Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page 1
to solve the Palestinian problem while sltll build
mg new settlements and biking in immigrants
from thr Sovii't Union." Klgharabli said "Israels
.K lions arc going ihn opposite way of solving
/IV.id Alxiessulam. a graduate student who was
born and raised in Baghdad aher ins family find
Itn \\ I si Bank, said III' lielieves Israelis and Pales
Uhlans have different views of what pence is
Then* is a big gap between the definition of
.-peace between Israelis and Palestinians
Ahdessaiim said There is not a common
ground, no commonplace definition I still see
that Israel is ignoring Palestinian self-doturminu
(mil and ignoring the representatives of Palestine
ll'.i . an big lies k.ides to reaching any define
t nm ill peat e
Kigharahh noted, however. there is a move in
Arab i.o iiilrles and within Israel to recognize the
.. I'.ittimn v id ea< I; other and move toward .1
peal ef 111 a n existent e
There is a big movement among Israelis and
Pali - ttnians wtio want to peacefully co exist,
Klgharabli said "I see more people in that area
who Wan! In live in peace The process of a
■ ii.mge doesn't conic t|Ul« klv ‘sis pessimistic
I'e.-iing 1 nines front the fact that tile government
. ' itltn.i!htlg Isr.tel is tint looking for peace 'I bis
; eminent IS not a part of these people
■Israeli Prime Mine ter Yitzhak Shamir's held
, .tie statu e toward PaleslitM' isiontratv to the at
iiiiidt of many Israeli a w -, Klgharabli said
Phil Zut kerman. t o-dinn tor of the Jewish Stu
dent I boon. agrees then* is a gap between the alti
to j. S of the Israeli goveminent and some ol the
1 it iz.cn »
P< aie movements among Jews within Israel
itc hiding protests against the Israeli occupation
I ihi Uoi Bat » .ire comm<>ri iM.curnmr.es
II d kermati. who also sees little reason to he
. Ip 11 mist is itKiut tile talks
sc* nation > at' always a step in the right di
rer hill! fie said f ile (.it t that Aral) countries
ate going lo sit down with Israel is a good sign,
tin! 11 doesn't . - > Ue Shamir is in a peaceful
frame of mind
\ peaceful resolution to the Aral) Israeli con
diet calls lor both countries to compromise,
Klgharabli and Zuckutman said
I would like to see an end to Israeli settle
ments m the West Bank and an end to the Arab
tiov< oil of Israel, economically and politically.
Zut kerman said "There needs to be a mutual re
sper t As an American Jew, I'm willing to say
■Palestine, yes.1 but I need to hear them say Isr.i
el. \ es
Klgharabli also sees mutual respect and rta.og
nit 1 ;i as the only hope lor a peaceful future
Pi .e. ■ doe .n l 1 nine by hoping lor it, but rather
by working for it by being willing to pay the
prii 1 !,ii it,' Klgharabli said I'he price lor
1, . lor Israel, is to give up Ca/a and the West
Bank I he Palestinian price is to recognize Isra
: j'h.irybli I.o V moved from the West Batik
Klbvu after the V\ I >a\ War ol I'M. .0 wo h
e l capture.! t. West Bank But Ke w 1 1
In allowed to return and live there now he s.o.i
Klgharabli pi.ms to live tn the United States in
: : llcte-lv, fe.lt '.. in W . . Id . ke : '
Palestinian state to go home So "
Leaders urge Arabs,
Israelis to end old feuds
MADKHJ, Spain (API President Bush and
Mikhail Gorbachov urged Middle Last antago
nists on the eve of a historic poace conference
to pul aside .me:Hint feuds and "m l responsibly
with groat understanding " Israel and Palestin
ians made last-minute declarations of good in
A senior Palestinian official signaled now
flexibility on Tuesday, endorsing negotiations
for autonomy within the occupied territories,
as Israel has demanded, rather than immediate
And Israel said i! would participule in the
talks despite attacks on ils soldiers in Lebanon
and on settlors in the Israeli-occupied West
“Let's jus) open the conference and start
working," Gorbuchov said al a joint news con
ference with Hush at the Soviet Embassy
Promised Bush We are here to he a catalyst
There was an air of suspense and anticipa
tion as the world awaited the lirst M ideas!
peace conference in nearly two decades and
the first-ever .direct, formal negotiations among
Israel and all her Arab neighbors, including
the Palestinians
Bush and Gorbachev, cosponsors of- the c on
(creme, will convene the meeting on Wednes
day The actual negotiations, il they stay on
truck, could stretch into months or even years
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir has
offered the Ai.ib nations peace after -1,1 years ol
conllict, but has ruled out relinquishing tern
lory The Arabs are insisting that thev recover
the West Bank, tIn/a and the Golan Heights,
winch lsrai'l won in the l‘)i>7 six-dav war
Shamir has also offered limited self-rule tur
Palestinians who in a polit y shift seem to he
edging away from demands of irnmudiate state
Shamir, arriving in Madrid, said Israel
would partic ipate in the conference despite at
tacks this week on its soldiers in Lebanon and
Us settlers in the West Bank Three Israeli sol
dters and two Jewish settlers were killed.
' Some might have expected that in the face
of this terror Israel would not attend the con
ference," Shamir said ' But despite this vio
lence, our quest for peace is unrelenting ”
In Beirut, meanwhile, a rocket fired from a
hillside blasted the wall of the U S Emlwssy
compound. There was no immediate claim of
responsibility. Iranian and Arab radicals had
promised to attack targets of the United States
and others involved in the peace c onferonce
In Madrid. Luisal Husseini, loader of a group
of advisers accompanying the Palestinian dele
gation, said the Palestinians hoped to secure
an agreement for autonomy within Israeli oc
cuplod territories as a stepping stone to an in
dependent stale That state, he added, would
later join in a confederation with Jordan
Israel rejects the idea of an independent Pa!
estmian state, but agrees to the idea of Pales
tinian cnnfcdetation with Iordan with whom
the Palestinians are partic iputiog in a joint del
egation in Mach id
Student Volunteers
UO Preview Day
(an open house for prospective students and their families)
Saturday, November 16,1991
Interested students should call the Office of Admissions, 346-3201 by November 11.