Oregon Daily t, ’ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30. 1991 HALLOWEEN SUPPLEMENT Carving Catastrophe F V»rfji.'t about or ail those pumpkin n ippy •,rt^. o it there who //.fit i rs /, .r ! proved way to r i'vn orange i.’m . try ora* of the .e if!• •. i• How r.arving just be tow the •. jrl-it e with out .1' v.a"y f rttir g .11 tiii> way through I ha. way. you're designing the t.w.u on the " in of the pumpkin, g . • j j. ;| below the surface. '.aid Janet CaVert, horns economist at the Lane County f uteris on Se'V Mr that Seem* a bit ‘ O •.:r*lplt• ’ ow at iu! using other vi*g«;fab.i". and tootf’p* : g 1'-.." or to the purr ; - • • i» face '.11v*■ rt suggested . .mg r arrot ro.r I ‘o' eyes if I gr.. popper- ‘or im" Be r. treat-ve as y ... w.r'f After