I SWINGERS FREE food ^*8 pin M-F L;i ' M,ii„ si 7 <7 0:107 /| • I’l# —i. I V ^ PCotnf »n io( out iftnllft 0\nn«'t, J»Oo?4 *25 ir,f WHERE THE EXCITEMENT IS NEVER DEAD -4> PLEASE I)KIVE SAFELY THIS HALLOW FES! aunted Happenings Halloween video thrills abound So ' ero s the assignment Write about some good videos tor Halloween Well, I could just do .1 top-ten list with movros themed around mo holiday That’s easy enough I d just start with :■ © ' jo (or is it sii?) Halloween movies and move on to -. hat l i-r burned She falls in love with i- a hi - - tin )©{j .' r , »• s w-edd • g nigh! Realty . ■ il effect md hiianou nent " ' j* .jt rr-aki.- ” , great enter tamment A - S sifu F W f.f j-nai, i cry 1 ©nt via sof b't ,j ,t story D/arro scary, atmos .ihypnotii: This is a sn'ent tiim that takes ' • i t. .mf a jo of th© lac k of d a ague, coneentraling n md and almost perfectly creating its own world 6 Psycho The granddaddy of all slasher leeks No, r«aiiy Take a look at 't Th© only differ ence is that modern horror movies that rip it oft leave out everything that made it good There s very little gore here but oodles of suspense and ter ror 5 Fright Night — A nifty old-fashioned horror movie about a young man who suspects his next door neighbor of being a vampire Of course no one believes him and he turns to Roddy McDowell, a Vincent Price type TV horror movie host-'actor. to help him keep the block safe Treated with a good dose of setf-etacmg humor, this is a model for quali ty modern horror pictures 4 lNicker Man Since Halloween is a pagan holiday,-it scorns appropriate to include a movie celebrating,the pys of pagane.m The imaginative • fy • igvoives a group of people perfectly-hap py in their sexually permissive society Their lives are disrupted-by the investigation of a missing girl try a de.'u.t atho ic investigator There's plenty of opportunity to question the truth religion has to oiler m this incredibly engrossing film, 3 Silonca ol the lambs — The new choice as • Cinema s most terrifying movie may well be this Jonathan Demme masterpiece Not only is the sus pense created as deftly as has over been done, but the acting and dialogue between Jodie Poster and the frightening Anthony Mopkms nears perfection Anyone who says they can't be scared should see 2 Thtiatro of Blood Boueva it or not, critics are rot im-versa y behoved Vincent Price plays a V tkespea'can actor who doesn't handle criticism W-- H way of de i - g w-th • , by killing critics off one at a time, recreate j death scenes from some of his favorite plays The bn ant Diana R.gg plays his daughter, who t cips (lad on his mission. I urn to \ ll>l <). I’.e,- Mi MIDDLE EASTERN 8. MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE LUNCH • DINNER • CATERING 19th & Agate 683-6661 YOU ARE INVITED TO OUR... / PARTY Thursday, Oct. 31 8:30—5:30 p.m. Cane sec our amadng dkplav of vary UNUSUAL PUMPKIN t FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS All "orations’ are original by our staff £>BE A JUDGE Help duxtse the Ix-st carved puntfikin g ni i|/ un im. i ui mi JJU ^REFRESHMENTS I In ckU r. cookies, [xyxxm g>PRIZES (till nTti/katcs. fhral arrwu)tTnnits. plants. ‘Eugene's flower Home f i-% i-i I Instmmiw C^I/\no I 610 E. 13th & Pattereon • 485-3655 • drive-in parking France Photo Fall Has Fallen... FILM SPECIAL Fry Kodak s new films: Ektachrome 10()x-36oxp. Hi,' •- ‘ir. fails l<. Ektar 100-‘24exp. R.‘K M 35. $075 Kail* Lij U Buy • Sell • Trade France Photo " 1330 Willamette • 343-2816 Sam’s on Campus Sandwiches Wdt' me Back Neve ami Returning Students' Daily Lunch Special: $ J99 Now serving Soup & Salad ‘ 5 .ik \ 4r»*