6 $8.99 13th A Kincaid 346 4331 M F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00*6