DECLINE Continued from Page 1 The unexpected decline in student enrollment can be traced to specifti segments of the student tx>dv Among continuing students. Oregon resident enrollment is down 7 )1) I he number''of non resident freshmen also de clined. down to 8*12 from H71 last fall Drops ol 2IM4 and .12 7. respec tively. occurred among stu dents previously enrolled in programs being phased out in the College of Human. Develop ment' arid Performance and in the College of Education Brand said that anecdotal and other information gathered by informal telephone polling of students who did not return seems to indicate that uncer tainty about the state of higher education in Oregon was a key factor in their decision to leave the University Brand said many of these stu dents have dropped out of school temporarily to find a job and save money to go Isick to school at a later time. "Others, as reflected by bulg ing enrollments at most of Ore gun's community colleges, ap parently have chosen an educa tional route less costly to them, hut more costly to the state." Brand said Two areas that showed an in crease in enrollment were mi nority and international stu dents Enrollment of minority students climbed from l.iOUto 1 ,(>)>() Enrollment of students from foreign countries grew from 1.2)1)1 to i.II7)1 More state students flood community colleges By Kevin Tripp Emerald Conlnbutof All bui iwi) of tho stale's community college* mw a riso In thu number of Iirst week enrollment* iliis fall despite a sharp drop In stu dent enrollment at Oregon’s state universities. The overall rise In thu state's lt> community col legos from the same time last year was more than eight percent, adding up to 99,468 total students, according to a report released this month by the State Board of Kduca tion’s Office of Community Education Services. Locally, Lana Community College saw a 10 percent jump for a total enrollment of 9.400 Some community colleges showed evon more dramatic increases in first-week en rollment: Southern Oregon Community Collogo experi enced a leap of 43 percent, resulting in a student popu lation of 2.831; enrollment at Columbia Gorge Commu nity College increased to 1,025, u 24 percent jump. Dale Parnell, commission er of the Office of Communi ty College Services, said the recent risu in university tui tion was one reason conunu nity colleges have seen such .1 dramatit population in crease "I think cost is tin; highest factor,” he said, adding that a Urge number of students transfer to universities after completing community col lege Parnell said there t.s no question in hts mind about the possible correlation be tween the rise in community college and decrease in state university enrollment '1 think thu word is get ting around that you can get a good education fat u com muntty college).” he said Parnell said thero ts un in creased interest in technical fields that don't require edu cation beyond community college, such ns nursing. Randa Law, an Employ rnent and Training Spot ialist at LL‘C. sees a trend toward dislocated workers, or even employed workers, seeking additional training to un banco their present work skills However, increases in class demand have i mated space shortages "There's always a waiting list for our program." Law said "Trying to stretch the facilities is definitely u chal lenge." OUR WEDNESDAY SPECIAL: tkes^V CONTIN^ ONE TOPPING ~ — MEDIUM PIZZA Get a medium 12” one ingredient Pizza for ONLY $5.95. Additional ingredient 75t. Why settle for less...than the BEST!?! CALL US FOR FAST. FREE DELIVERY: 484-2799 * ? TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin • Eugene. Oregon • 484-2799 (bet:nfi Daily PO HO* J*W f IX*CNt 0*100*97*03 ?>•„ ■ 04/y I -wad! * i«> *Avxfcty tfvtx.g*' > r*Jm >)vi' !> vhool ,*m ■ '.» *1 I w»4lay>v«J ,T.Nj»vlrty d • ”■"*» *tM‘Tvr«r C*y r-oQr*Qor> Oft > f . ■>. ■!;•< . *1 th* l*v>«r»4Y Qtego- l 0«v>>'’ !»** { -mm ;|*J 'Op«K«!«» '».k»v>*»f'* ?«»■ '> U# '-’Mi* lk''«wi *> * !*> O" * «* «! •' ’« .*^HD p! ,!'*« t rt> M.r -■ -» U» »»' .v»5 « 4 o» !*'« A*«x:wti<*.1 »’•*■' t*>»» | —cy,v*J -i; pr^jp^rTy 1 ■'« wf*-.**’ '»**'• > • rtf iV ■■■'*» >'’ fwt{W* * ' •’*»?■ *» :>y ->* Idrtor x*Ch»»l < ’'-v. v'mm lUvr Manning I amor f (totorutt t d»to» Gr»f>h*' • I ditor ( nt«f1ainm«rtt I cffto# 1 t I ilitof Mil I cMot Sfjortft t dftor Night I dator lKy» JiiMi I irt J IWa'y!' T rappo AtftOChfttC ( anors Community >.1»«(iA > Student Gav«rnm*nt Activity* Kv » >r 1 *. .-o M*gh«f I (kKAtwrv Administration u"w ['••'"Wl tUfvuHs's lAr- '-y Hat ay D*e»v«J Chart**''**!' Dw-n t l/£»r«t»1 J** iX'y '•4V' * ACWptSM\3 fc ' V**' i Ai l *4 Ml HOptt Nurti%atV. 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