aunted Happenings f*t>OlO t*y Alttjrc BackSlage on Broadway employees show just what Halloween is all about, as they dress up to oiler pa Irons costumely advice. Costume creativity comes to life Whether one becomes Captain Hook, Scarlett O'Hara, Buzz the Bum blobee or Sam the Spud, the trick to Halloween dressing is to come as you aren't and treat your&etf to a little fantasy Halloween is a groat time to be something or someone you vo always dreamed of being, and have fun getting away with I ■ i d i or Woes!e. manager i;f Bat kStago on Bro.vlw.ty, the costume store downtown that carries over 120 different outfits from the historic ,tl ana hystern ai to tt •• tantastn and •. • • y But what's really turning H i ioween into a scream is how people are steering away from tradition and t,v: ng up with their own weird a on w.c ky origi nal costume ideas At Back St i .je :i" idw iy they ve had someone going a an undertaker and a couple pa r ing up as a sheik and a camel And at the Chazpro Fam.ty Fun Shop, just two bloc ks down from campus, college students are going for the bizarre and flam boyant According to Chuck Leach, owner of Chazpro Family .Fun Shop, the guys dig the mad sci entistcrazed maniac took while the gals prefer something a I the more glamorous in the likes of a soufhern belle, showgirl or a flapper But nol everyone comes in wrth a definite idea about what they want to be That's when the staff steps in and lends a helping hand About 90 percent of the time our customers don't exactly know where they're heading, Leach said We help them real ize their fantasy with sugges tions on what would took good " We try to make it a tun activ ity, afferall, that's what the spirit of Halloween is all about," Woeste said, pointing out that even her staff dresses up to get everyone into the All Hallows mood But if you realty want to stand out and look different, a little make-up and accessories can do wonders. “Depending on how elaborate you want 1o took, a little simple and effectively applied make up or the right accessories, such as a wig or a mask, can set you apart from all the rest," Woeste said. Ai Chazpro f amity f un Shop, masks are the specialty, with over 100 varieties to pick from Check out the current lavorite a wead giant eye mask Fancy as it all sounds, it doesn't cost much to look your ghoulish best The average costume costs anywhere from SIM to $60, and accessories go for under $10 at RuckStage on Broadway You also get tree adv-i e on make up, and if you want your make up done tor you, be sure to make an appointment one day in ad van. .* B i kStage on Broadway, located at 41 W Broadway, . opened Irom 9 90 .i m to 6 p m Monday through Saturday Cha/pro I amity I un Shop can help you piece your costume together tor $10 to $15 Ma-.ks range from 95 cents (basic hat! masks) to $80 tor the morn e' tb orate . Spooky party deco rat sue) as .pider wet tom!)'.tones pats and begs are ai .a sold The store located at oCt E 13th Ave is open from 10 a m to ii p m M induy , in t i day tfr/i i,’ /A Jr i;>i , *» * & f v Tune into nature! Make paper from plants gathered in the fields IVipermdkin^ II .,ui> \m>,v ,,,K. ^ 10 U) ,im 12 '0 pm \o\ 2 & If' s 15 mi-mtvr'. >! S non-nKTntvrs toi more inhumation confOc f fhe i MU Cfcifl Confer 346 4361 f We ve got |ust what you need for halloweei 1880 M11 »i • 70S Sautfi S»n«a 2035 fH*rRo*l-110 Ej* 118i 28» Room* BM SOI »ter, SprrgM • 2389 Oympt Sprrgta) 172 GMnay COUqe dro* \ idn( S.nrljir\ I r>HT*HC. »V<£ l i.', *;/ ♦' M01V-S4I TO 10. sunwiS^. !&£l)2717:yVittttnWic St. 34$ Oft ANY HO or MAOAZIM w ith this .id exp. 12 1 91 OPENING NOV. 4TH FOOD VALUE *960 F-ar* " B .n : ose tc la^Ous CDen 5a"- - ":r" i L U BANK r -* ' r L ^ r* IP M PEPSI COLA 6 ; * '2 0/ c»»n*. 79 Quality Checked YOGURT 3/89c Budweiser BEER f ull Cav '! 1?,i/ ■ i" COUPON % p Henry Womhard BEER ' . I f I. •• •• . MD TISSUE 79c y 3KP a1N1N|JA| THUR OCT 31 comm CONTEST PLUS ALL CONTESTANTS WILL RECEIVE A FREE SCANDAL S COSTUME JUDGING STARTS AT 11 P.M.